We were trying to come up with a crown for one of our daughter’s costumes this year… I considered this one over at Amazon but, while I was debating due to the cost, it went out of stock. Decision made! She was on her own to come up with something and I was absolutely amazed at her creativity and results.
Here is what she used:
Cardboard (she used the box from the Sonicare toothbrushes I had just purchased)
Spray Bottle of Water
Old Ping Pong Ball
Fleur de Lis Silicone Mold
4 Yards of 4mm Pearl Trim
Brown Paint
Gold Paint
This YouTube Video was her inspiration!

O God, who made the Mother of your Son to be our Mother and our Queen, graciously grant that, sustained by her intercession, we may attain in the heavenly Kingdom the glory promised to your children.
Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for us!
Wow! That is beautiful!
That looks amazing! Your daughter is very talented!
Oh My!!!! This crown is amazing! Your daughter is very creative with an artistic gift. It is such fun to create your own costume from items around the home and with ideas from inside your mind. She did a wonderful job on her crown. ~Debbie
Great creativity!
Chiquita is a talented young lady. God Bless.
What a nice job
So talented.
That looks amazing! And it’s so much better than the one from Amazon!
Absolutely beautiful! I hope she can put her artistic talents to good use for the Church in the future. 🙂