Back to the Mountain for Another Ski Day
by Jessica | Feb 1, 2022 | Ski |

Following our Family Ski Trip to Schweitzer Mountain Resort at the beginning of January, five of our children have continued weekly ski lessons each Wednesday with a homeschool group. The lessons are at 9AM and they have to arrive at the village at least an hour before, so they are usually out the door between 5:30-6AM to make the drive. Sean has been taking them each week since I had been sick. Following lessons they usually take a lunch break and then ski until about 2:00, then head back to town for the boy’s Wednesday evening hockey practice. It’s a full day and they all sleep well Wednesday nights!
This past week he had meetings and asked me to take them up for lessons. I was planning to pack along my laptop and work in the lodge while they skied. (Unfortunately our 16 year old has been having some more knee issues – she had dislocated both knees year before last, different knee each incident – so she took the last two weeks off to let her knees rest and stayed home to study and watch the babies.) I checked my email one last time before bed on Tuesday night and realized that Sean had been assigned to chaperone lessons… The great thing about chaperoning is you then get to ski (full mountain lift ticket included!!) you just have to have your own equipment or rent at a discount. Sean had been asked to be added to the chaperone list and had finally gotten assigned on the day he couldn’t make it… He encouraged me to chaperone in his place and ski with the kids, but I was pretty much terrified after how I felt last time. He kept reminding me that I was coming down sick last time, that this time would be easier, and to just stick with helping with our youngest son’s class.
The four older ones have all been in a class together, but this week (Scout) our 14 year old son got moved up to the top class and headed up to ski some of the black diamonds! Apparently hockey is an excellent preparation for skiing. Bud’s instructor ended up having a small enough class so he didn’t need any extra help so that left me to ski on my own from 9:00-10:30. It was actually really great!
I also spotted our little guy headed up to the mountain for his very first blue (intermediate) run!
The fog lifted for a little while in the morning and it was so gorgeous. When the kids all finished their lessons they talked me into heading to the top with them too! “You can do it, Mom!”
The cloud layer kept shifting and on our second time up the mountain we were above the clouds. It was amazing! There is also another restaurant up there at the top that I want to come back to with Sean sometime. I did get just a bit claustrophobic heading back down through that dense cloud but thankfully I could see the kids in front of me, if nothing else!
My FitBit ended up registering 281 active minutes and 4,871 calories burned. Maybe if I can find a way to continue going up with them I can somehow get back into shape. What a workout! And this time, despite moving up from beginner to some intermediate runs and skiing longer, it really was a “good sore” the next couple days. Whew!
“Every day that passes, I fall more desperately in love with the mountains… I am ever more determined to climb the mountains, to scale the mighty peaks, to feel that pure joy which can only be felt in the mountains.”
– Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Does Grace ski or are the lessons just Chiquita–Bud? My mom grew up with a mountain cabin in Washington State and skied every weekend Thanksgiving through Mother's. She taught ski lesson all the way through high school is college to pay for her lift tickets. Years ago we were able to go back where she skied with most of that side of her family and honor my Oppa "Big Frank" who was the master skier in the family. Our family now has a log cabin on a lake that we've had since 2000 and it is my most favorite place in the world. My brother is a good skier from going on trips with friends but growing up in NC is not ski country so I am your basic baby skier….I'd rather stay in the lodge with a good book and some hot cocoa 🙂
What a fun childhood for your mom and your cabin on the lake sounds lovely!
It's Twinkle Toes-Bud! I guess I haven't mentioned that only two returned to the college for spring semester! ♥ The homeschool lessons are for ages 6-18 so Grace hasn't skied yet but she can't wait to try. She actually got to try ice skating for the first time on Sunday afternoon when her older brother grabbed some skates for her and took her out on the ice in between his two hockey games!
Well skiing is something I will NEVER do, not because I wouldn't want to but because I'm not going anywhere where skiing is available and because I have too many joint problems and bad knees. The pictures are great and the scenery is GORGEOUS. Only God could create such beauty. Y'all are truly an inspiring family. Every blessing and grace to y'all.
Your comments about homeschool coop made me wonder: Does St. Joan of Arc have a school? Do they want one? I would love it if my FSSP parish had a school, even though I homeschool, but I don't see that happening any time soon!
Many years ago, we lived close to the NM and Colorado border. We went on a ski trip with friends to Wolf Creek and our then 5 year old daughter was able to be part of the "Wolf Pups" ski instruction. She loved it! (I stayed in the lodge with the 2 year old and drank hot chocolate!)
So glad you got a repeat and got to enjoy it this time. Love all of the pics!
What a fun trip! I love seeing your older kids home and enjoying being home. I remember when I found your blog (15 years ago maybe?) And your older kids were so small! We do not have fssp here in Maine. We have a small chaplancy for the Latin Mass but it's difficult to attend and they only offer two masses. I love seeing your brother in law skiing!