Aug 8th is the traditional feast of St. John Vianney, patron of parish priests and confessors, and one of our youngest daughter’s patron saints! We were blessed to be able to venerate his incorrupt heart while I was pregnant with her.
I pulled out a couple picture books to read and picked up some Orecchiette to make for dinner! Orecchiette from the Italian orecchia, meaning “ear”, and -etta, meaning “small” is a variety of pasta from southern Italy. Its name comes from its shape, which resembles a small ear.
“St. John Vianney was especially known for his gift as a confessor. He drew thousands of penitents to line up, sometimes days in advance, to experience what many recalled as his ability to see into the deepest recesses of the soul. For this humble priest who was known to hear confessions for up to 16 hours a day, the ear pasta seems a fitting symbol.” – from Catholic Cuisine contributor Mary Machado

You can find my August book list here which includes many books about St. John Vianney. I especially love John Mary Vianney: The Holy Cure of Ars and A Story of Saint John Vianney (also available from TAN).

Prayer for Priests by St. John Vianney
God, please give to your Church today many more priests after your own heart. May they be worthy representatives of Christ the Good Shepherd. May they wholeheartedly devote themselves to prayer and penance; be examples of humility and poverty; shining models of holiness; tireless and powerful preachers of the Word of God; zealous dispensers of your grace in the sacraments. May their loving devotion to your Son Jesus in the Eucharist and to Mary his Mother be the twin fountains of fruitfulness for their ministry. Amen.
St. John Vianney, pray for us!
It’s nice to see a blog post from you! I’ve been hoping for updates on your beautiful family. I remember when your youngest was born. It sure doesn’t seem like four years ago!
Hoping you’re all well and happy!
Nice seeing a new post. I enjoy your blog posts so much.
It is nice hearing from you. God Bless
Glad to see a new post.
What a joy to see a new post! We have all missed you and yours very much. And how wonderful to see these books about beloved St. John Vianney – can’t wait to find them – thank you!