We love illuminating our faith on All Hallows’ Eve with Saint-O-Lanterns! This year the kids came up with carvings to celebrate St. Florian’s courage, honor the Blessed Sacrament, share the beauty of Carmelite roses, as well as a purr-fect tribute to St. Gertrude. 🎃🙏🌹🐾
This past week I shared a reel over on Instagram but wanted to update the blog with a few pictures too.

I didn’t manage to capture many pictures of the process this year. I did pitch in by printing a couple templates and other images used for inspiration. Other than that, they took charge of the preparations and did all the carving themselves. The little girls loved having their older siblings help them with their Saint-O-Lanterns.

Flower of Carmel by Twinkle Toes & Joy
O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine,
splendor of Heaven, holy and singular,
who brought forth the Son of God, still remaining a pure virgin,
assist us in our necessity!
– Opening prayer of Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Saint Gertrude’s Cat by Ranger, Scout & Grace
Saint Gertrude of Nivelles is often associated with being the patron saint of cats, not because she loved cats, but on account of her ability to expel mice. The Catholic Encyclopedia explains, “She is also patron of travelers, and is invoked against fever, rats, and mice, particularly field-mice.”

Saint Florian by Bud (11)
Saint Florian is considered the patron saint of firefighters due to a legendary story where he saved a town from a fire.

The Blessed Sacrament by Rose (13)

To view more, scroll through our past Saint-O-Lanterns!
Stunning! I’m talking about the amazing pumpkins AND your beautiful family – my how everyone has grown! Next All Hallows’ Eve the grandkids and I will give this a try, you make it look easy. We’ll see….!
Great job on these lovely pumpkins. Thank You for sharing
The children are very talented. The pumpkins are beautiful
What lovely pumpkins. The children did a first rate job. God Bless