I know it’s last minute, but I wanted to quickly share the 18 NEW All Saints Guessing Jars and Labels that I came up with and made for this year! I think that puts it up to about 80 options between these and all the others that can be found in the archives over the years.
Here is the link to all of my FREE All Saints Party Printables!

I have way too much fun trying to connect saints with treats! During my usual grocery shopping trips during October I wander the snacks and candy isles trying to come up with new ideas.

“Are there any saints who would work for Teddy Grahams or Gummy Bears???”
…. google search…. I found three options right away… Perfect!
St. Gall: “The most popular story about St Gall says that once he was travelling in the woods of what is now Switzerland. One evening he was sitting down warming his hands at a fire. A bear emerged from the woods and charged. The holy man rebuked the bear, so awed by his presence it stopped its attack and slunk off to the trees. There it gathered firewood before returning to share the heat of the fire with St Gall. The legend says that for the rest of his days St Gall was followed around by his companion the bear.”
St. Corbinian: (The bear featured on Pope Benedict XVI’s papal coat of arms, known as St. Corbinian’s Bear.) “The bear figures in a legend about St. Corbinian, an 8th-century bishop of Freising, in Bavaria. The story goes that, while Corbinian travelled along a road to Rome, a bear jumped out of a wood and killed Corbinian’s pack-horse. The saintly bishop reprimanded the bear and forced him to carry his pack the rest of the way to Rome. The bear has remained a traditional symbol of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising, and was featured on Joseph Ratzinger’s episcopal coat of arms as head of that archdiocese, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and finally pope.”
St. Olcese: “Legend says that a bear once killed one of a pair of oxen that were pulling a cart of building materials for St. Olcese. The bear then turned to attack Olcese, but the saint blessed the bear, made the sign of the cross over it, and the animal took the place of the ox it had just killed. The bear and the remaining ox then hauled the materials to the site where Olcese used them to build a church.”

Almond Joy… Yum! Any way to tie those to a saint? How about St. Philip Neri who is the Patron Saint of Joy! “A joyful heart is more easily made perfect than a downcast one.”- St. Philip Neri
I’ve used the Pink & White Flower Cookies for St. Therese The Little Flower, but they also work for St. Rose, Patron of Florists! The Fleur de Sel Caramels that we’ve used for St. Joan of Arc also work for St. Dennis of Paris, Patron of France.
Salt Water Taffy? Perfect for Stella Maris, Our Lady Star of the Sea!

Sometimes I’ll start with a certain saint that I would like to add and read through their symbols and the various things they are patron of and try and come up with an idea that way. One of my daughters will be getting Confirmed in a couple weeks and has chosen St. Philomena. Since she happens to be “Patron Against Sickness” I decided to fill a jar with Vitamin C Pops in her honor!

Rocket Crackers are perfect for St. Joseph of Cupertino, Patron of Astronauts!
Instead of using the animal crackers for St. Francis of Assisi or as “wild beasts” for Sts. Perpetual and Felicity, they are now St. Anthony’s Domestic Animals.
We’ve featured many options for fish in the past… This year it’s St. Zeno of Verona, Protector of Fisherman!

Instead of reusing the Cat Cookies for St. Jerome or St. Gertrude of Nivelles, Patron of Cats, I made up a label featuring St. Mark the Evangelist and The Lion of St. Mark.
Annie’s Bunnies… Any Saints that are linked to bunnies? St. Melangell, Patron of Hares! I love learning about new saints through this fun little challenge to myself! 😉
The Welsh antiquarian Thomas Pennant (1726–1798) related the story of Melangell:
Her legend relates that she was the daughter of an Irish monarch, who had determined to marry her to a nobleman of his court. The princess had vowed celibacy. She fled from her father’s dominions and took refuge in this place, where she lived fifteen years without seeing the face of a man. Brochwel Yscythrog, Prince of Powys, being one day a hare hunting, pursued his game till he came to a great thicket; when he was amazed to find a virgin of surpassing beauty, engaged in deep devotion, with the hare he had been pursuing under her robe, boldly facing the dogs, who retired to a distance howling, notwithstanding all the efforts of the sportsmen to make them seize their prey. Even when the huntsman blew his horn, it stuck to his lips. Brochwel heard her story, and gave to God and her a parcel of lands, to be a sanctuary to all that fled there. He desired her to found an abbey on the spot. She did so, and died abbess at a good old age. She was buried in the neighbouring church, called Pennant, and from, her distinguished by the addition of Melangell. Her hard bed is shown in the cleft of a neighbouring rock. Her tomb was in a little chapel, or oratory, adjoining to the church, and now used as a vestry room. This room is still called ‘Cell-y-bedd’ or the Cell of the Grave. Her reliques as well as her image have been long since removed; but I think the last is still to be seen in the churchyard. The legend is perpetuated by some rude wooden carving of the Saint, with numbers of hares scuttling to her for protection. She properly became their Patroness. They were called ‘Oen Melangell’ (St. Monacella’s Lambs).
This year the Schoolbook Cookies are getting linked to St. Catherine of Alexandria, one of the patrons of Teachers and Students.

When trying to come up with an idea for St. John the Evangelist, I thought that Candy Corn sort of resemble Eagle’s Talons, so I went with that for his jar.
I also added a label for St. Apollonia (not pictured) which would be fun to include filled with ZolliPops The Clean Teeth Lollipop!
A couple of the labels are repeats, but with different items inside. This time I filled the jar for St. Drogo with Espresso Beans, and I included St. Maria, wife of St. Isidore, on the jar filled with Autumn Mix for these patrons of farmers.

Like last year, I also made additional guess pages to go along with each of the jars.

You can download this year’s printable labels here…
❤️ these!! Thank you for sharing! Happy Feast of All Saints!
2020-10-31 20:43:09
Happy and blessed All Hallow's Eve! Thank you so very much for your beautiful generosity! May God shower you and your lovely family with many more blessings. I have followed your Blog for the last ten years, thanks once again. Maria
2020-10-31 21:13:17
so fun! My oldest was St. Mellengel one year, believe it or not! She loved to dig into the Saint books and pull out obscure people to stump the other kids at our All Saint Day Party.
2020-11-01 00:16:41
Well done!! I was just wondering today who the patron saint of cats is. Thank you! 🤭
2020-11-01 03:04:14
Oh how funny, I was just printing out several of your old guessing slips… We save the labeled jars and reuse them every year when we host an All Saints party. And a few years ago, one of my kids dressed as St. Melangell, and so we made a Bunny Grahams guessing jar for her using that same picture! Mine were not to a nice even scale and so I was having my husband cut them out for me and he stacked my sheet under some of the others that are the ones you made, and he was like, "why did these ones get all cut up wrong, I thought they were lined up?!?" And I'm so excited to know there is a patron of coffeehouses!! We love the guessing jars so much and have appreciated being able to use your labels and ideas for many years now! Happy feast day to you!
2020-11-01 04:25:21
We loved reading all about the popular and not popular Saints I would love to see one for ST.Patricia.. Marion,Joan and Marilyn
2020-11-01 19:55:48
I am a little behind in visiting your blog. There are always so many neat treasures to find in your writings of your Cathoic life. These Saint Guessing Jars are just so so creative…Jessica your mind must be moving constantly to come up with these appropriate candies for each dear Saint!!! I know your Saint guessing game was a BIG hit at your Saints Party!
2020-11-16 21:38:38
Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas and free printables! What a blessing!