Happy Feasts of St. Philomena and St. Clare! I have a few new additions to our August Book Basket to share with you all this morning in honor of these two inspiring saints.
This sweet book, sent to me by author Christine Henderson, made a perfect gift for our 10 year old daughter whose team name at summer camp this year was St. Philomena! It will also make a nice addition to our collection.
A Sister Marie Story: Saint Philomena, HELP!
Sister Marie works in a poor area trying to help the residents improve their lives. One day she meets, Maggie, a little girl, who has just moved into a run down house with her family. Things are not going well for them, and the father does not know what to do. Sister Marie shares with this family the story of Saint Philomena. Will this wonderful saint be able to help?
In addition to the listing at Amazon, this book is also available directly from the author at Jacob’s Toy Box and Books.
Up early this morning, wearing her summer camp t-shirt and reading her brand new book about St. Philomena! |
Regina Martryum Productions, one of my current sponsors here at Shower of Roses, has re-released some downloadable audio stories that are perfect for the month of August and the feasts of St. Philomena and St. Clare of Assisi. Be sure to click over to their website for a special sale they are running today and tomorrow only!
Daughter of Light – St. Philomena (Audio)
The biographical novel of St. Philomena, virgin and martyr. Her parents accept the Christian Faith and are rewarded by Our Lord with this marvelous child who is virtuous and wise beyond her years; moreover, she’s brave and heroic. Having vowed herself to Christ, she declines the marriage proposal of the despot Diocletian, the wicked emperor of Rome. He punishes her with imprisonment and torture but miracle after miracle occur and she defies death. When her final hour does arrive, she valiantly suffers death for Our Lord and the Catholic Faith.
A Light Unto the World – St. Clare (Audio)
St. Clare was born in Assisi in the 12th century, the eldest daughter of a wealthy Roman family. When she was 18 years old she heard St. Francis preach in Assisi and since that time she wished to follow the Franciscan rule. Her family wanted her to marry, but she wished to trade her life of luxury for the hardships of poverty in the service of God. She ran away from home and pledged obedience to St. Francis as her superior. She became one his first followers and founded the Order of Poor Ladies. At just 23 years of age she was the sole foundress of a rapidly growing religious order of nuns, soon known as the Poor Clares.
With exciting sound effects and a full cast of characters, this theatrical Catholic production is the uplifting story of a young girl’s faith in God and her heroic courage in the face of His enemies!
Hey Jessica, I love the T'shirt!!! Miss seeing you. God Bless
2015-08-12 04:39:51