This year Hubby ended up having to work, so I decided that it couldn’t be too hard to take all the kids on my own. I had sent an email out to a bunch of friends hoping that some of them would be able to make it as well, and said a prayer that it wouldn’t rain. The weather was beautiful and my kids had so much fun this year with so many of their friends!
I realized on the way that I forgot my camera, but my little point and shoot happened to be in my purse and I was able to take some pictures before the battery died. I also should have packed sunblock and a hat for the baby. We were prepared for rain, but not for so much sun! I thought I did a great job at keeping Bud in the shade, but despite my efforts his white little head still ended up pink. (He’s all set for next time… I just found him a “Turtlel-y Cute” bucket hat for summer!)
As usual the children were able to participate in archery, trap shooting, laser shooting, fishing, pelt identification, and tomahawk throwing, with safety emphasized of course. Every child present could win one of the many raffle prizes and a yummy BBQ lunch was provided as well. Here are a few pictures from this year:
I was amazed that the boys were actually hitting the clay targets as they flew threw the air! While I was watching, Captain hit one out of three and Rascal hit two out of three. (It’s hard to see in the picture, but the clay disk is that little speck right above the middle(ish) cloud.)

At the end of the day there is a raffle. Each child receives a ticket and when their name gets called they get to go into the building to choose their prize. (No parents allowed!) I always love seeing what each child chooses on their own. This year Captain picked out a headlamp, Rascal picked a camping chair, Twinkle Toes picked a new slip in slide, Chiquita picked a (very girly) baseball glove and ball, Snuggles picked a combo prize with a kite, badminton, and a really neat “balloon helicopter,” and Rose was SUPER EXCITED to finally have her VERY OWN sleeping bag, and looked so excited carrying it out of the building! My little camera was dead by this point, but I somehow managed to figure out how to take a picture of them all with their prizes using my cell phone! 🙂
Afterwards we headed to the park for our local Catholic Homeschool Group’s End of the School Year Fiesta. It was a pretty busy day, but filled with fun and friends!
This looks like so much fun! I wonder if they have something similar in my area… perhaps I'll do a little "hunting" to find out!
This is very cool. Love the tomahawk throw.
What a fun day for the kids! I'm sure you are exhausted, but happy children equals happy mama.
That sounds like a great time! Maybe in a few years, I will look into something like that for my kids!
Wow! That looks great. I know my little guy would love it. I should check around and see if there is anything like that by me.
Beautiful children!!!
We are going next year, no matter what!