A Butterfly Box

by | Apr 1, 2008 | Crafts | 5 comments

Lots of Butterfly thoughts and activities are still floating though our home…

I am always on the look out for craft ideas, and new books, especially books filled with recommend crafts for the Liturgical year. So, this morning, I was excited to see that Ann Ball just published a new book called Crafty Catholic Kids! PLUS, she has a few sample crafts to try out on her website including a Butterfly Box.

What perfect timing!!!

It is a pdf file, which you can print out or save for later!

I modified the directions slightly. Instead of tracing the paper, I printed the pattern right onto a piece of card stock. Twinkle Toes choose pink, of course. She cut along the solid lines, and I helped her cut around the butterfly’s wings.

Next she folded on the dotted lines, and added a bit of glue.

You can decorate it however you’d like. We decided to use a gold paint pen to color the butterfly and then add a few brads. We kept it simple, but this is where you could really use your imagination.

This is such a fun craft for little girls, and perfect for the Easter season since Butterflies have been a symbol of the Resurrection since ancient times.

Looks like I just might have to order Crafty Catholic Kids!


  1. Christine

    Thank you for sharing. The finished product looks beautiful.

    Something that we do with our Lenten butterfly unit is make lifecycle wheels (we did not do this unit this year). Basically, I cut two circles the same size, then I cut a pie (a quarter of the circle) from one of the circles. The cut pie is then used as a template to cut 4 (I usually cut a few more to leave room for errors) pies from a separate sheet of paper. As the butterflies go through each stage of their lifecycle, the children draw a picture, label it, and glue it onto their full circle. After all 4 pies have been glued onto the circle in lifecycle order, the children place their circle with the pie shape on top of the circle with the pictures and place a brad in the middle to attach the circles. They can then turn the top portion of the wheel (pie circle) to see the different stages of the butterfly’s lifecycle.

  2. Margaret

    Lauren would love that!

  3. Jamie Jo

    How DO you get that comment thank you up there?

    Love the boxes, now to get that printer ink!

  4. Regina

    super cute!

  5. Anonymous

    I have been meaning to comment on this, it is sooo cute! I can’t wait for my little girl to get a little older so I can enjoy doing stuff like that with her 😉


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