One of the benefits of being an “eclectic” home-schooler is that you can draw from so many wonderful learning styles, which I just love to do. If I had a strictly “textbook” home-school, today would have been a complete failure as I spent most of the day catching up from being sick and started to seriously declutter my home–more about that soon…
Instead the kids had a WONDERFUL DAY! The sun came out after being hidden behind rain clouds this weekend and we all went outside to soak up the rays!
The kids lost no time in finding things to do and explore:
The girls played with one of their felt tales play sets:
We did our Jesus Tree and Lenten Calendar Activities:
We listened to the rest of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe:
Played a few games (Tetris, Connect Four and Battleship!):
And much more!!!
Tomorrow, we will get back to a few of our textbooks… 🙂
As always, YOU ROCK!
There you go again….inspirational!