I haven't posted a quiz in ages, but after seeing this one over at Dawn's, I thought it would be fun to play along! It is always interesting to see what your answers say about your personality, don't you think?You Are Baseball GamesYou like old fashioned things....
I ♥ Games
Since I am just so competitive, when I saw the following quiz over at Regina's, I had to see what my results would be...You Are Chinese CheckersYou live a hyper, fast paced life. You rarely ever slow down.You are good at juggling many things at once. You are the...
In anticipation…
...of the release of Prince Caspian!As Susan, you are mature and respectable, yet with your 'motherly' role you can be quite bossy. Still, you can always be trusted to be loyal and faithful.Which Narnia character are you?HT: Danielle Bean

Just for fun…
You are Princess LeiaA strong-willed herald of causes against injustice, you passionately strive to right the wrongs around you. Somebody has to save our skins!HT: LaPaz Home LearningSo, WHO are YOU???
Busy… Busy…
It is going to be SUCH a busy week! I can't remember ever going anywhere and leaving hubby with almost all the kids, so I have a lot to do to prepare! I am really looking forward to everything but packing it, especially since I have never been to a Homeschool...
New Slogans
I've seen this quiz, or rather Slogan Generator, at a few different blogs today. I just loved seeing their new slogans, so I had to give it a try myself.Here's what I was given: Your Slogan Should BeSo Easy Shower of Roses Can Do It.The Slogan GeneratorToo funny!!!I...
Coffee Time
Aaahhh, peace, at last!! I finally have a little computer time. I'm sitting here with a deliciously warm cup of coffee, on this snowy April day, sorting through and organizing my digital photos while the kids play with Lincoln Logs and Tea sets in their rooms.I...
I’ve always been told that I’m a nut…
...Now I know which kind!You Are a PistachioYou are funky, freaky, and a total character.You're very different than anyone you know.There's no way you're changing the way you are...Which is good, because no one wants you to change.What Nut Are You?HT: Trina, who...

Easter Candy + Cookies
= One of the reasons I am not looking forward to Wednesday.Yes... I was inspired by Eileen's post when I saw it on Friday. It just sounded like so much fun! So, since we had plenty of Easter candy left, and the boys were gone for the day, the girls and I decided to do...
Chocolate, OF COURSE!
You Are a Cadbury Creme EggYou're the type that stole little brother's easter basket so that you could have MORE CANDY!What Easter Candy Are You?Ummm.... And just what is wrong with that?? 😉
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.