Or rather, Slip 'n Wipe Out!(I was surprised the camera caught this exact moment earlier today. Chiquita was fine and laughing when she sat up. She then headed to the end of the line to try again!)

Or rather, Slip 'n Wipe Out!(I was surprised the camera caught this exact moment earlier today. Chiquita was fine and laughing when she sat up. She then headed to the end of the line to try again!)
...and then notice that Snuggles is wearing the same shirt that Captain was wearing 6 years ago today!
I've had a rather rough couple days... On Tuesday, while on our way home from an afternoon full of errands, I was picking up some produce from the farm and seemed to have damaged a nerve in my pointer finger/hand from carrying too many plastic bags at once. (The...
And I just let him out of my sight for a few minutes... Hummmm, maybe I will join Renee's Random Summertime Photography Challenge!! It would be fun to try and capture more of these random little moments which make me smile, and then start the bath! 😉
This morning I loaded up the stroller and we drove down to our local track so I could walk. As our "special activity" for today, we brought along a fun bubble set that Chiquita was given for her birthday. While my kiddos were having fun (and after I snapped a few...
Last Saturday afternoon, the girls and I hurried home from our tea party to change clothes and head right back out the door with the rest of the family to attend a Basketball Game. Not just any game -- the Harlem Comedy All-Stars were in town and they are SO...
I just download a few pictures from my camera (for a recipe I am planning on posting at Catholic Cuisine), and I noticed that my hubby had taken a bunch of photos! This was my favorite:
I am so glad it isn't raining so I could send them all outside after all that candy... (I think they ate as much as they used making their "Winter Dessert Landscapes." It was a great way to get some of it out of the house though!!!
And no (Paula) I am not going to tell you all about another great deal! ;)Snuggles was doing this for about 10 minutes straight before I grabbed the camera. It distracted him for a second and then he continued doing it for at least another 10 minutes. It was so funny!...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.