The “Annual” Open House

by | Nov 19, 2007 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

The Open House a very good friend of mine hosted for me Friday night, was SO MUCH FUN!! This is the 3rd year we have done this and it has become an annual event. This year, it was scheduled from 6-10 pm, but by the time I packed up and finished visiting. It was 1:30am… Hubby called me at 5 minutes to 2 to see if I was coming home… I was right around the corner! I was exhausted Saturday, but it was well worth it!

This year, she included another friend who brought along Arbonne and Blessed Toys to add to my assortment of Cookie Lee, Pampered Chef, Finders Key Purse, Usborne Books and Discovery Toys… I know, I’m pathetic… I am such a sucker for these “home businesses”, especially if I love the products. I don’t do them to “sell” for the most part, just to be able to get the products for myself. I do have a couple Cookie Lee parties each year, but this annual “Open House” is the one that keeps me active and gives me a bit of extra Christmas money, and my friend gets to earn all kinds of wonderful stuff from all those companies.

My goal, this year, was to sell enough of my Cookie Lee inventory to purchase a certain Christmas Gift for my girls… I was able to go and purchase it Saturday morning (Costco had it in stock with a great cash & carry price)! I won’t tell you what it is, but you can click this link to get a sneek peek if you’d like. I can’t wait to give it to them. They are going to LOVE playing with it!

My friends house looked BEAUTIFUL! She the most creative person I know… I wish I had even HALF of her talents and creativeness! Her house looked so beautiful I just had to snap a few pictures. Being right before Thanksgiving, she decorated with a fall theme, using candles, pumpkins, and lots of pretty leaves. My favorite thing she did was use gold spray paint to paint all different sizes of pumpkins! They looked AWESOME! She said it was so easy and that she got the idea from Martha Stewart. I would never think to do something like that, but it really looked quite festive and elegant.

Another idea she got from a Martha magazine was for a Luscious Four-Layer Pumpkin Cake. It was so YUMMY and looked wonderful. You can see it in the above picture. I think I am going to have to give this recipe a try. The Pampered Chef Chocolate Chip Sensation was a huge hit as well, and was gone in no time.

Anyways, I am still trying to get orders processed and everything put away… as well as decide just what I am going to order. 😉


  1. Amy

    I hated missing it!! I really wanted to go, too.
    Glad you had fun!

  2. Amy

    Oh! I thought that gift was what you meant, as that is what I was drooling over at Costco the other day, too!

  3. Juliana

    Your girls are going to love that present!!! You are going to have to snap some photos of them playing with it after they get it!!!!!

  4. JoAnn

    mmm…that food was soo good! haha.. and the turkey things above are really cool, i wanna try making them now


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