**Note: She has never slept with an eye mask before... She found it in the school room.
A Christmas Meme
I just saw this Meme over at By Sun and Candlelight. I thought it would be fun to give it a shot:Wrapping paper or gift bags? Christmas is the one time of year I use wrapping paper... Although, even then, I still do use a few gift bags! This year, I think I may even...
Miracle of St. Therese
I am so excited!! I just realized that this wonderful old movie about St. Therese of Lisieux, made back in 1959, has been re-released! I borrowed it from a friend once, years ago, and have been looking for a copy ever since! Plus, it is now on DVD and has been dubbed...
Jesse Tree Readings and Coloring Pages
You can find an updated version of this post for 2010 here: Jesse Tree Readings and Coloring Pages for 2010I compiled a list of coloring pages, activities and bible passages (used in addition to the stories in our Children's Bible), to go along with our Jesse Tree. I...
Video of our All Saints Party
The following is a tribute to the little saints in training. The "All Saints Party" is an alternative to Halloween. It's fun for the kids and teaches them the faith.This video was just posted on Love to Be Catholic by a friend of ours who filmed our All Saints Party...
On the Calendar
There are just so many wonderful feast days coming up for us to celebrate during Advent. It is going to be such a fun month as we joyfully prepare for, and then celebrate, the birth of Christ!In addition to our Jesse Tree, Advent Wreath, Advent Calendar and other...
The Advent Wreath
I love the tradition of the Advent wreath. It so totally packed with symbolism! It is such a great way to teach the children even more about God, Christ and the Christmas season.The round shape stands for God's eternity. Like God, it has no beginning and no end.The...
The School Room ~ An Update!
I finally have our "School Room" put back together! It is amazing what last minute company can help you accomplish! Here are a few photos for you to see what I have been up to this week...I took snapshots of different views of our room. In this picture you can see our...
The School Room ~ Revisited
I posted last summer about organizing and setting up our school room. That arrangement was working alright for awhile... However, once we added a table to the middle of the room, it made it feel so cramped and cluttered. And who wants to spend much time in a cramped...
Dressing Up
This afternoon, while I was creating a bigger mess organizing our school room, the girls decided to play dress up. Daddy says they look like a couple of gypsies... They were sure having fun!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.