I finally have our “School Room” put back together! It is amazing what last minute company can help you accomplish! Here are a few photos for you to see what I have been up to this week…

I took snapshots of different views of our room. In this picture you can see our Saint Calendar, the closet, and a couple bookshelf’s in which I keep most of our Pre-School books, coloring books, beginning readers and Cd’s.
Here is a picture of the left side of the closet.
I added a couple more Rubbermaid drawers and moved that small nightstand into the closet to make room for our new bookshelf.
The closet holds various craft items, games and other miscellaneous things. The other side of the closet has a large dresser for more storage with my copy machine on top. It seems to be a good spot to keep it.
Overall it made much better use of our closet space.. I am wishing I would have taken a before picture. Oh well.
Here is the next snapshot. You can see that I placed the table under the window coming out into the room. This seemed to work the best… I can’t begin to tell you HOW many TIMES I moved all the furniture around trying to make it fit without feeling crowded! I will be bringing in 2 more matching chairs from the garage as well, and, hopefully, painting both of the boys desks at some point.

And here you can see the other corner, which is filled the computer and more books! I haven’t moved my maps and the boys history time line around yet since I wanted to make sure everything is staying put first! 🙂
You can see this picture sitting on top puzzle that sits on the small bookcase by the door. I still need to decide where to hang it up.
I just LOVE it! Our home school is dedicated to and called Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We received this print from a monastery at which my brother-in-law spent a few months before returning to the Fraternity of St. Peter.
You can order it here and support the monks at the same time! 🙂
This is a picture of what I used the magazine holders for. Everything always slides off the ends of this bookshelf, and I thought these would work better than book ends since they would give me a place to store paper! One is filled with construction paper, one with copy paper, one with notebooks and writing paper and the last with all our Handwriting without Tears curriculum. (I just started using HWT with Twinkle Toes, and she loves it!) Don’t look too closely at the colors of this bookshelf… It shows the effects of my Spray Paint experiment… Yikes! Hopefully it will eventually be ALL green!

OK, I couldn’t help adding a picture of my favorite bookshelf! My “Catholic Mosaic” shelf is a very close second.
Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions on ways for me to make it look better with my limited resources!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
I love the Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum. A teacher started doing it at our school when Lowden was in 1st grade. Such a great writing program!
It looks awesome! You could almost make me want to homeschool looking at that cute room. 😉