Six Months Later…
by Jessica | Oct 25, 2008 | Sewing | 18 comments
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Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Our Family

A Little About Me
Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.
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Christmas presents? It’s beautiful! I wish I had one. But mine does the job, and it was free 19 years ago.
Thanks Sara! Costco had a great coupon on it back in April and hubby let me get it. I have ever sewed in life (other than cross stitch and a tiny bit by hand). I did go to the the fabric store a couple weeks ago, so — with the help of the manual — I figured out how to thread the bobbin and needle last night. I guess thats a start! 🙂
🙂 Well now, welcome to your new best buddy a woman would ever love to own. Seriously over time you will find many reasons to “play” with this gem. Congratulations. Are there any sewing friends local to you who could assist you with a few lessons to get the hang of it? Maybe a local store offering lessons for beginners? Best of all, I hear youtube has sewing lessons on videos, so perhaps this is most convenient to enable you to just stay right at home with it. Oh, and you can also look up your sewing machine brand’s website, or type that into google, or youtube to find helpful hints. Happy sewing!
I got one of those for Christmas last Christmas and I took it out just a few months ago as well. I am lucky enough to have some aunts that live nearby that showed me how to run the thing. I know that’s no help. I’d try the manual first. That also helped me out tremendously.
Find some super fabric. Search a super pattern for something and get going. Leave a message if you need anything. I so enjoy quilting!
Ha Ha. Too funny. Sounds like your mom didn’t teach you to sew either. Glad I’m not alone.
Although she has taught me to do a few things but without her I’m lost.
Here are some sewing blogs I found recently. I have a friend who is making stuff on Etsy so I forwarded them to her. Etsy might also be a good resource for ideas.
Anyway here they are:
If I could sew I would make the marigold dress for Lauren:
Step 2 – Load item into your van
Step 3 – Load all the kids into your van
Step 4 – Drive on I-5 to my house
Step 5 – Accept assistance in unloading your van
Step 6 – Set kids up with some fun play or activity
Step 7 – Set up Machine amidst my chaos
Step 8 – Learn the ease of sewing
I have lots of scraps to learn the basics of your machine. I have patterns you can borrow to make a wide assortment of things for gifts to yourself, family or friends. And, I have a little bit of know-how, although not nearly as much as my mom! And she is just a quick call away if I can’t figure it out!! There are lots of ideas, free patterns and other things swirling around on the net. I have some larger pieces of fabric to make lots of mistakes on that “won’t matter”!!
Step 9 – Stay for lunch
Step 10 – Have a nice time
Step 11 – Load it all back up to head home and feel happy in knowing that you know a bit more than how to fill a bobbin and thread the needle!! 🙂
Let me know what days might work!
I need to take out mine and start some sewing too… I am scared out of my mind!!
Oh, Oh! I bet this is soon going to be a sewing blog!!
I know you, and you will master it, no problem!!
Does your town have sewing classes? They are usually free at sewing machine stores. (not that I can sew or anything, but I can sew straight lines)
I forgot, I was just thinking today that my children are not going to know how to sew (since we homeschool and they will not get home-ec in school) I’m going have to somehow teach them someday!!
oops, I just read the comments and just repeated what everyone else has already said, sorry!
Have fun!!
How fun! I would make lots of cute little skirts for the girls.
Yay Jess!!! That’s awesome. I have a brother Sewing machine and I love it. It’s way neato. But my sisters are always borrowing it, I’m the only one in our family that has actually invested in a machine that works… haha. I have a friend that likes 2 sew also. So that’s what we do for sleep overs!!! Very different. huh.
God Bless!
sewing is my passion. I was the worst student in the class when I learnt it at school. I was determine to learn though and now make many of the children’s clothes.
It is a great pass time.
I got one for my birthday and I am still intimidated by it….lol.I did thread it and stitch for practice…but not sure I put it together right……lol!
I want to take classes.
I'm in the same boat. Mine finally came back from the sew & vac shop tuned up and repaired (it's a hand-me-down) and now I can't get it to go…and I know how to sew! I'm waiting for my mother or my mother-in-law or one of my sisters-in-law (people with actual knowledge) to come over and get me started.
The first things to come out of it will be two little St. Therese costumes, which come in handy in our parish/school about five times a year and for which the girls have been begging for about two years.
Good luck!
We ended up being out most of the weekend, but I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed all of your comments, encouragement, and suggestions! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
Meg ~ Thanks for all the links!! I can’t wait to check them all out.
ELM ~ FUN FUN FUN!!! I am going to take you up on that offer!! Can’t wait!!! 🙂 See you soon!
i’m right there with you Jessica! it’s been 12yrs for me and i’ve only had it out 3 times! Ha!