Outside my Window… the sun has finally come out after a long week of rain. It is just beautiful outside!
From the school room… We’ve just been working on the basics. I am really, really looking forward to being able to do more once again. Maybe we will start by making a Thanksgiving Lapbook, or possibly another Tree of Thanksgiving.
I am thankful… for all the wonderful friends I have made through blogging! I was surprised that so many of you noticed that I hadn’t been posting this week. Thank you so much for your kind emails and prayers. I had a relapse of my cold/cough (with horrible coughing attacks that didn’t help my nauseousness) last Friday and spent most of the weekend on the couch or in bed. I just couldn’t seem to get better, so yesterday I finally headed to see my doctor and, with the help if some medications, I am finally starting to feel better.
From the kitchen…it’s nice and clean, but only because my dear hubby has been keeping up with it.
I am creating… a baby, and wondering whether it will be a girl or a boy.
I am going… to a seminar that one of my sisters is putting on tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it! I am also going to put cough drops to my purse now, so I don’t forget them! 😉
I am wearing… some of my maternity clothes, ALREADY!?! Even though I haven’t gained any weight yet, my body seems to be changing shape, and my maternity skirts are so much more comfortable.
I am reading… the November/December issue of Faith and Family.
I am hoping… to update the look of my blog sometime soon, though I am not sure if I will find the time. There are so many awesome templates available now, but I made so many modifications to my own template that I would lose so much if I use one of them… I am not sure what to do. In the meantime, I added another background, though I am not sure if I like it or not…
I am hearing… Simonetta playing on my stereo.
Around the house… There is currently a fire in the woodstove warming up our chilly home, a sleeping baby in his crib, and four other children looking through books in the living room. Oh! And tons of laundry waiting to be done, as usual. 😉
One of my favorite things…is visits from out of town family and friends. One of my younger sisters and her family are flying out next week and we haven’t seen them in 2 1/2 years. I can’t wait!!
I was able to finally get a hair cut, for the first time in almost a year! It was time! The tutor came twice, which was great after a two week break due to sick kids. We had a small celebration for Michaelmas. We didn’t get to everything I hoped since I was sick, but it was still very nice. I’ve been watching my kids for signs of chickenpox since I found out that we were exposed 2 weeks ago. I slept A LOT! I haven’t taken this many naps in ages!
Picture thoughts I am sharing:
a simply wonderful weekend!
Yes, I was starting to ‘worry’ about you too and was hoping and praying all is well with you and Baby. Glad you’re feeling better!
digging the background…what dont you like about it?
I’m glad you took a break to get better, although, I did miss you.
Hope you are on the upswing now!
Love the new background!
Have fun tomorrow!
Glad you’re up and running again and feeling better! Hope you have a good weekend!
Thanks everyone!
Regina, I wasn’t sure whether or not I liked that the background pattern doesn’t scroll.. I finally figured out how to fix that, but wasn’t crazy about how it looked that way either. I am just not good at making decisions! 😉
Nice to read posts from you again. They are so inspirational,. Even when I don’t post on my own blog, I love to come take a looksy at yours.
I am so glad you are doing better. I have been telling myself to email you to see how you were, then I thought…she probably has a ton of emails piling up…lol
So, I just prayed. You have been in my thoughts and prayers!
Is Jaime coming to visit?!!!!
Hope you feel better soon!