- Photos from Celebrating Martinmas 2022 - “Allow me, brothers, to look toward heaven rather than at the earth, so that my spirit may set on the right course when the time comes for me to go on my journey to the Lord.” – St. Martin of Tours I have so many partial...
Celebrating Martinmas
“Martin was a fine soldier. He learned to throw the javelin straight and true, to ride and use his sword expertly. Although he hated to shed blood, he was a brave warrior in battle. After three years, the young Hungarian was made leader of the calvary.The Roman army...
Martinmas Lantern Walk
In A Book of Feasts and Seasons author Joanna Bogle shares that “the main festivity on St. Martin's Day especially in France and Germany is that of making paper lanterns and carrying them in procession.” Our family decorated glass jars years ago for our annual Lantern...
Celebrating Martinmas
Our Martinmas celebration is simple this year but we are reading a new picture book that was sent to us from Pauline Books & Media: The Sword and the Cape: A Tale about Saint Martin of Tours. We also pulled out Snow on Martinmas to read again as well and...
Celebrating Martinmas
"Martin, so comfortable on his horse and cozy within his beautiful thick coat, took the coat from his shoulders, cut it with his sword and draped the largest part on the man. Something spoke inside his heart and said it was the right thing to do."- Snow on...
“How do you do all that you do?”
Earlier today I shared a link over on Facebook to the Martinmas Lanterns we made a couple years ago. Shortly afterwards I received a comment that made me stop and wonder how many others feel this way when they visit my blog(s), although I'm sure that long time...
Celebrating the Saints :: St. Martin of Tours
"The most common, and universal, harvest and thanksgiving celebration in medieval times was held on the Feast of St. Martin of Tours (Martinmas) on November 11. It was a holiday in Germany, France, Holland, England, and in central Europe. People first went to Mass and...
Martinmas Lanterns
"But undoubtedly the main festivity on St Martin's Day especially in France and Germany is that of making paper lanterns and carrying them in procession. Children form groups - either informally or as part of an official organization with a band - and walk through the...
My Daybook ~ Nov 14th
FOR TODAY: November 14th, 2008Outside my Window... the sun has finally come out after a long week of rain. It is just beautiful outside!I am thinking... about Dawn's thoughts on blogging and I couldn't agree more. She has such a lovely way of putting thoughts into...
Isn’t it cool…
that Veteran's Day is also the feast day of St. Martin of Tours. He is one of the patron saints of soldiers!I had some great plans to celebrate the feast of St. Martin, or rather, Martinmas day, including making these cool lanterns. (I had previously seen this craft...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.