April Shower of Photos :: Day 16

by | Apr 17, 2008 | Garden of the Good Shepherd, Pets, Shower of Photos | 9 comments

SO… We now have pets!!!! This is a very first for our family!! I have always said that I have more to take care of than I can handle without pets, so why would I choose to add pets to my list of things to take care of… But, my kids have been begging for a pet, and when I saw that this weeks Garden of the Good Shepherd theme was based on “The Wind and Sea Obey Him,” and that one of the days was based on fish, I couldn’t help but think it would be a perfect time to try out having a pet fish… That shouldn’t be too hard, right?!? At least till I have to deal with cleaning the bowl, ick!

We were going to start with just ONE, but when we got to the pet store and the little fishies were only .28 cents each. I splurged and bought 4. One for each of my children excluding Snuggles, who really didn’t mind.

The kids LOVE their fish.

If you look closely you can see them all in this picture. It was so fun having the kids name their fish!

On the far left you can see Chiquita’s fish. He is Orange and Black. At first she was going to name him Diego, but then decided on Flower, or rather Fwower!

Next you can see Twinkle Toes White fish. She, of course, named her fishie Princess.

The gray/silver fish is Rascals. He was named Sparkle.

The fish on the far right, the orange one, is Captains. Captain said, “I think I want to name my fish Peter, since Peter was a fisherman and a Fisher of Men…” (I was thinking, wow!!! great!!) Then he continued, “Orrrr, maybe Nemo!” He is still trying to decide which, and in the meantime, he has been calling his little fish “Mister.”

Thankfully, the fish survived their first night in our home!


  1. Anonymous

    How fun!! I love that Captain wanted to name him Peter! Even if he changes it to something else…it was the thought that counts!

    The pics are so cute, your new camera is doing great, huh!

  2. Anonymous

    Mister Peter Nemo sounds like a good solution! LOL!

  3. Anonymous

    Mister Peter Nemo sounds like a good solution! LOL!

  4. Margaret

    Good for you! Someday think about splurging for a 10 gallon tank with a filter because you have to clean it a whole lot less. I’ve had better luck with fish that way.

  5. Juliana

    I rember when I had fish. I had fighting fish so you had to keep them in separte bowls. But fish are pretty easy to take care of. Just rember NOT to over feed. Otherwise they will literaly explode.

  6. Christine

    Congrats. I always kill my fish for some reason. Kids love pets. We have 2 guinea pigs, 1 cat (who is 13yrs old) , one hamster and one Parkeet. The cat and parakeet have been our favorite so far.

  7. Trina

    Cute pictures!

    Ah, pets. Well, you are much braver than I am. 8 kiddos and 8 chickens is about all I can handle.

  8. Jamie Jo

    OH, I like Mister Peter Nemo!!

    Fish are so much fun for kids. Cleaning out the bowl is not that bad, not as bad as other animals could be. Just make sure to put on rubber gloves! We had pet Beta fish once, the kids named him pretty. They are fun, we might have to do that again!

  9. Anonymous

    Haha aaaw your family’s first pet!!!! Right? lol.


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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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