April Shower of Photos :: Day 17

by | Apr 18, 2008 | Pets, Shower of Photos | 10 comments

Well, it looks like Jennifer and Jamie–no, not my sisters Jennifer and Jamie!— were thinking along the same lines as Captain. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to name his fish Peter or Nemo, so he started calling him Mister in the meantime… (I wonder where he gets his indecisiveness from!? 😉 Surely not me!) He finally decided on Mr. Peter Nemo! Try saying that five times fast!

I am a little worried about our dear Mr. Peter Nemo.

Fish are new to me. The lady at the store gave us general directions, and made sure we understood NOT to feed him them too much. We followed all her directions, but Captain’s fish just doesn’t seem to be doing too well.

I didn’t notice, until I was on the phone with a friend of mine and I was asking her questions about fish. (Her boys have had many in the past.) She said if their tail end starts sticking up in the air and they start floating to the top, its a bad sign. I glanced over my shoulder and sure enough that was exactly what Mr. Peter Nemo was doing… and still is.

After watching the fish for awhile, Captain asked me why his fish wasn’t swimming all over like the other fishies. I told him, that maybe his fish wasn’t feeling too good. He asked if his fish was going to die. I told him, someday he will, but lets hope he gets better. Poor Captains eyes filled with tears as he smiled at me and said, “I hope Mr. Peter Nemo gets better!” Me too Captain… me too.

St. Peter, Patron of Fisherman ~ Pray for Us!


  1. Christie@tisbutaseason

    We had 2 goldfish about a month ago. A neighbor bought them for Veggie Boy. Unfortunately, one died less than 24 hours after being in our home and the other lasted about a week. I don’t understand why they are so hard to keep alive? Surely, the “fish people” know this since they only cost a quarter, right? 🙂 LOL

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Oh no!! I guess this will be a good “life lesson” for my children if they don’t make it! I considered jumping in the car and running to the store to see about finding a twin to replace Mr.PM with–but decided against it. Maybe we’ll get lucky! 🙂

  3. Christine

    Saying a prayer that Mr. Peter Nemo survives.

  4. Margaret

    SO sorry…

    We had one that kept doing that and I could tell was on it’s last fin. Anyway, our stornm drain has a picture of a fish on it. So, we released it to the stream to “live a better life”.

  5. Jamie Jo

    Oh, I hope he does get better! That is SO hard on those little ones. Ours lasted a few months. I will say a prayer, that he lives and if he does not, that you have the right words for Captain!

  6. Anonymous

    OH, It’s 6 am and now I’m in tears :{

  7. Renee

    Great photo! If your little Nemo doesn’t survive long, try a Beta fighting fish. They are beautiful, and can take alot of abuse, like feeding only once a week if necessary…children forgetting. They use only tap water, and live for well over a year. Ours were a lovely addition to our animal menagerie. :-))

  8. Amy

    Fish are so hard! They die so quickly. Hopefully Mr. Peter Nemo will be a fighter and make it. I have never had good luck with fish… or any pet for that matter, lol. The only ones that live very long are the ones I wish…. oh I shouldn’t say that, lol.
    Get better Mr. Peter Nemo!

  9. Juliana

    Poor Mr. PM…I hope he gets better for Captain’s sake. But for some reason small fish are so hard to take of. 🙁

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you all for the sweet comment, prayers and suggestions!!


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