Easter Hope Challenge

by | Mar 4, 2008 | Hadley Hope | 22 comments

This past year, I have gotten to know a dear woman from our parish, Laura Hadley. Laura is a very devout Catholic, wonderful mother, and one of the most generous women I know. In fact, last July, she opened her home up and helped throw a surprise baby shower for me! I couldn’t believe it, especially since I barely knew her at the time!!

A few months ago, Laura, and her husband Bryan, received very difficult news. Fox news reports:

Bryan and Laura Hadley were told their 10-year-old son Peyton suffers from Niemann-Pick Type C, a disease that is believed to affect just 200 people, it is reported. The condition interferes with Peyton’s ability to metabolize, causing harmful amounts to accumulate in his spleen, liver and brain, and leading to neurological deterioration.

The result of the disease, referred to as “childhood Alzheimer’s”, is an enlarged spleen and liver, poor muscle control, impaired movements, slurred speech and dementia, according to the report.

It is a fatal condition for which there is no cure and no treatment options.

The Hadley’s fear their daughter, Kayla, 7, also has it and are awaiting DNA test results. Their youngest son, Jonah, 5, was born before Peyton was diagnosed. He is being tested and currently has no symptoms, it is reported.

The Hadley’s are facing the real likelihood that 2 of their children have it (one has been diagnosed) and the possibility that the third does as well (they are still awaiting test results). In addition, the medication that they are in need of is about $9000/month for ONE child.

Their website says:

Unfortunately, Zavesca is a new drug, and the cost for one 100 mg pill is $100. Our child(ren) will be taking up to three 100 mg. pills each day, which is over $9000 per month for one child. Currently, our insurance has agreed to cover half of the cost for a one year period, after which time, they will review the progress of the drug, and either approve or deny further coverage.

As with anyone facing such a huge financial burden, they could use our help.

I have been trying to come up with a way to help, in addition to LOTS OF PRAYER, and I was inspired by Suzanne’s Christmas Challenge. So, here is a Lenten Challenge for you all, as we prepare for Easter, and remember what is truly important!

Easter Hope Challenge

It is simple and fun… Here is what you do:

1. I have added a Paypal “Donate” button to my sidebar. All I’m asking you to do is make a donation IN ANY AMOUNT that you can spare. You can donate one dollar, two dollars, five, ten, twenty or more. You decide. The dollar amount is entirely up to you.

2. Then, come back and leave your name in the comment box of this post for a chance to win your choice of one of three great prizes–the prize is my donation to the Easter Hope Challenge.

(Basket is subject to availability–it will be your choice of the above or of three similar ones.)

Want to increase you chances of winning?? While every donation receives an entry, for each $25 increment donated another egg goes in the basket for you. For example, a donation of $1-$49 receives one entry, $50-$74 equals 2 entry’s, etc. It’s all up to you!! You can decide how much you want to donate, and if you win–you choose your prize!!

The contest will be open for 2 weeks, and as the days go by, I will write the names that appear in the comment box on little pieces of paper and place them inside plastic Easter eggs. On Wednesday, March 19th, Chiquita will choose an egg from the basket, and reveal the winner. There will be ONE winner and that winner will choose ONE of the three great prize options above.

If you would like to participate but don’t want to use paypal, leave me a comment with your email, and I will be in touch.

All funds donated will be given to the Hadley’s in the form of a check to be deposited to the Hadley Hope Fund at Liberty Bank.

So, what are you waiting for? Play now, have fun, and spread a little




  1. Regina

    We are keeping them in our prayers!

  2. The Wades

    Nice thing you’re doing. We’ll keep praying.

  3. Amy

    Wonderful Jessica! This is a great idea!

  4. Anonymous

    We are keeping them in our prayers! I can’t even imagine being faced with news like this…it makes me tear up just thinking of it. This is such a kind and thoughtful thing that you are doing to help this family feel embraced and supported during this tough time. Thanks for this for them!

  5. Regina

    fyi-my mom is sending a check for $50.

  6. Anonymous

    Great idea Jessica,
    I will forward this to all I know and see if they would like to help as well.
    In Him,

  7. Anonymous

    What a wonderful idea. Count me in. I’ll be sending $25.00.

  8. Anonymous

    Thanks! We’ll be praying too!

  9. Anonymous

    We pray for the Hadley family and for a shower of roses of support that they will receive. Thanks for doing this.

  10. Anonymous

    I am praying for them! Very thoughtful of you to help them in this way.

  11. Ruth

    This is heartbreaking. I will keep this family in my prayers.

  12. Kelly

    I have made a donation on behalf of our family, and I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  13. Amy

    I’ve sent in $5.00 May St. Therese send them their requested roses!

  14. Anonymous

    Hello Jessica,

    Does paypal charge you a fee to accept donations, based on what the amount is? If they do I would rather mail a check. I only have a business account with them so I do get charged for everything, just wondering.

    [email protected]

  15. ~~~mary

    Donation made. Will pray. Peace. ~~~mary

  16. humble_mother

    Thank you for doing this. Donation made- Carrie

  17. Anonymous

    This is a really nice thing to do. I hope you raise a bundle!! ~ Holly

  18. Juliana

    I keep them in my prayers. The one son who is very sick is elligible for the Make a Wish foundation. Make a wish is a great foundation that grants very sick kids a wish, such as vactions, shopping sprees, etc.

  19. Marci

    ok~ so i know that there is not much time left before Easter, but how can I add this to my blog site so that others i know can donate?

  20. Ruth

    I’ll send you a check this week. They’re in my novena to the Infant of Prague.

  21. Unknown

    We will keep the Hadley’s in our families prayers. Blessings,
    Mary Lenaburg

  22. Jennifer in TX

    I paypalled you a donation. The Hadleys are in our family’s daily Rosary intentions. Thank you for letting us know to pray for them.


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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