How did he do it???

by | May 6, 2008 | Organization | 12 comments

Like I mentioned yesterday, I came home from my trip to an amazingly clean home. I was SO excited! However, last night, I was wishing it wouldn’t have been so clean. How is he able to do it, and I am NOT?

When hubby got home from work yesterday, he asked, “WHAT happened here?”

Aaahh… yes… let’s see. Someone, didn’t have a pull-up on, and wet her bed. As I was bathing her, someone else picked up the baby–I guess over the weekend they forgot the rules–and dropped him on the wood floor giving him a bump on his forehead, which warranted a call to the nurse and caused the baby to want to be snuggled most of the day. As I was changing over the laundry, someone spilled a glass of juice all over the kitchen, not to mention the school work that needed to be done, unpacking from the trip, calls to the insurance, etc.etc.etc. THAT’S what happened.

I am so frustrated with myself that I can’t even keep our home clean for ONE DAY! I guess I have to remind myself, that I had the baby with me all weekend, and the meals back home were simple, convenient, and pre-planned out before I left… But still…

I think Laura Berquist was right when she told me to get help, if at all possible, for the time being. She said it will get easier, and that I am at one of the hardest stages right now, home educating with all of these little ones.

I hope to sit down with hubby and go over our budget, to see if it is at all possible, but, in the meantime, I am going to try harder… Speaking of which, I had better get busy!!

I hope you all have a very productive day!!! God Bless!


  1. Mary @ Cheerios

    How true!!! how true!!!

    you are not alone!!!

    when i go to a retreat for a weekend or out for the morning, my loving adorable awesome husband gets it all done too!!! how do they do it, is right!!!
    it makes me feel so, well… not doing my vocation correctly. hey, its my domain-my home- and yet…. he gets it all done! hum….

    well, i agree with Laura- we are at teh hardest point right now- i have 5 little ones udner 7 and expecting so lets keep asking…all they have to say is no, right?

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks for the comment!! Wow, you are pregnant too!! Congratulations!! You ARE a busy momma!!

    I am so glad to hear that I am not alone in these feelings!!! Although, I really, really, really wish I could keep up with it all!! Is that setting an unrealistic goal??? Getting help would be such a dream come true!! I guess we will see! 😉

  3. Amy

    Can I share a poem with you??

    Cleaning and scrubbing
    Can wait till tomorrow,
    For babies grow up
    We’ve learned to our sorrow.

    So quiet down cobwebs
    And dust go to sleep,
    I’m rocking my baby
    And babies don’t keep.

    Remember that a clean house never lasts but little kids never stay little. I know it is hard, believe me!! But an immaculate house is not a sign of success or proof of being a good wife and mother.

    It helps keep us sane, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes it is ok to have one of those days where nothing gets done.


  4. Jessica Gordon

    Oh, I know Amy… It really does help keep me sane though… A messy house drives me absolutely crazy! I guess it all boils down to balance, like usual. 🙂

  5. Christine

    I have asked myself the exact same question and I have come to the realization that my children listen better to their father. I also have come to realize that while my children may listen better to “Daddy”, they like to surprise “Mommy” by cleaning the house when she is not around. Also, as you know having a baby around makes a huge difference.

    I would have so liked help when my children were younger and sometimes I know that there are times when I would still like it. If you can afford it do it; however, if not, know that you can do it by the Grace of God (Dei Gratia).

    You are in my prayers!

  6. Margaret

    Hang in there….somedays are just about survival. We just keep trying everyday and it will all be fine.☺

  7. Jamie Jo

    When daddy does bedtime, it always seems to go smoothly…I always wonder “what do I do wrong?”

    I think I help with teeth a little more, read a little more stories and say longer prayers and do double hugs and kisses and sometimes tickles. I think…

    Men are straight forward they do it and they are done…I don’t think us women are. We always add those special touches, the heart of it.

    hang in there…don’t answer this, just read and go on with your day!!

  8. Christine

    “This to shall pass” is my motto. Do not be stressed about mess. Kids need their mama.

    We live right in the middle. Not too messy ….not too clean. A lived in house. Stuff usually is all over —toys, dishes, homework, laundry. Of course when company is coming time to tidy things up a bit.

    Enjoy those babies. They grow up fast!

  9. kozimom

    From someone who was there – it will get easier! It’s weird maybe, but now I have 9, the oldest is 19 the youngest are twin boys 21 months, and I/we do get more accomplished. Right now, YOU do it all. One day, you’ll have many capable helpers.
    Also, just a hint – you can’t keep the house clean. You have to keep cleaning it! I plan times of tidying up and cleaning. The major cleaning times are right after breakfast, in the afternoon while the babies are sleeping and the younger children have their quiet time.
    Check out this site for excellent large family ideas:
    These are both by the same mom, but one has more of the ideas.
    Hope this helps!

  10. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica,
    It was so nice to see you this weekend. I think that you are AMAZING!! I can’t even imagine how you do it! I only have 2 and you do such an amazing job with your kids. Don’t forget that you are also teaching them when you are home – that is a full time job in and of itself …plus having the adorable baby to care for! Give yourself a break and know that you are such a great mother. AND I agree…get help if you can!! Also, thanks for the nice gift and for spending time with my fam this weekend. It was fun seeing you. Carter keeps on pretending that Chloe is “Snuggles” and he is Chloe 🙂

  11. Trina

    If it is any consolation, I experienced this same thing. Came home to a clean home, and then by the next day it was….not so clean….

    We are working on it.

  12. The Wades


    It’s easy for your hubby to clean the house while you’re gone. He only had to do it a weekend. It was probably pretty fun and a challenge for him. Easy cheesy. If you knew you only had to do a job for a few days, you could give it your all. You have to do the job EVERY DAY, ALL DAY! That wears on you.

    It sounds like you do an awful lot to me! Good job! Keep on keepin’ on! 🙂


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