“I Belong to God”

by | Sep 6, 2008 | Kids Artwork, Little Saints Preschool | 5 comments

My children have all loved the Little Saints Pre-School Program. I love that they love it. 😉 No really, I do love it, it just initially took a *TON* of preparation. In fact, the first year I justified all the hours I spent cutting out flannel board pieces and card stock learning games, and $$$ I spent purchasing the recommended children’s books, by telling myself, “It’s worth it.. We will be using this over and over with all our children.” So, even though I would love to switch to using just the plans over at Serendipity this year, we will also be using Little Saints. Actually, I think they will work out pretty well together, if I follow each one loosely without trying to take on too much. In fact, the Little Saints program eventually introduces one letter per week anyways, and what better way to do so than with the Alphabet Path?

Even though I plan to attempt both this year, I decided to start out slowly. I think maybe in a couple weeks we will begin Along the Alphabet Path, and maybe do two weeks on, one week off, but I am going to see how this first month goes before deciding for sure. So, this week we just completed Week 1 of Little Saints. In the Little Saints Program, each week has: a Lesson Emphasis (this week it was “I Belong to God” and everything we do relates to the theme), Bible Passage, Poems, Storytime, Nursery Rhymes or Finger Plays, Songs and Circle Games, Music Appreciation, Art Projects and Learning Games.

Here is a glimpse at what we did this week:


My Handprints

Parts of the Body Flannel Board Pieces

Child of God Matching Cards

I made these matching cards from various Catholic images that I found online, printed onto cardstock, and then laminated.

“The Heavenly Jerusalem”

by Twinkle Toes

by Chiquita

We also spent time browsing through old photo albums, video recording the children telling me about themselves and their favorite things, among other things… Even the boys couldn’t help joining in on some of the games and crafts. And they all kept saying, “Oh! I REMEMBER when I did (this or that)!” It was very cute.

We are looking forward to continuing next week!


  1. Jamie Jo

    We are on week 4–numbers!! Those books look pretty familiar, we just returned them to the library! It’s been kind of fun reserving. I like the program, but I decided this week (with starting the others grades 1 and 3) that I’m going to do each theme over 2 weeks, maybe more. It seems we don’t have enough time on it all. 1 week is not enough for numbers, 1 week is not enough time to read the books (there’s a lot of books) more than a couple times. (the littles like to read them over and over, and they are pretty good books, I like to too.)

    I also want to incorporate the alphabet theme somehow along with it! We have also always done different themes each month during the school year, since Nicholas was little. (actually since I did daycare pre-children) like Sept, we do apple stuff, apple painting, lots of apple crafts, apple testing, apple orchard, etc…I’m finding no time for that with the weekly schedule…so I’m going to stretch each lesson out.

    Did any of that make sense?
    Fun to see your crafts, the same ones we did a few weeks ago!
    God Bless!

  2. Jamie Jo

    I forgot to say, instead of the flannel board, which looked too hard to cut out and make nice (although you did a great job) we made paper dolls, I might have to post a picture. I always take pictures and never get around to blogging!!

    Anyway, the girls loved them! I made skirts and pants and shorts and dresses. Oh, and hair!

  3. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, that made sense Jamie!!

    I wanted to start in August, and usually do, but with swimming decided not to even try this year.

    Your right… It is very hard (especially with home-schooling older children at the same time) to get to everything scheduled in one week. I think you are smart to spread it out over 2 or so. You want it to remain fun, and have time to soak up the material, and not get overwhelmed in the meantime!

    With Little Saints, what I would try to do, is pick and choose the themes that you want to fall at a certain time or month, ie: week 9/Guardian Angels/Colors; Week 16/Thanksgiving; etc, and schedule those into your schedule first then add in the rest of the themes wherever they fit.

    I use to get frustrated when I would fall behind, and then noticed that one of the next weeks was something we celebrated a few weeks ago. You probably already thought about that, but I just thought I would mention it in case. 🙂

    I would LOVE to see pictures of your paper dolls! When I pulled out the pieces this week, I thought, I really should make some girl clothes for that guy, since the girls are using the program, but then never did. Thanks for the reminder!

    I’m glad you and your girls are enjoying the program! God Bless!

  4. Anonymous

    Hello – I came across your site when searching for flannel boards. I sure wish I knew there was a Catholic program when I was homeschooling preschool with my oldest. I am glad you are out there, you have a lot of resources on your site. I have a home-based business selling flannel board story pieces, if you or your readers are interested in a catalog let me know! I’d also love to send you some for review on your site if you are interested. Parents and teachers love them. Altho we do not have specifically Catholic sets we do have Old and New Testament sets and basic educational items. Have fun with the kids, sounds like you have a great program going! I am going to pop over and see Little Saints and think about doing it with my 4 year old.

  5. Regina

    are your parts of the body dolls anatomically correct?
    dont answer that.
    increasing my numbers
    woo hoo


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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