Mosaic Meme

by | Jul 22, 2008 | Meme's | 17 comments

Here’s my contribution to the mosaic meme which was passed on from my cousin Margaret:

The Questions (and The Answers):

1. What is your first name? Jessica 2. What is your favorite food? Pizza 3. What high school did you go to? Our Lady of Victory 4. What is your favorite color? Pink 5. Who is your celebrity crush? (If I had one…I would probably say…) Jim Caviezel 6. Favorite drink? Mocha 7. Dream vacation? Rome 8. Favorite dessert? Mud Pie 9. What you want to be when you grow up? A *better* Mother 10. What do you love most in life? Faith and Family 11. One Word to describe you? Catholic 12. One hobby of yours? Reading

Your turn to jump on the bandwagon! Go ahead and make one of your own. Here’s how: a. Type your answer to each of the questions above into Flickr Search. b. Using only the first page, pick an image. c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker. d. Save image to hard drive and post to blogger. e. Copy HTML code for flickr photo credits and paste into blogger at the bottom of the post.

**Please let me know if you play along! I’d love to see your mosaic!



1. Tu contiens dans ton oeil le couchant et l’aurore, 2. Table.jpg, 3. Our Lady Of Victory Basilica 1+2, 4. rose, 5. james_caviezel_01, 6. The Birthday Mocha, 7. Rome and his churches, 8. Happy Birthday, nal from miami!!!, 9. Pretty Flower, 10. “Norouz” is coming!…, 11. Catholic Church in Vienna HDR, 12. I Love To Read…..3


  1. Aubrey

    That’s neat! I think that I’ll try it on my blog. That’s changed, by the way, but you can get to the new one through my profile if you’re interested. Still enjoy your blog!
    God bless…Aubrey

  2. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    This looks like so much fun but I am not sure I am computer savvy enough to do it. I’ll try!

  3. Allison

    I learned how to do a lot making this meme, thanks for a fun project. Yours is lovely.

  4. Eileen

    My parents were married at OLV Basilica — it was my mom’s parish growing up. I recognized the picture immediately, it’s a gorgeous, awe-inspiring church in every way, you’d love it.

    What a fun meme — I may just have to try it!

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Eileen ~ I actually thought about you and wondered if it was anywhere near you when I picked the picture and noticed that it was in NY! How cool that your parents were married there, it is so breathtakingly beautiful!

  6. Melanie Bettinelli

    I got here from Matilda’s blog, I did this meme here. Thank you so much for passing this along! Such fun!

  7. Sara

    That was fun. You have to check mine out. lol.

  8. Cmerie

    Thank for this! I did one at my place. So pretty.

  9. Kathleen

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, and for “starting” the mosaic– I wandered over here from Sara… love your pics as well. I first thought that the detailed Byzantine Easter eggs were your choice for a “better mother”… and thought she sounds like me Then I realised that I can’t count…. But I loved your mosaic!

  10. Renee

    So, I played too and I want to do another one now. LOL Wouldn’t this be great fun to recreate at another time? Yahooey! Just what I needed today after a full night of storms, and tornados in the area again. Loved it!

  11. Anonymous

    Yours is lovely! So pretty, I had to play:)

  12. Trina

    Hey, I finally did it, and had lots of fun in the process!


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