Our Cookie Crown Cake

by | Aug 23, 2008 | Cake Decorating, Catholic Cuisine, Liturgical Year, Marian | 20 comments

Yesterday the Catholic Church celebrated the Queenship of Mary (and the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the extraordinary calendar.). Earlier this week I posted a recipe (for a Cookie Crown Cake over at Catholic Cuisine) that I had hoped to make. I ended up making it Thursday night, after the children had gone to bed, and they were all so excited when they woke up to find the cake on the kitchen table before we left for Mass and Benediction. (I overheard Twinkle Toes waking the boys up to, “…and there are even M&M’s on the very top!!!”)

It was actually very easy to make, though it did take a LOT little bit of time. 😉 I am a total amateur when it comes to cake decorating, so it didn’t turn out anywhere near perfect, but my children LOVED it, and that is what matters!

The cookies were the hardest part… The rest was a breeze. First, I forgot to sprinkle them with the yellow sugar, until they were half way done baking… oops!! I wasn’t able to find “Stardrop” candy either, so I cut some dots in half and used those instead. They aren’t as pretty as the Stardrops, but it worked… Then I wasn’t the most patient person when it came to the frosting… I guess it must take lots of talent, or maybe just a steady hand and lots of practice.. I don’t know. I just quickly squeezed it on (unevenly to say the least), and left it at that. 🙂

It was so nice to be able to attend Mass and Benediction. The boys were able to serve, and afterwards we went out for coffee and snacks with Father and some friends. We had such a nice time, as usual! Last night, after the children were in their pajamas, we said our family rosary, and then we (or rather they) ate the cake! I was told that it was very yummy!

I hope you all had a lovely day as well!

Mary, Queen of Heaven ~ Pray for us!


  1. The Wades

    You are something else!!! That cake is gorgeous. 🙂

  2. Ruth

    That’s unbelievable!!!!! The cake turned out so beautiful.

  3. Aubrey

    Wow, that’s a work of art!

  4. Anonymous

    It’s beautiful!!

  5. Anna B.

    Great job, the kids smiles says it all.. You an awesome Mom 🙂

  6. Amy

    You said it didn’t look as good as the picture! Whatever! It looks fabulous!!

  7. Anonymous

    looks amazing!! i never got around to doing it, but yours is great!!

  8. Sara

    We tried it, too, but my computer was down and I couldn’t get the template for the cookies. I don’t think it would have turned out as beautifully as yours, anyway. I was exhausted after spending all afternoon making it!

    How did you keep the cookies from puffing up and losing their shapes??

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone! It was really fun to make.

    Sara ~ I am so sorry you weren’t able to get the template. It really did help. I only used the template, since I couldn’t find my little heart cookie cutter. As far as keeping the cookies from puffing up, I think it was quite by accident… I put the 1st batch into the oven, and then started re-reading the directions. For some reason I thought I was suppose to put the sugar crystals on AFTER the cookies came out of the oven, not before, and so when I saw my mistake, I ran to the cupboard, grabbed the sugar crystals and opened the oven with just a few minutes of cooking time left. They had started to puff up by this point. I shook the sugar over them all and using a spatula tried to “push” the sugar into the cookies. This took care of the puffiness! 😉 For the next back, I followed the directions better and really covered the cookies in the sugar. I think that might have helped them hold their shape… I don’t know?
    Oh.. did you add the extra flour to the cookie batter? I think that helped stiffen them up as well… ANyhow, I am SURE your children loved it no matter HOW it turned out! :o)

  10. Anonymous

    My daughter, Sarah (who went to Christendom with you) made the cake and had a Queenship of Mary party. It was fabulous and, from all accounts, mucho fun. I think she gave you credit on her blog!
    Sarah’s Mother

  11. Jamie Jo

    Ok, I’m the stupid one, how do you use a paper template to cut cookies out?

    The cake looks just beautiful!! You did a super job!!

  12. Jessica Gordon

    Jamie ~ I was a little confused at first too… What you do, is you print out the template and trace it on to a piece of cardboard, which you cut out as well. You then use the cardboard template and a knife to cut out your cookies. (You just cut along the edges of the cardboard.) Does that make sense?

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Sarah’s mom ~ Thank you for visiting!!! Sarah’s party sounded wonderful!

  14. Anonymous

    What a great job!! That turned out wonderful 🙂 Thanks for insipiring us all!

    Miss chatting with you and I hope you are having a great weekend.

  15. Mary Machado

    It is beautiful! Don’t try to tell me it didn’t turn out as well the FF version because I’m not buying it. The kids loved it and that’s what matters.

  16. Anonymous

    Beautiful cake for a beautiful day, Jessica! You did such a great job. You are always making fantastic memories for your children! The Blessed Mother was guiding your tired hands.

  17. Trina

    Just joining the crowd of admirers to say that the cake is absolutely beautiful. You are amazing.

    I ended up making a fish cake for JP’s birthday celebration, but I really do want to make this one sometime. It could actually be used for lots of different occasions couldn’t it?

  18. Sarah

    Wow! Your cake is amazing. My cookies puffed up like crazy, but I forgot to add the sugar, so maybe that is why?? I added the extra flour, so that’s not it. Hmm . . . guess I need more practice!!

  19. Jessica Gordon

    Sarah ~ I think it must be the sugar. When I made the second batch, I covered them in sugar and had no problem with them puffing up. Isn’t that strange?

    Trina ~ It COULD be made for many reasons… Feast of Christ the King, Epiphany, a little princesses birthday, etc!!!! :o)

  20. melody

    Thank you so much for sharing! My daughter’s Name Day is the Feast of the Queenship of Our Lady…I would love to do this next year!


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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