The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ Aug 25th

by | Aug 25, 2008 | Daybook | 12 comments


Outside my Window… last night there was a SKUNK! Right there… RIGHT outside the kitchen door… I should have grabbed my camera, but instead I jumped/screamed and scared it away. It reminded me of the time my sister Jennifer mistakingly pet a skunk thinking it was our cat when we were kids. Thankfully the skunk was so surprised it didn’t know WHAT to do and she slowly backed up and got away. I didn’t react as calmly. 😉

I am thinking… about how nice it is to have a clean home! I spent Friday afternoon and Saturday deep cleaning and organizing. I got ALL the clothing that the children have grown out of sorted and stored (or packed up to give away), along with the baby swings, bassinet, bouncy chair and all the other things our little Snuggles has recently outgrown. Our home feels so much bigger! Now that it is all packed up, I will probably find out that I am pregnant next month! 😉

From the learning room… I have been spending a lot of time over at Serendipity, browsing, printing and then requesting books from the library… I am so excited to add some of the plans to our studies this year!

I am thankful… for my wonderful hubby, as usual! This weekend he helped me SO much! He put all the boxes in our small little attic, cleaned the bathrooms, and even washed my van inside an out!! I tell ya, he is spoiling me!

From the kitchen… coffee like usual. I am still trying to decide what to make for dinner. I am leaning towards the recipe for Enchilasagna from my Healthy Foods cookbook.

I am creating… a back-to-school supply list.

I am going… to be very busy this week… You can see my plans below.

I am wearing…black gauchos and a pinkish tee-shirt.

I am readingManagers of their Homes. Again. Why is it so hard for me to make a schedule??

I am hoping… that I don’t need a root canal. I woke up with a horribly sensitive tooth on Friday. I *think* that I had a filling fall out, though I am not sure. The dentist wasn’t able to get me in until tomorrow morning, and I have hardly been able to eat, and only able to drink out of a straw all weekend! Oh I have such a fear of the dentist… please say a prayer for me tomorrow morning!

I am hearing… an old Popeye movie playing. Twinkle Toes woke up with a bad rash on her legs… poison oak maybe? And I am letting her watch a movie.

Around the house… there isn’t much to do.. It is SO nice. I am sure that is all about to change come this afternoon, but I am enjoying it for the moment.

One of my favorite things… is receiving our new school books in the mail. The mailman just left a few more packages today! Yay!!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week

  • Finalize the plans for our Little Flowers group
  • Auditory Processing Class for Captain, Mon-Wed
  • Last week of Swimming Lessons ~ Each afternoon Mon-Thurs
  • Dentist appointment for me on Tuesday
  • Pick up Back to School Supplies, and book order from our local book store
  • Pick up reserved books at the library for our first couple weeks of school
  • Chiropractic appointment for me on Wednesday (I am a mess!!)
  • Summer with the Saints on Thursday
  • The boys will be serving Mass and Benediction on Friday, which will also be the 1st day of our new school year… What better way to start the year than with Mass? After Mass we will go out for Coffee and Turnovers in honor of St. John the Baptist. I also promised the children a trip to the Ice Cream Shop to celebrate the beginning of our new year. It looks like it will be a fun day!
  • Our newest Goddaughters baptism Saturday morning
  • Twinkle Toes 5th Birthday on Saturday (We may have to celebrate on Sunday, since we have the baptism and party on Saturday… We’ll see.)
  • Sometime in the midst of all this, I hope to catch up on reading my favorite blogs, post the rest of what I have planned for our school year, as well as post the rest of the pictures from our trip… It may or may not happen!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing:

Oh No!!! Not again!! I left to go and take the above picture, and came back to find this:

Every once in awhile my email program goes crazy and decides to resend me the emails from the past year few months. Does anyone else have this problem????

To see more Daybook entry’s, click here.

I hope you all have a simply wonderful week!


  1. Amy

    3000 emails!! Goodness! That is awful about the program doing that!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Oh, I KNOW! I have found a quick way to delete them, but the only way I can get it to stop is to log into MSN and make sure they are all deleted there as well. I initially switched from MSN since one day I logged in to find that all my emails were gone and had been replaced with emails from the prior year. It was so odd. All those emails had been previously deleted as well. *sigh* Someday I will be able to replace this thing with a Mac… Why did I ever switch? 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    Our son, Ben, (who I believe also went to Christendom College with you) did the same thing….tried to pet a possum! He thought it was our cat! It scared him so much he cried.
    Mrs. Hatke (Sarah and Ben’s mom)

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Hello Mrs. Hatke! That is so cute, about Ben! I think I would cry too, if I accidentally tried petting a possum. Yikes!! How old was Ben at the time?? Oh, and yes, Ben was a student at Christendom during my year there, though I believe he was a year or two ahead of me. However, Sarah didn’t start till the next year–I believe?– but I did get to meet her when I went back for a visit. She is very sweet. You have been blessed with great children, and some adorable grandchildren. Thank you so much for visiting, and commenting!

  5. Shelly

    no, don’t have that prob. wow.

    Are you doing the serendipity science? We’re doing that. I love it. I’m only bummed b/c our library system really stinks. There aren’t many books that are on her list that they have. some i just bought on amazon [if they were a penny or two].
    anyway – if you aren’t doing the science you really don’t care. LOL!
    still planning, btw. we may start school b4 Christmas at this rate!

  6. Shelly

    in your first picture – is that the Charlotte Mason planner?

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Hi Shelly! No… It is just my Managers of their Homes book and my many pages of plans, as I *attempt* to make a schedule. I would LOVE a Charlotte Mason planner though, that would be so handy!

  8. Margaret

    Wow you are busy!

    Did you get my email from yesterday?

  9. Nancy Carabio Belanger

    Ewww…skunks! How funny you mentioned that because it reminds me of a (bad) dream I had last night that five skunks got into my house! ??? Strange, I know…I think my brain is overly creative when I sleep. You also gave me motivation to go into my basement and tackle the clutter! Thanks and good luck with the dentist. I had my first root canal earlier this year and I have to say it wasn’t that bad at all…no worse than getting a filling, really. Don’t worry.

  10. Aubrey

    Whew, you’re busy. Good luck with the dentist. I’m getting close to having an implant placed, so I’m an expert on dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons, and an overall dread of the dentist’s office. A loose filling really can cause that much pain, as can full sinuses, so hopefully it’s that simple.

    I don’t have that problem with e-mail. I use whatever manager is free and is called Windows Live Mail. Then again, I don’t get junk mail and many people do.

    Good luck!

  11. Jessica Gordon

    Nancy ~ That is TOO funny! What an interesting dream! I think I would die if I found skunks *in* my house!

  12. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone for the prayers. I didn’t end up needing a root canal, but I had lost a filling, which my dentist replaced. He is hoping that this one holds. If it doesn’t I guess it will require a cap :S

    I only cried once. 😉


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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