The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ Aug 4th

by | Aug 4, 2008 | Daybook | 9 comments


Outside my Window… we saw a bird fly out of the nest!!! So, it must not have been abandoned…

I am thinking… about Elizabeth’s post Not So Simple. Isn’t that the truth with a large family? (And my family is hardly “large” in comparison to some!) It is not simple, yet I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

I am thankful… for my wonderful, healthy children.

From the kitchen… hot oatmeal with blueberries, toast, orange juice, and a smoothie for me. I have been very bad about my diet and I feel the effects… I am planning on changing that today.

I am creating…our curriculum lists for the upcoming school year, still!! It has been very slow progress this year.

I am going… to be super duper busy this week.

I am wearing…my jammies. It is still early, though I really should be getting ready for the day, instead of sitting at the computer.

I am reading… or rather, pouring through, tons of homeschool catalogs, and forum discussions, trying to figure out what will work best for my children. We need to make some changes, especially in Math. Saxon just didn’t work this past year for us, and the thought of having children doing Saxon K, 1 and 2, is completely overwhelming. I am leaning towards switching to Right Start, but I am not sure yet…

I am hoping… to finish my planning and any ordering by next Sunday.

I am hearing…the washing machine. I have a few loads to do this morning, but nothing too overwhelming.

Around the house… I still have quite a bit of organizing to do. I started with the girls closet (armoire) the other night and sorted through 42 pairs of shoes! YIKES!! They ranged from size 6-10, so when I was done they had a much more reasonable number left over!

One of my favorite things… is having out of town friends come to visit! I have another best friend, from my teenage years on, who will be staying overnight with her 3 boys! It has been over a year since I have seen her, and we have each had a baby since then… Basically, it has been too long!! I’m so excited!!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week

  • Auditory Processing Class for Captain, Mon-Wed
  • Sign the boys up for a week long beginner Piano Camp
  • Summer with the Saints on Thursday
  • The boys will be serving Mass and Benediction on Friday for Father C. (It is so nice to have him back in town!!)
  • Swimming, Swimming and MORE Swimming!!!! The swimming teacher called me last night, and is able to get my boys into another session as well, so it looks like all five of my children will be having lessons the next two weeks. We will be at the pool from 10:30-2:00 Mon-Thurs . YIKES!!! Speaking of which, I have to get going!!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing:

All set for the fall!

To see more Daybook entry’s, click here.

I hope you all have a simply wonderful week!


  1. Sara

    After 13 years of Saxon, I switched everyone (my last 3 at home) over to Singapore in March! We loved it.

  2. Christine

    I wish my feet were that small…I would love a pair of those brown boots. Sadly my size 9 1/2 look so goofy in anything!

    A teen-age friend!!!! Oh have fun. Those kinds of friends are a treasure.

  3. Amy

    I can’t wait to here about which math program you are going to use. I am very curious too, as I have the same concerns about Saxon.

  4. Anonymous

    I’m also a homeschooling mom and I’m woefully behind on my orders.

    Hope your day has been productive.

  5. Anonymous

    Wow! That’s a lot of shoes! (I imagine we may have that many, too.) 🙂

  6. Margaret

    You are busier than I am! ☺ Try to have some fun in there.♥

  7. SimplyMe

    Oh good grief! I learn so much reading blogs. If only they were around when my kids were little. Which auditory processing class? My heart aches for Captain. I did fast forward with my oldest (now 15) when she was 5-6 or 6-7 (can’t remember now) We lived so far away from the nearest administrator that we did it at home and uploaded the sessions to her. My little trooper would sit there 5 nights a week after school and plug away at it. My younger daugher (-2 years off sister) would sit and play file folder games at the dining room table while I did homework to keep things quiet enough. Thank you Radio Shack for making noise cancelling headphones at the time!

    Have a great week, and may it be smooth sailing.

  8. The Wades

    Your posts continue to impress (and I wish inspire) me. I love when you do one like this. I always find it fascinating to learn what other people are doing with their time. You’d think it would get me motivated…Good job!

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Kadezmom ~ The tutor is using Lindamood-Bell with my son, mixed with other materials to help with rotations and reversals, and other such challenges. It has been such a blessing that she comes to our home, and works with him here. Thank you for visiting!


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