The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ Sep 8th

by | Sep 8, 2008 | Daybook | 57 comments


Outside my (open) Window… the birds are chirping and the sky is blue.  It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day!


I am thinking… about the upcoming From Thy Bounty Fairs.  I am really looking forward to them!  Won’t you join us?

From the learning room…lots of books from the library.  I am a couple books away from maxing out my limit! We are going to be busy, but it’s a very good type of busy!

I am thankful… for socks and sweaters on chilly mornings.

From the kitchen… Blueberry Bagels for Breakfast in honor of our Blessed Mother’s Birthday!  Last weeks shredded beef burritos were so yummy, I’ll be popping another roast into my crock-pot and will have them again tonight… Followed by Blueberry Cheesecake for dessert. 

I am creating… little wooden saints.  I’ll try and post pictures soon.

I am going… to exercise this week.  I am going to exercise this week.  I am GOING to exercise THIS week!  😉 Now let’s see if I actually do it…

I am wearing… warm socks!  My feet are freezing!

I am reading… lots of emails.  I am sorry if I owe you a response.  I wasn’t on the computer much this past week, and am quite behind once again.

I am hoping… that I don’t have to report a gain for the 4th week in a row!  sniff.sniff.

I am hearing… the children talking… They just woke up.  Time for me to get off the computer!

Around the house… lots of laundry and stacks of various things that need to be put away.  I spent too much time “creating” this weekend.  (It was so much fun though!)

One of my favorite things… Have I mentioned socks?  Nice fluffy warm ones?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week

  • Week two of school, the tutor will be coming Mon, Tue & Wed
  • Dentist appointments for our 3 oldest on Thursday.
  • Mass and Benediction on Friday, followed by lunch with Father.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing:

To see more Daybook entry’s, click here.

I hope you all have a simply wonderful week!


  1. Christine

    Warm socks! No way. I am wearing my flip-flops till I can flog no more. Winter is just so long here in MN!

    Looks like a great week for you…yum yum!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    I am sure I will be in my flip flops this afternoon… We are suppose to have a high of 84… Last night my hubby opened all the windows, since it got so hot yesterday, and it is currently 65 degrees in here… Burr! We probably won’t need that a/c today. 🙂

  3. Sara

    How many saints are you making? We just do one per week, if that. I’m wishing we had made Blessed Mother Teresa last week in addition to our “O” saint.

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Um… I did a few… I tend to have a one track mind and went overboard… I stopped at St. Joseph. 🙂

    I am sure I will do a few over when the time comes, but I wanted to see *IF* I would be able to make them or not.

  5. Kimberly

    I can’t wait to see your little “saints”…I’ve been thinking about making a few with the little ones…

    Thanks for sharing your Daybook!

  6. Margaret

    Yummy looking cheesecake!

    I only like socks when it’s really cold. Otherwise, I prefer to be sock free especially when I sleep.

  7. Regina

    HEY, i made the list for top 10 commenters. now i have to be first

  8. Regina


  9. Regina

    why does it still only say 13? does it not update immediately?

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Check back in 30 minutes Regina.. I am sure you will be #1 by then!

    I think this post officially has more comments than any other post I have ever put up! Thanks Regina! 😉 You are hilarious… I never knew you were so competitive!

  11. Regina

    whooo hooooo, i’m number one

  12. Regina

    i’m number one

  13. Regina

    i’m number one

  14. Regina

    i’m still number one

  15. Salve, sancta parens!

    Whoa whoa whoa. I’m sorry R you need to be disqualified. This is an outrage to all blogspot etiquette.

  16. Mary Machado

    Regina, that was very determined…and funny!

  17. The Wades

    Regina’s cheating! (say in snotty child-like voice!) I say throw all her comments out! I’m with Salve, sancte parens!

    Jessica, you’re too good! Will you be posting a recipe for that pie?

  18. Regina

    proper blog etiquette requires your profile be made public mr. salve, sancte parens!, if that is even your real name (as if anyone speaks latin to know what that means) veni, vidi, vici

    and dont be sore losers, leave lots of comments if you want to be #1-though i will do my best to continue to be queen of the mountain…regardless of the appropriateness of my comments.

    and thank you marym, now there is someone who recognizes a true feat.

    jessica, i like your new comment picture.


  19. Jessica Gordon

    I am playing around with pictures tonight… Hum… What do you think of this one?

  20. Regina

    cute, but i like the individual better

  21. Salve, sancta parens!

    Profile – shmofile. What’s so difficult about signing the rest of r_ _ _ _ _?

    I notice too that while you’re swingin’ wild at the rest of the competition, you’re smooching up to the blogger:

    “jessica, i like your new comment picture.”

    Too bad you can’t bring her an apple.

  22. Regina

    and hah, now i am even beating the combined amy
    i rule, im the best, im awesome, go me

  23. Regina

    um, if you look at the actual name on my profile it says regina. i aint afraid. i aint ashamed. i tell my real name-REGINA.
    i know who you are and you better be careful, i know where you live and though it may take me awhile to get there, get there i can!! and i wont be bringing no apples.
    goodnight _e_ _

  24. Regina

    how ’bout them apples

  25. Salve, sancta parens!

    No, you’ll be bringing your new grunge friends and bongs . . . ooh I’m scared.

  26. Regina

    you should be, they can really stink up the joint. ha, ha, get it-joint. i cant hit the bong…way too big and there aren’t enough cheetos in the house.

    jessica, are you glad we have overtaken your blog? i would post comments on old salve’s blog but i cant get to it since his profile isnt public (and i dont remember the name of it)

  27. Regina

    oh and i just googled salve, sancte parens and it says it should be sancta just as an fyi…google is never wrong you know

  28. Jessica Gordon

    Regina ~ “how ’bout them apples”

    I am laughing so hard it hurts!

    Tip: Scroll down and you’ll find the link in my right sidebar. However, I am actually enjoying all the comments! :o)

  29. Mits


    This picture is really nice and I am playing around with pictures. I like your new comment picture.


  30. Amy


  31. Salve, sancta parens!

    It’s SALVE. Get with the program. What does Google know anyway? Just a bunch of commies.

  32. Salve, sancta parens!

    Alright, fine – sancta! Happy?

    Does it “smell like teen spirit” up there?

  33. Anonymous

    U R ALL NUTS!!!! :>)

  34. Paul Murphy

    well to all of you wanna be’s on here tryin to get to the number one spot, and becoming jessica’s fav. i have news…she likes me the best! i give her massages and sisterly love. ha! Accipe hoc salve sacte! I win…no need to leave 500 comments when you have magic medical grade hands! ~jew


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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