
by | Jun 26, 2008 | Just for Fun, My Siblings, Pictures | 20 comments

For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
~ Christina G. Rossetti

On Sunday, I had a rare opportunity to spend the afternoon and evening with my mom and most of my sisters! (I am the oldest of 12, and I have 5 sisters and 6 brothers… My sister Jamie lives on the opposite coast, and was dearly missed!)

Mom, Me, Mary, Jennifer, Julianna and JoAnn

About 3 years ago, my sister Jennifer (who is only 14 months younger than I) moved away, and I have only been able to see her a couple times since. This past weekend she was up visiting. It was so nice to see her!

We all met up at Mucho Gusto for lunch. It was so yummy!

We then went to see a movie. It is so hard to find a decent movie anymore, and they weren’t too interested in seeing Prince Caspian, so we watched “Get Smart.”

Have you ever taken someones picture in a dark theater, while you are waiting for the movie to start? The flash is BRIGHT!!! It caught Julianna (and Mary) by surprise!

After the movie Jennifer showed us a house that she is considering buying since she is hoping to move back!

Then we all headed over to my brother Brian’s house to say “Hi!”

I got there first and snapped a couple photos (surprise!):

He was like, “What are you, the paparazzi?!” No… Just your favorite big sister! 😉

We had such fun visiting, and then mom took another couple pictures of us girls…

I sure am starting to look older… Especially when I am in between my 16 year old twin sisters! I can’t believe that I am practically TWICE their age! No wonder I look wrinkly! At least Jen can still say she is in her 20’s!

Nevertheless, I had a great time, despite my age! 😉

Before we left, we had to get a picture with Brian as well:

Yes, I am the only normal self-conscious one! Oh, and you should see all the pictures I am choosing not to show you… I promised to be nice!

Here’s a better shot:

Numbers 10, 1, 7, 6, 2 and 9 of 12 children!

After mom took this last picture I said to her, “Can you believe this is just half of your children?!”

Big families are AWESOME!!!!!

Thank you mom and dad for being open to life and giving us each other. Now, if we could just get together more often!


  1. Angie

    I’ve been enjoying your blog – a lot! You and your family are so gorgeous! How awesome to have such a large family. Truly a blessing!

    I’ll be back to visit again.

  2. Margaret

    How fun to see almost all of your sisters together! I miss seeing Jaime too! That girl needs a blog. You tell her that. What’s this about Jennifer moving back? I hadn’t heard that.

    LOVE love love the pictures! Wish I had even one sister! But, that wasn’t the Lord’s plan for my family. Thankfully, I am surrounded by precious souls and a pretty little girl!

  3. Amy

    I wish I had lots of brothers and sisters. I just got off the phone with my only sister and now she is moving to Asia! Geesh.

  4. Anonymous

    Awesome post! Though you’re making me miss my sisters!

  5. Allison

    You can just see the bonds of love, thanks for sharing!

    My sister is on the other coast too.

  6. JoAnn

    Yeah, big families are awesome!!l lol
    Thanks for taking the pictures jess! that was fun!
    I’m glad you didnt post some of the other ones, oh boy….haha
    The movie was funnyyy…jen and her pickles lol.
    Wish we could do that type of stuff more often, i miss my big sisys lol
    But yeah, omg jesssss you dont look twice our age, or have wrinkles, you sillly willy.
    love you!

  7. Shelly

    wow! i’m tearing – this is absolutely beautiful and a true testament to the beauty of life and the openess to it!!! Thanks!

  8. Regina

    no need to be self conscious, you’re just as pretty as the rest! looks like you had fun

  9. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone! We really did have fun getting together!

    Meg ~ Yes, you have been blessed with a darling little girl! And TONS of cousins! 😉 Oh, and Jen is hoping to move back in a few weeks! Once she is here we should have another girls afternoon, and you should come join us!

    Amy ~ I know how you feel about your sis… One of my sisters is moving to Okinawa. 🙁

  10. The Wades

    Way fun post! Loved it. You guys have a super cute half family. I’ll have to see the rest before I fully commit. 😉 Good times.

  11. Anonymous

    Glad you were able to have a night with the girls, It looks like so much fun! I wish I had a sister 🙁

    You are so beautiful and I bet you don’t have even one wrinkle! What a great looking and fun loving family. Thanks for sharing the pics!

  12. Christie@tisbutaseason

    How fun! We recently had a family reunion (I’m back to posting :)) and it was great fun to see my hubby’s family.

    So glad you were able to have a girls day! My daughter & I periodically do that too!

  13. Anonymous

    Sorry I missed it!!! Looks like you had a great time! wrinkles and all!!! LOL! A.B.

  14. Nadja

    What a fantastic post. I think big families are fantastic, and I wish I’d started younger and had more kids!

    You all look great, and more than that, you look like you like each other above and beyond loving each other. That’s great.

    One more thing: are you all short, or is Jennifer really tall?

  15. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks Nadja! We definietly have our moments, but yes,we do like each other! 🙂

    And, to put our heights in perspective… I am just over 5’6″, and quickly becoming the shortest in the family, other than my mom. Jennifer is the tallest (I think) of the girls. She is about 5’8″ However, she is always wearing HUGE heels, so she looks even taller, and makes me feel really short! (You can’t see her shoes in the picture since her jeans are long… but the heel had to be at least 3 inches! I honestly don’t know how she can walk in them!)

    Anyhow, thanks for visiting and commenting!

  16. Christine

    I totally agree with you Jessica….BIG FAMILIES ARE THE BEST!

    I am an only child so I am very very jealous of you. If you ever get sick of your sisters send some over to me. Seems like you have enough to share!! hee hee

  17. Regina

    WOW 3 days and no new post…you havent been THAT busy 😉

  18. Renee

    What a beautiful bunch, a family of siblings all happy to be, just that. You are so lucky to live close to one another. My own siblings live all over the world, parents all on the west coast, missing them lately alot! Congrats for sticking together in such a special way, a rare wonder these days in families.

  19. Anonymous

    Hey Jess! Wow, whata fun blog you have! I love the pictures!!! It was soooooo nice seeing you. I love u so much! Talk to you soon! Jen

  20. Anshi

    Its so much fun in a such a big family. Mine is a nuclear family with just me, my little naughty brother and my parents. I’m planning to have a biiiiiiiig family like yours 🙂
    I hope to have God’s blessings in abundance for this.
    Cheers to you and your siblings.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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