Spring Cleaning ~ Master Bedroom & Bath

by | Mar 19, 2008 | Home Sweet Home, Organization | 9 comments

Well, we really have gotten quite a bit of Easter Cleaning done… There is just SO MUCH MORE to do. I am really trying to limit my decluttering and focus on the actual cleaning, since I could easily get stuck in a closet or cabinet for a full day! Does that ever happen to you?

Yesterday, the majority of the day was spent in the Bedrooms and Bathrooms. I started with the Master Bedroom since I figured I could keep the kids out of there once it was done! It wasn’t too hard since I had a good jump start on it a couple weeks ago when hubby was out of town.

I really wish I would have taken a picture before I started cleaning. It looks so much better now, and is so much more peaceful!

Some of the things removed from this room (a couple weeks ago) included: Exercise Ball, Toddler Bed, Old Computer, Sleeping Bags, Lots of Laundry, and tons of other stuff. Having all of that out made cleaning so much easier!

Here are a few pictures:

We have been trying to decide what to put in this corner, but after moving the bookcases from the garage to the school room, we needed some where to put one of the school room bookcases.

Hubby was able to move a whole bunch of books out of his closet, and I was able to have a spot for some photo albums. At some point I need to go through all of our books. But not yet.

All of the drawers (except for 2 of hubby’s) are cleaned out!! I love it!!
Here are before and after pictures of my nightstand drawers.



Now I don’t have to keep all my books on top of my nightstand!

After the bedroom was done, windows, lights and all, I moved on to the Master Bathroom.

I started with organizing one of the cabinets:

And then moved on to clearing off the counter. (Most of my makeup was on the counter…) I got rid of enough stuff to fit my makeup under the sink, but I am going to save the rest of the cabinets & drawers for another purging project.

I cleaned the Bathroom from ceiling to floor, and realized just how much I LOVE my bathroom windows!! They are top down/bottom up, and they fold in to clean the outsides!! It was so easy!

I even set up a new reed diffuser that Carrie gave me for my birthday, and found new candles for near the tub!

Still to do:

  • Need 3 can light bulbs for Master Bedroom
  • Need touch up paint in a couple spots
  • Organize Bathroom Drawers & Under Sinks
  • Buy a lid for toilet — it broke shortly after installation, and we still haven’t replaced it. I asked for a new one for Christmas, but I didn’t get it. I was serious!

Also… Does anyone know of a great product for removing water spots? I scrubbed and scrubbed with no luck. I use to have an amazing product called Amaze, but the store that sold it is out of business, and I can’t even fins it online. What do you use? Does it work?

I will try to post some more of our progress later, but for now, my break is over!


  1. Amy

    Beautiful job Jessica! You have a beautiful home!!

    Ok, I need to get back to work too!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you Amy! I do LOVE our addition. Although I really wish we had closets in the kids rooms. I just hope that someday we can remodel the kitchen and laundry/bath, to match the rest of the house! LOL! 🙂

  3. Margaret

    What kind of spots? Wall, carpet?

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks Meg!

    Hard water spots on the glass shower door. I have some generic water spot remover, but it didn’t clean it very well.

  5. Cheryl

    Great job! Your bedroom looks beautiful.

  6. Christy

    Wow, what a beautiful home! And may I say, for an insane person, you have done an amazing job of getting it all in shape :o)……you remain my ‘hero’ of the week! :o)

  7. Laura The Crazy Mama

    I use CLR (calcium, lime, and rust) I let it sit for a long time, then come back with gloves and lots of rinsing. Keep kids FAAAAARRRR away when using this, but it works like a charm.

  8. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you so much Laura!! I will have to try that. It would be so nice to have clean shower doors again!


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