This is seriously getting ridiculous…

by | Mar 27, 2008 | Wildlife | 21 comments

Any suggestions?


  1. Ruth

    You’re kidding!!! That’s too funny.

  2. Jamie Jo

    Oh, my goodness!! Don’t feed him!

  3. Jamie Jo

    I have a question for you and answer at your leisure (is there such a thing?) well, when you get a chance. I am new to this blogging thing, and having a hard time finding balance with my time, reading the blogs especially. There are SO many wonderful ones out there. Each week, my favorites has gotten longer.

    Email me, or post about it, please, pretty please?
    [email protected]

  4. Jessica Gordon

    I’m NOT kidding!!! And we DON’T feed them… (I have never been much of one for pets… maybe someday when the kids are older.) My kids enjoy chasing them away, that’s about it. What is ridiculous is that, there is at least 20 of them out there, and they haven’t even had babies yet! I have told the kids to try to stay away from them, after hearing that last turkey pecking on the door–they are getting pretty daring, and I don’t want one of them to get attacked! They have some strong beaks.

  5. Renee

    Oh my! How about having your children use their imaginary play by being Daniel Boone. They can prepare them for your freezer?? LOL Golly, are they wild, yours, or flying in and attracted to something else? Funny!

  6. Jessica Gordon

    They are Wild. I have no idea what attracts them to here. We have lots and lots of deer as well. The UPS man stopped the other day and started talking about all the deer, and telling me things about them… And those guys usually don’t stand in one spot for more than a couple seconds.

    We do back to the woods, and there is a creek nearby, so it could be that… I don’t know. The boys do pretend to shoot the turkeys already. They are constantly talking about getting one for Thanksgiving!

  7. Amy

    When I lived out in the country growing up we had a flock of turkeys that loved our place. It was horrible! They roosted in the trees around our pool, so you would go swimming and they were all there watching you. It was very creepy.
    All I can think of is a dog to keep them away. I have a very big and loving dog that is good with kids. 🙂 You can have him anytime you wish! But, of course, then you are dealing with the other kind of fecal matter.
    If you do kill them, cook them upsaide down, so the juices will flow to the breast. Trust me on this. Been there.

  8. Amy

    I have a shotgun and will travel


  9. Anonymous

    lol! I think you should take the guy up on the shotgun offer or say a prayer to St. Francis. He was so good with animals!

    Also, I got attacked by one when I was a kid. I was 5 and it knocked my over and the basicly flapped its wings on me (they can be strong!) and tried to jump on me.

    I would get a BB gun and fire it at them. If they dont feel threatened they’ll stay! Say a prayer to ask St. Anthony to tell them to heed your warnings or you will send for the guy with the shotgun! lol

  10. Anonymous

    sorry, meant St. Francis…but any of them will help 😉

  11. Amy

    St. Anthiny works as that is Hubby’s patron saint!!

  12. Christy

    Good thing you guys are FAR away–hubby and boys have been out soliciting permission from farmers to hunt their land in a week when the season opens! I’d say if they get any more friendly–yum!

  13. Anonymous

    Amy Caroline,
    So true, I love St.Anthony too! I was thinking of the story when St.Francis tammed the wolf. But, now that you mentioned it, St. Anthony gave a sermon to all the creatures in the sea and they listened!!! What amazing gifts these Saints are to us! How neat things work out….I was thinking of St.Francis the whole time, but St. Anthony just poured out my fingers with out my knowledge 🙂

    Jessica…you must petition them both!! St. Anthony said so….lol

  14. Jessica Gordon

    Hubby says come on over Tony!!

    In the meantime, I will pray to St. Francis to keep the turkeys calm around my children, and to St. Anthony to help the turkeys find a new home! 🙂

  15. Anonymous


  16. Marc Salvatore

    Two words:

    Turkey Dinner (And please invite me 🙂

  17. Amy

    Tony said his work won’t come cheap though… he requires homemade cookies. 😉

  18. Mary

    HAHAHAH!!!! Thats so hilarious!!!! Turn him into some turky jerky!! too bad thanksgiving is so far away!! That thing is huge though!!..Doesnt surprise me..I mean look at the size of its terd!! Haha One time Joann was walking and stepped in a huge one!! STUPID TERKYS!

  19. Anonymous

    dinner (an how am I notified when you reply?)


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