Wow ~ Week 11

by | May 15, 2008 | Bunco, Food Sensitivity, WoW | 7 comments

Aaahhh! It has been a busy couple days, and I finally have a free moment to sit down at the computer.

First of all, THANK YOU for the prayers you all offered for our family, especially my hubby. The procedure went well yesterday… However, they did remove a “colitis” (I think that is what he called it) and sent it in for a biopsy. The doc will meet with hubby again in 2 weeks. I would appreciate any prayers you could send our way as we wait for the results. Thank you!

Last night was also Bunco night! (I had to take Snuggles with me so hubby could rest, but he actually did fine this time!) It was a blast! In fact, I actually won the prize for most Buncos! It was an awesome prize too — a Glass Margarita, including a pitcher and 8 glasses. I LOVE it! (I actually oohed and aahed over it the last time I was at Costco!) I don’t think I have ever won 1st place before… Usually I win the prize for the biggest “loser!” 😉

Speaking of being the biggest loser… This was my week!! Ok… So I wasn’t THE biggest loser, but it has been my best week to date for weight loss! I lost 2.5 pounds!! (Even more if I would have had to post last Friday’s weight!) I’m so excited!! And to think I was ready to quit last week.

Part of the 2.5 pounds is the weight I had gained over the last few weeks, but, with today’s weigh in, I have finally hit my last pre-pregnancy weight! Now to move on to the weight gained with the girls. 🙂

Unlike last week though, I am starting to feel like my goal is achievable, thanks to the Food Sensitivity Test I had done. Last Friday I received my results, and was amazed to see the list of foods that my body does not tolerate.

Almost every item that I had been eating the last couple weeks, fell into either my “Severe Intolerance” category, or into my “Moderate Intolerance” category. Here I thought I was eating healthy–for the most part, and was in actuality making myself a death drink for breakfast! 😉

I got off those items completley on Friday, and switched to eating whatever and however much of the items in my Green (No intolerance) category, and dropped close to 4 pounds over the weekend. It has got to be those foods causing my weight gain!

The challenge will be finding foods to eat that my body will tolerate. Dairy and Sugar are out for sure… I never realized how just about everything has sugar in it!

Well, speaking of food, it is time for me to go make dinner now. I hope you all are having a great week so far, and hopefully I will be able to catch up with you all soon!

This weeks summary:

  • Week eleven progress: -2.5 pound
  • Total lost in WoW: -5.5 pounds

Goals for this week:

  • Continue eliminating the foods that my body doesn’t like.
  • EXERCISE… It’s going to be a crazy week, so I am shooting for twice.

To see everyone else’s results, click here.


  1. Christine

    Jessica, you are all in my prayers.

  2. Mary Machado

    Glad to see your husband’s procedure went well. I didn’t see the request beforehand.

  3. Ruth

    Dear Jessica. Many prayers continue for your husband.

  4. Anonymous

    Outstanding, Jessica! Still praying for your dear husband…

  5. Anonymous

    Jessica- WOW good job! I am so happy you were able to get that test done!

    I am still praying for you and your hubby. My hubby and I went through a similar scare a few years ago. All you can do is hold on tight and trust in our Father, he know best 😉

    Thinking of you…God Bless

  6. Amy

    Tony is dying to take that test! I think we will schedule it for next month. You loose weight like crazy. He said after the baby comes I can take it too. 🙂
    Be careful with the cutting sugar! It can make you into a real bear for about two weeks. Tony cut sugar about two years ago and oh my goodness… he was NOT fun to live with. Anyway, it is an addiction like any other and will cause major moods! Might want to warn those you love, lol.
    You will do awesome! And you looked lovely at Bunco the other night!! I didn’t get a chance to chat with you!

  7. Trina

    Hey, good job! I am down 3 lbs. since I started trying and it does feel great.


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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