Outside my Window… I can no longer see the chains holding our porch swing… We’ve had a ton of rain lately, with lots more in the forecast, so Hubby took it down to store for the winter. sniffle…
I am thinking… or rather, trying not to think, about all I am going to need to do this week. Hubby left this morning for training and will be gone until Friday. I have a feeling it is going to be a busy week! Pray for me!
I am thankful… that my cupboards and refrigerator are stocked with food, and that other than a quick library visit and a movie to return, I shouldn’t have to leave the house much this week.
From the school room… The girls are moving on to “I” week this week with the Alphabet Path. We’ll be reading lots of books about Insects, among other Interesting things and having some Icy treats. I am also hoping to get back on schedule with Math, since we have been inconsistent the past couple weeks… The boys are studying Mercury in their Astronomy Books, finishing up their study of Connecticut for their State-by-State Scrapbooks, and slowly working through their American Revolution Lap Book and Unit 2 of of their World History. I have found it very challenging to combine both American History and World History (at least when it comes to me being organized enough), and as a result we seem to be making very slow progress right now, but the boys are loving all of it!
Living the Liturgical year at Home… Our plans are well underway for this year’s All Saints’ Party. My children have all decided who they would like to be, now I just need to pull it all together, somehow… I am also on the planning committee for our party, so it is going to be a busy couple of weeks! Also, since today is the (new) feast of St. Isaac Jogues, the boys have asked to listen to Ondessonk.
I am creating… a baby!! Less than 10 weeks to go. OH! And Hopefully a post for “H” week!
I am reading… Ranger’s Apprentice: The Siege of Macindaw: Book 6 and will soon be anxiously awaiting the release of Book 7
so I can move onto reading my copy of Book 8
that I was amazingly able to acquire. I had really been needing a bit of light reading lately, and this was perfect this past weekend.
I am wearing… a bandage on my right hand, covering the second-degree burn I happened to give myself cooking breakfast Saturday morning. Why am I constantly damaging my hands/fingers?
I am hoping… that we can continue to avoid catching the flu.
I am hearing… the washing machine finishing up the spin cycle. I was SO behind last week, but managed with lots of help from the rest of the family, to catch it up over the weekend. Now it is all about maintaining and hopefully finding a bit of time to start washing the baby girl clothing.
Around the house… hum… Still so much to do, and not nearly enough energy to get to it all… I am making progress, just much slower than I would like.
One of my favorite things… I’d have to agree with Elizabeth… Wedding bands! Actually, I nearly burst out in tears when I read that she posted wedding bands… I miss my wedding ring! When we were married, we added a wrap to my engagement ring, instead of a band, and for ten years it has been cutting my finger. (For some reason the edge of my particular wrap was extremely jagged and sharp.) As a 10th Anniversary gift, my super sweet Hubby upgraded my wrap to a band with 5 diamonds (one for each of our children, the ones that were born during our first 10 years). The rings (both the band and engagement ring) are also going to be Platinum and White Gold now (instead of 14k Gold) to match his wedding band. It is going to be gorgeous, but since it is off being sized and my finger is ringless, I really miss my ring and even the cuts and scrapes it was always giving me. ☺
A Few Plans For This Week… I have Little Flowers here on Thursday, and the boys are begging to go Ice-skating “since it is “I” week.” We’ll see… That does sound like it would be a fun way to finish the week!
A picture thought I am sharing:
To see more Daybook’s visit Peggy!
I hope that you have a peaceful and smooth week, with your husband being gone. I'll pray for you!
The potatoes are WAY too cute! For freezer meals, I like to double up on meatloaf. It freezes and thaws great for cooking. Meatballs are also good, freeze in the sauce, thaw and go! Soups, stews also work well. Lasagna? I've never tried it, but I hear it works well. I also like to marinate chicken then bake it, so before our last was born I made up a bunch of marinades and froze them. When needed, I just pulled out a little container, and the chicken and supper was easy. allrecipes.com is a great source for freezer meals.
I have a whole freezer cooking category here – including chili, meatballs, pita pockets (and a chicken salad recipe . . . I guess I sometimes freeze extra chicken to use it that!), crockpot pork sandwiches, an awesome chicken marinade under the wading pool photo, chicken and rice, chipotle BBQ chicken, Runza casserole, sloppy joes, and baked spaghetti. Whew.
My favorite baby shower games (read: cheap!) include:
* take some random baby items, put in a paper sack, and staple it shut. People have to feel it through the sack and guess what it is. I used a bottle, pacifier, diaper, burp rag, and a few others. Many are pretty obvious but there were a few stumpers. I just used things I already had.
* take labels off baby food jars and make them guess what kind it is. When I did this, I just saved a couple of scoops from my daughter's meals, put them in a clean jar, and stuck them in the freezer. You could do with with homemade baby food, too.
* if mama is still pregnant and a reasonably good sport, you can pass around a couple of rolls of toilet paper and have people tear off the length that they think is mama's belly circumference.
Seems like I had another, but I don't remember it. :>)
speaking of baby showers…yes i do have a few games. however…. i will not be sharing them (gotta keep something a secret), since i am hosting YOUR shower two weeks later. (SMILE SMILE) 🙂 🙂 oh… and any of you Shower of Roses followers…. if you would like to pop over to my blog… i'm putting something together for Jessica. if you would like to contribute, leave me a comment and i'll get back to you. God Bless
Lovely post. And yes, I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers. 🙂
God bless!
I don't know if I am a "reasonably good sport" regarding my girth lately… as I was put through that torture already once with Baby #1! I will not spoil your fun plans, but that one is really LOW on my list of fun. Never good to accentuate that part of pregnancy – 'specially since I was soooo pleased with myself in losing nearly 20 pounds before discovering that I was again expecting a baby!!
I like freezer meatballs, and really love my crockpot. We toss in some kind of roast overnight. Let it cool through the morning and then reheat it for the evening. Something about the cool and reheat process makes the roast extra tender! I also like a chicken in the crockpot. Lots of crockpot options!! I suppose I go that route, as my kids don't really go for casseroles – they like their plate to have a meat, veggie, starch… all separate! What a bunch of midwesterners! But, good luck and let me know if you find any that are good main dish freezer options!!
Sarah & Kelly ~ Thank you for the prayers!!
Kelly ~ I hardly ever make meatloaf, and really should since my family enjoys it… Hum… Perhaps I will make that in the next couple weeks and double it to freeze. I had also considered Lasagna, especially since i have a bunch of Mozzarella cheese right now… It just takes SO long! I much prefer ours to store bought frozen though, so I should put that on my list of meals to make too. Thanks for the suggestions!
Lenetta ~ Oh! Thanks!! I'll be heading over and checking out your recipes. I've also been meaning to email you to take you up on your offer to proof read my Little Flowers pages, I'm just super behind on emails right now. =)
~MARCI!!!~ You stinker!!!
Elm ~ I'll make sure we don't do that one… Though it does make me wonder how much the man from the store would have pulled off for me! 😉 lol! And don't read anymore of the comments on this post! Should have known you would catch that little question. Sheesh!
Ouch…hope your hand heals fast. Sorry to hear about your boo-boo!!
Baby Shower Games: 1. have all the guests bring a baby picture of themselves and then have everyone guess who they think is who. 2. This isn't really a game, but is a huge help to the mama-to-be….have guests fill out their name and address on thank you note envelopes and then use those names for a cheap raffle prize.
Freezer meal ideas: enchiladas, poppy seed chicken, potato soup.
Baby Shower Game Ideas;
Blind Baby dressing
Blind fold a guest.
Using a timer give them 1 minute to dress a baby doll. Place a basket of clothing (including a diaper add some odd bits too like, mittens…ect) nearby and don't forget to take pictures. The women who is able to get the most items on in that time wins!
What's her measure
Give each guest a piece of twine, or string. Have them guess how much string they would need to go around once around the pregnant lady. closet measurement wins.
Guess how many?
Have a large baby bottle or diaper and fill with jellybeans. Guests have to guess how many jelly beans fill the bottle or diaper Guest wins jellybeans.
Those are some ideas.
I am getting ready for my baby too. 7 weeks to go for me! I have made some pinto beans overnight in my crock pot. I drain the juice (let them cool) and bag them in increments. This has already been handy because I can spice them however I want. I have used them for chili, tacos, mashed for burritos and added them to soup.
I have cooked up a bunch of ground beef and separated in 1 lb bags.
I am going to do chicken soon.
I have to get my birth supplies ready. So much to do for me too. I still have two costumes to finish.
Hi Jessica,
My sister-in-law and I just recently co-hosted a couple of showers So we are full of ideas. Let me know if one of them needs more explaining.
Some of the games were theme inspired: guess the name of the infant animal, measuring the baby's ark (momma was more than happy to play along..this baby was long in the waiting), guesing the baby food, and breaking the water.
Breaking the water: we had a miniture babies frozen in ice cube trays and the players had to break the water (ice cube) in any creative way possible. They worked in groups.
baby bingo: made up a bingo game using the computer
clothes pin game: Take a long piece of cut yarn or rope and place about 20+ clothes pin on the line. You'll need a helper to hold the other end. The player, using one hand only, has to grab a clothes pin from the line while naming a baby item. She can't use her body or any other kind of help to keep the pins in her hand. Once a pin drops you only count was in the hand. The one with the most pins wins. I've seen someone reach 19 pins!
Dice game: Have everyone sit in a circle and place a few wrapped gifts in the center. Grab 2 pairs of dice and two plates or lids with a slight lip where the dice won't roll off. Place each pair of dice on the lid. Give two players on opposite sides of the circle the dice and lid. The object of the game is to throw a double. When a player throws a double she can choose a gift from the center opening it and putting it in front of her. Anyone that throws a double can either grab a gift from the center or take the gift from another player. Give the game 2-4 minutes so that the dice have a chance to go around at least a few times. It is a fast paced game and is a big favorite around here.
Have fun!
A fun shower game I have seen is this: the host buys some baby supplies and puts them all in a basket (this doubles as your shower gift to the expectant mother!). She writes down the cost of each item (can be retail price or just from the receipt) and also totals them up. Then, at the shower, each item is held up, and the guests all write down their guesses for how much the item cost. They total their amounts, and then each actual price and the total are read off… person with the closest total wins. Some good items to include in the basket are: small pack of diapers, diaper cream, baby nail clippers, baby wash/shampoo, baby washcloths, a bib, a pack of burpcloths, a receiving blanket, a small toy like a rattle…
I may come back here and post some recipes… I love keeping some frozen meals in our deep freeze, and so I know of several the freeze and reheat well.
Looks like you are doing great. I'm glad to hear it!
Hi Jessica!
I've always wanted to host a dry cocktail party with really fancy, pretty, whimsical non-alcoholic drinks, but I've never had the chance 🙁 It sounds like a baby shower might be the perfect venue for it! Maybe you can even have a contest with the mom-to-be as judge. She could sit on a big pillow with a crown while everyone else plays Iron Chef! Everyone can serve her in pretty glasses, with cute ice cubes and garnishes . . . maybe award extra points for hiding things like spiralina, fish oil and wheat grass in the drinks!!!!
One fun game we've played is a diaper pin game…each guest gets a certain number of pins to put on herself. Then you pick a certain word (like "baby") or a certain gesture (like sitting with your legs crossed), and every time someone catches somebody else doing or saying that thing they get one of the other person's diaper pins. Whomever has the most at the end of the party gets a prize. 🙂