A bit of chaos!

by | Apr 25, 2009 | Nature | 6 comments

I guess another one of the problems, with having a cute little birdie living in a nest just outside the front door, is that, when your hubby arrives home really late after a long day on a fire assignment, and your little one is super excited to see him, the squeals of excitement from the front door may scare the bird and he will then fly INTO the house!  Oops!!

So, after a 15 hour work day (plus travel) not only did hubby have to jump start my car (the battery was dead again yesterday, forcing me to cancel all our plans), he also had to help me get the bird out of the house, before trying to get a little bit of sleep since he had to head back out super early this morning. 

I’m on my own again today with a baseball game this morning and an Anniversary dinner for Father tonight, so wish me luck!  I’m not feeling very well to begin with…  Hopefully I will be able to start the car, keep the bird out of the house, and make it through the day! 😉

Oh!  One more thing… Last night, as I was thinking about the bird egg’s, I remembered that we never did do anything with the ones that were abandoned last year.  This bird could be pushing those eggs out, right?


  1. elm

    You sound so calm about the bird in the house. Please say it isn’t so! I want the REAL story of parents and kids flailing around the house trying to shoo the bird out!!! 🙂

  2. Meme

    Poor Papa! But I’m sure it will give him a smile more than once today. And the Cadbury mini egg near mistake -ewww! Hope you’re feeling better! ~Teresa

  3. Unknown

    Mary, loving example of grace in every situation, be with you!
    Ave Maria
    Gratia plena
    Dominus tecum
    Benedicta tu in mulieribus
    Et benedictus fructus ventris
    Tui, Jesus
    Sancta Maria
    Mater Dei
    Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
    Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Okay Elm… Here’s what I put on facebook when asked:

    “Ugh! It was 10 o’clock at night. Hubby was just getting home from work, and when the door opened Snuggles got so excited to see his daddy he squealed and scared the bird! It flew right into the house! I sent Captain to shut all the doors in the hallway while I opened the kitchen and front door. We weren’t able to get it out until we shut off all the lights inside and turned on the outdoor lights. The whole time Snuggles was screaming and laughing and flailing his arms at the bird. The poor terrified thing finally flew out! Whew!!”

    I might add that I too was screaming and dodging as it fluttered around my kitchen and living room landing on my fake plants! I kept having visions of it pooping all over everything… In fact when we went to leave for baseball we realized that Captain’s mitt did indeed get hit! It was very exciting! 😉

    I also thought the bird would be too terrified to return to her nest, but this morning, when I cautiously opened the door, it was right there, back in it’s nest… lol!

    OH and Teresa, I was on the phone with my dear friend Trina when I saw Snuggles popping the piece of shell into his mouth. I need to ask Trina if her ears are okay today! 😉

    Baseball went great this morning… The car started and we actually arrived early! Now to get everyone ready for the dinner tonight! Have a great evening!

  5. Aubrey

    Wow–sounds like a heck of a weekend! 🙂 I can imagine Isaiah’s (my 2YO) excitement if a bird were to come to visit in our house!

  6. The Wades

    I can imagine the scene!

    I hope your hubby can manage some rest. What a hard worker.


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