Highlights from “E” Week

by | Sep 21, 2009 | Alphabet Path, Alphabet Path (2009-2010), Kids Artwork, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton | 17 comments

~ Letter Formation ~

Letter “E” out of Modeling Beeswax
As well as an Elephant and a little nest with (green!) Eggs.

I also made the girls a Letter E Worksheet in addition to their HWT Wooden Pieces, etc…
(Sorry, no pictures… I didn’t have my camera the first couple days of the week.)
~ Eyebright Fairy Coloring Pages ~

From this Coloring Book

(While looking at the Flower Fairies Alphabet book and listening to the CD!)
~ Picture Book Science and More ~

E is for Electricity

Science Book of Electricity
Bill Nye The Science Guy: Electrical Current (DVD)
Electricity (The Usborne Young Scientist Series)
Switch On, Switch Off (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)

E is for Endangered Animals: Bald Eagles and African Elephants

Endangered Species Coloring Book (pdf) We used Page 24 for the Bald Eagle.
Endangered Elephant Coloring Page and Comprehension Worksheet

E is for Emperor Penguins

~ Picture Study :: Brian Connelly’s Brown and White Eggs ~

Using Museum ABC, Museum ABC Nesting Blocks, and Elizabeth’s pdf

~ E is for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ~

Our Painted Saint Elizabeth for with

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Coloring Page
Copywork from An Alphabet of Catholic Saints

We read St. Elizabeth Ann Seton by Father Lovasik, which is wonderful, but I am hoping to add Kat Finds a Friend, Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity, and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Daughter of America to our collection since we will be studying her more later this year for Little Flowers.
~ E is for Elsa Beskow ~

These are a few of the books we read at bedtime this week:

Pelle’s New Suit
Children of the Forest
Ollie’s Ski Trip
Peter and Lotta’s Adventure
Around the Year

~ Crafts : E is for Embroidery ~

We started out with lacing shapes, including a few “Engines.” I had meant to order the Fairies of the Field Lacing Cards, but then I completely forget… (I’ve been doing that a lot lately!)

I then pulled out a Embroidery Kit, which I had purchased on clearance from Hearthsong a while back, and started to introduce the girls to Embroidery.

I think it is going to be awhile before the girls are really able to embroider on their own, but I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity to try out Charlotte’s Saints n’ Stiches. In fact, she even has a St. Elizabeth of Hungary! The girls helped (mainly watching each step and choosing floss colors), but I pretty much did all of the embroidery work. (It had been YEARS — and even at that, I only ever learned how to cross-stich so I am sure I made plenty of mistakes — but I really enjoyed it!! My super sore fingers, not so much.)

I still need to finish them up by making them into little dolls… Hopefully this week!


Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
One of my Confirmation Saints

St. Therese of Lisieux
Another one of my favorites!
~ Serendipi-Tea Time ~

We enjoyed lots of “E” foods this week including Enchiladas, Eggos,

English muffins and lots of Eggs…

For our baking project/tea time this week we made
Easy Elephant Ears Cookies!
Here’s the recipe/instructions.

Can you tell that someone just lost her second tooth?

We are moving right along…
Tomorrow morning we will begin another Fun week!


  1. elm

    Your embroidery looks GREAT!!! How do you plan to turn them into dolls?!?!?!!

    I think it looks like the girls are having tons of fun making their tea time snack!! And a delicious one, at that!

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Erica ~ Here is the link to Charlotte's finished Angel Dolls. Aren't they cute?!

  3. Amy Caroline

    Jessica! that embroidery is great!!! I have always wanted to learn how!
    Looks great E week!

  4. Margaret

    How do you do all this, have more kids than me, be pregnant, and then have time to blog about all of it? I just can't seem to keep up.

    Way to go Jessica. You are an inspiration!

  5. Sarah

    What a fun week! =)

    My daughter wants to be St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for All-Saints Eve, and I am going to use some of these resources so that she/we can learn a bit more about her before the wonderful Holy Day arrives! Thanks!

  6. Jacinta

    Excellent E week! I bet you can't pass this recipe up for F week —

    Fantastic Fudge

    12 oz. chocolate chips
    6 oz. butterscotch chips
    14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
    1 1/4 tsp. vanilla
    1 c. chopped nuts

    In a saucepan, melt first 3 ingredients. Remove from heat, add vanilla and nuts. Pour into foil lined square pan. Chill. Cut into squares.

    You can be very creative with different Flavors of chips and nuts and dried Fruit!

  7. Erin

    Looks like fun!!

    Can I ask… how do your girls keep their clothes so clean while helping with cooking projects? Or do they get stained but after the photos are taken? 😉 I ask because my four yr old daughter spills stuff on her clothing all the time, and I have a hard time getting stains out for some reason! But that won't stop me from letting her help cook! I need to remember to put an apron on her each time…

  8. Roxaline

    LOVE the embroidery! I am going to try with my 5 year old next week during our E week.

  9. Unknown

    You are totally inspiring!!! God continue to shower His graces on your beautiful family.

  10. Regina

    the embroidery looks great!! super cute you crafty girl.

  11. Angela

    Jessica,I love the paper dolls! I can't wait to get to E!
    Do you plan activities to keep your littlest one busy. I have 2 year old that is into EVERYTHING and soon I will be caring for my brother's 2yo as well. I am searching for interesting busy activities for them. Any ideas?

  12. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone!

    Jacinta ~ We just might have to try that Fudge! THANKS!!

    Angela ~ Our 2 year old is DEFINITELY a challenge. Thankfully he LOVE watching the Signing TIme Videos, and I am able to turn one on each morning for him to watch while I am working with my older children — at least for 30-45 minutes. I feel bad about just turning the TV on, but he is learning all of the signs! =)

    I then try to set him up with some "School Time Toys" before he gets into mischief, and when I am organized with this our days go pretty smoothly. I hope that helps! God bless!

  13. Jessica Gordon

    Erin ~ I usually do have my girls wear aprons, but this recipe was so basic that I didn't. Depending on what it is they are making, they can get plenty dirty. Dreft stain remover works great! =)

  14. Amy

    Do you still have the link to the coloring page? Thanks!!

  15. Amy

    for the Saint Elizabeth Ann, that is!

  16. Jessica Gordon

    Amy ~ I never did have a link to that coloring page. I believe it came from the Shrine and was sent to me by a blog reader. I will look for the file and see if I can forward it on to you. 🙂


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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