My Daybook ~ May 26, 2009

by | May 26, 2009 | Daybook | 8 comments

FOR TODAY: May 26th, 2009

Outside my Window… (or rather my front door!) their is now an abandoned nest. All five of the little birdies learned how to fly this weekend, much to the excitement of my children! They were able to peek through the window panes and watch them take off. I still can’t get over HOW FAST they grew! It seems like just yesterday I was lifting a little one back into the next, and now they, all five of them, are so big!

My youngest brother is in this picture too…
He spent the night this weekend.

I am thinking… that I wish I would have been able to get a couple good pictures of the baby birds (We figured out that they are House Finches.) in their nest… It was just not meant to be. I was able to get a couple pictures of the daddy and momma birds, while perched at the top of a nearby tree.

I am thankful… that, even though one of the gifts I ordered for my soon to be sister-in-law’s Bridal Shower Saturday night didn’t arrive on time, I was able to find some cute bowls off her registry and a darling apron (my brother suggested an apron! lol!) at the last second.

From the kitchen… On Sunday morning, before heading to Mass for the Ascension, we had Ascension Pancakes for breakfast. The Pancake represents the earth Jesus walked on; the fresh strawberries represent the blood Jesus shed; the chocolate syrup represents the roads Jesus traveled; The whipped cream represents the clouds our Lord ascended into; and the sprinkles represent the sweetness of life in Heaven. They were SO yummy!

From the school room… The boys will hopefully finish up their Language Arts workbooks this week… We’ll see! However, we will definitely be doing Math all summer. I keep telling myself that just one lesson, 4 times per week, won’t be too bad at all. Right?! While we are finishing up, I am hoping to organize and declutter the school room to make some room for all the new books that are on the way. 🙂

Living the Liturgical year at Home… We are still celebrating the Easter season using The Garden of the Good Shepherd: A Sticker Calendar to Count the Fifty Days of Easter. This week I am just drawing from last year’s plans, and adding in a few unrelated activities. It counts! This coming Sunday is Pentecost… Here are some ideas for celebrating that I posted last year.

I am creating… a blog post!! Can you believe it?? I just haven’t had the motivation lately for blogging, and I do apologize to those of you who keep checking in and are wondering if I’m ok… I’ve had plenty of things to blog about, but, by the time my children go to bed and I usually sit down at the computer, I’ve been wanting to either go to bed myself, read a book, or watch a movie.

I am going… to be so happy to finish Garden of the Good Shepherd this coming weekend!!! WAHOO!!! Seven weeks is a LONG TIME!!!!

I am wearing… Caladryl on my feet, legs, stomach, and neck. Ugh! Have you ever had poison oak?? It is miserable!

I am reading…the Spring 2009 issue of Mater et Magistra. I was so excited to see that one of the articles was written by my brother-in-law!

I am hoping… to find a Tux for Rascal this week. I am starting to run out of time!

I am hearing… lots of questions from my boys, while they work on their English, and the girls singing songs from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers in the living room.

Around the house… lots of projects. I spent yesterday deep cleaning my girls room, yet again… A project that needs to be done every couple months in seems. Hubby spent the day working on stripping the old paint off the deck railing so it can be repainted. It’s a big project, but it needed to be done and will look so nice once it is painted!

One of my favorite things… is the new sofa on the porch! (The one we got last month.) I LOVE IT!!! This past weekend we ordered a side table and another chair/ottoman to go with it. I’ve really enjoy sitting out there reading while the children play in the yard, or during nap time, or really ANYTIME!

A Few Plans For This Week

  • Baseball practice tonight and a game on Friday.
  • Friday morning will we be attending Mass and Benediction.
  • My boys opted to miss their game on Saturday for a Young Hunters Day, which they’ve attended in the past and really enjoyed.
  • We also will have a few little friends spending the night on Friday, while their parents celebrate their 10th Anniversary!! My children are SO excited!
  • Mass again on Sunday… and I think that is it, so far!

A picture thought I am sharing:

~ Meagan’s Bridal Shower ~

The tables all looked so pretty!

JoAnn, Mary, Meagan, and Me

The rest of my sisters–Jennifer, Jamie, and Julianna–couldn’t make it to Meagan’s shower since they all live out of state.

To see more Daybook’s visit Peggy!


  1. Mary

    I hate to ask you this while you are sick, but would you mind sharing what your school-book plans are for next year when you feel up to it?!

  2. Anonymous

    I am so bummed! We have to leave again tomorrow and I am afraid we won’t be able to do our traditional Pentacost sopas and filhoes!

    I know what you mean about being tired, although I don’t have such a cool reason! I was just thinking how I can’t wait to see your new baby! And if it will be a boy or a girl!

  3. Regina

    poison oak, where have you been playing??
    have fun with the tree family this weekend! have you figured any thing out yet for YOUR 10 yr anniv?

  4. Robina

    I feel the same way. I guess it’s just that first trimester sluggishness. I am hoping to get myself motivated to post again soon as well. Take it easy.

  5. Erin

    Your couch on the porch looks comfy!! I see in the background of that picture that you have an outdoor Mary statue… do you mind if I ask where you got it? I have been looking for one to put in our Mary Garden…

  6. Jamie Jo

    Beautiful pictures!!

    I could say so much, but am only commenting on the math thing, we had the goal of doing math all summer too, but so far (1 1/2 weeks off) we have yet to do it!!

    It’s hard to do it once we get in that summer mode!!

    Hope that you are feeling better soon, but also know that sick is good, sick is good!

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Mary ~ I will try and share what our plans are soon! I’ve been wanting to, I just haven’t had the energy. =)

    Regina ~ I thought I’d be okay and walked up the hill one afternoon to talk to Sean and sure enough that was all it took. Ugh!

    Erin ~ The statue of Mary that you can see in the picture is usually on a stand on the deck, but hubby moved it the other day when he was prepping the deck railing to be painted. It is a simple but beautiful statue that he had prior to us getting married. I am not sure where it came from… I’m sorry!

    Jamie ~ That is my fear… We *really* do need to work on it this summer, since we got SO behind this year. I guess we’ll see!

  8. Margaret

    Hang in there Jessica. You are blogging way more than me and I am not pregnant.



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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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