My Daybook ~ October 5th

by | Oct 5, 2009 | Daybook, Pacific Ocean, Tenth Anniversary | 14 comments

FOR TODAY: October 5, 2009

Outside my Window… it is so quiet compared to the last few days of hearing the waves crashing on the beach just outside our window!

I am thinking… about how fast 10 years went by and so thankful for the wonderful family God has blessed us with in that time. (Last year I posted a few Wedding Memories on our Anniversary.)

I am thankful… for our amazing friends, one of which (actually we had four friends offer!) volunteered to watch all five of our children so that Hubby and I could go on a little vacation to celebrate our 10th Anniversary! It was the very first time we have gone anywhere overnight together (other than to the hospital 😉 ) without any of our children. Yes, I cried when we left them, but they did just fine and we had such a relaxing weekend! I am also thankful for the beautiful weather we had (for the most part) despite the tsunami warning earlier in the week and the forecast for rain!!

From the kitchen… Marionberry Muffins, leftover from the weekend, and Oregon Chai tea. Yummmmmm!!!

From the school room… Now that we are home from our little Getaway I am all ready to get back on schedule and start “G” week with the Girls! I do still need to stop by the library sometime today to pick up all the books I reserved online, as well as a few supplies for their craft (they’ll be making the Flower Fairy Garden from The Flower Fairies Activity Book). As for the boys, in addition to their Religion, Math and Language Arts, they should finish up the chapter on the Sun from their Astronomy Books, Continue working through Unit 2 of their World History, continue working on their American History Lap Books, and hopefully finish the 4th state for their State-by-State Scrapbooks. (Oops! Looks like I never posted pictures of their pages for New Jersey…)

Living the Liturgical year at Home… Today is the feast of St. Faustina. Since the girls recently studied her for Little Flowers, I think today would be a perfect opportunity to review that meeting with them. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is also this week. Last year we celebrated with some of our friends, and this year, since I have another Little Flowers meeting scheduled and the virtue happens to be “Joy”, I plan to discuss the rosary with the girls, especially the JOYful Mysteries and make Rosary Boxes.

I am creating… a list of things I would like to make out of Softies: Simple Instructions for 25 Plush Pals, a book I recently ordered from Amazon.

I am going… to start sorting through the tons of pictures we took over the weekend. There was so much to sea. 😉 Perhaps after school today I’ll have time to post some of them! I am also going to try to sort through the 256 new emails in my inbox — it may take a little time.

I am wearing… my new sweater vest over a violet maternity shirt. It is cold this morning! (Also, I didn’t end up getting that dress I linked to last week… It was a little too short and clingy, even in a larger size.)

I am hoping… that I can finish this post without losing it again! Blogger ate my first draft…

I am hearing… my children getting up and dressed for the day.

Around the house… I need a dishwasher!!! After using one to wash our dishes at the condo this weekend I realized just what I am missing!

One of my favorite things… hearing my children cry “Momma!” and running and jumping into my arms after being gone for a couple days! Oh, how I missed them!!

A Few Plans For This Week… lots of school, grocery shopping and our 3rd Little Flowers meeting.

A picture thought I am sharing:

~ On Our Honeymoon ~
On a cruise ship headed for Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas
~ On Our 10th Anniversary ~
Enjoying the Sunset on the Pacific Ocean from the deck of the condo!
It was so nice not to be sea sick this time! 😉

To see more Daybook’s visit Peggy!


  1. Aubrey

    I'd say you guys look the same now as you did 10 years ago! What a good looking couple!

    I truly hope you get a dishwasher. Every time I load mine and unload it (once or twice a day) I think of how lucky I am and of how much time it saves me, even when I still have some hand washing. It would be especially helpful when your next baby arrives! 🙂

  2. Debbie

    You sound like you have such busy productive plans with all your kids. Congratulations on your 10 years of marriage! Blessings to you, Debbie

  3. Mom2Seven

    What a nice get-away! Before you know it, you'll be celebrating your 25th and wondering where the time went! If you are like us, your baby will be in your arms, and your oldest will be moving into his first place. (I REALLY was a baby when I married 😉 May God bless you with many, many more anniversaries… what a handsome couple! JMJ

  4. Sarah

    I like how you took similar poses from the ones from your honeymoon. Very good idea! You both look as happy and blessed as you did 10 years ago … In fact, maybe you even look happier =) God is so good! So glad you had a wonderful anniversary get-away! May God continue to bless your marriage and beautiful family!

  5. Christine

    What a great looking couple you are.

    Congrats on 10 years.

    What!!! You really do not have a dishwasher?? Why?

    Get one. ASAP!

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks everyone!

    We are going to start having plans drawn for an addition off the back of our home, which will include remodeling our kitchen! A dishwasher will most definitely be in the plans! =)

  7. Anonymous

    Happy 10th ! I cannot lie, you both look even better and blissfully younger now so whatever you are doing, keep on doing it! Evidently you discovered the fountain of youth! Bless you!

  8. Anonymous

    I hope I am still alive for Little Flowers… this cold is killing me. Ugh!

    Anyway, lol, I know what you mean about the kids. A long time ago I had to leave the kids overnight to help my mom with something up north and I cried when i left, cried myself to sleep that night, and when I got home it was the sweetest sound to hear them all happy to see me!!!

    I love the pictures btw!!

  9. Margaret

    I hope you get that dishwasher too.

    Glad you got to get away.

    Love the sweater you got…it almost makes me want to be pregnant so I can wear cute things like that. lol

    Love you!

  10. Angela

    Hi Jessica,
    Love the honeymoon pics and the 10 year anniversary pics. What a great idea! Neither of you have changed much!

    You don't have dishwasher??? Girl, you poor thing!


  11. Jessica Gordon

    I actually didn't even think of the honeymoon pictures until I was standing their taking the picture of my hubby, and realized the similarity! I then made him take my picture too… =) As for changing, I sure weigh a LOT more right now than I did 10 years ago! 😉

  12. The Man Crew

    Fantastic pictures…love them! So glad you had a chance to get away and spend some time with just the hubby. Such a blessing, isn't it?? 10 years go by so fast so it seems. Enjoyed your daybook tremendously as it's always good to hear of the Lord working in people's lives! Have a great week!

  13. Unknown

    Happy Anniversary!

    Your outfit is so cute, it almost makes me want a baby bump.

  14. mel

    What?! No dishwasher?! 😉


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-23, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-20, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-16, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-6 and Joy-4 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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