My Daybook ~ September 28th

by | Sep 28, 2009 | Daybook | 15 comments

FOR TODAY: September 28, 2009

Outside my Window… it is rather smoky, but nothing like it was in the valley yesterday when we headed to town for Mass. Apparently there is a large wildfire about an hour away and the smoke has been heading our direction.

I am thinking… about this coming weekend and still trying to come up with a 10th Anniversary gift for my Hubby. I am running out of time!

I am thankful… for my wonderful Hubby who let me sleep when we got home from Mass yesterday afternoon and it was all I could do to make it back to my bed “for just a few minutes.” I ended up sleeping for nearly 5 hours! He took care of dinner and everything! After a good nights sleep as well, I am feeling much better today.

From the kitchen… supplies to make Flower Pot Cupcakes with the girls, though with all the feast days coming up this week, I am thinking we will be delivering some of the finished cupcakes to Friends!!

From the school room… We had so much Fun during F week, that I am thinking I will need the beginning of this week to Finish all of the plans I had!! This week our Focus will change from Fires and Fairies to Flowers and Feast Days! So, it looks like we won’t be starting “G” week until next Monday. The boys have also been really enjoying the American Revolution Lap book they are currently working on. In fact one morning this past week I woke up to Captain working away on his other studies so he’d “have more time to work on his Lap Book!” Yay!

Living the Liturgical year at Home… Well, it is a big week for feast days, isn’t it?!?! Tomorrow, September 29th, we will be celebrating Michaelmas, as well as a nameday in our home! I am planning on making St. Michael’s Waffles with Blackberry Syrup for breakfast, Apple Chicken with Angel Hair Pasta for dinner, and cupcakes like last year for dessert. On the 30th, we will once again celebrate the feast of St. Jerome and turn some of those leftover Michaelmas Cupcakes into Lions while I read the story of St. Jerome and the Lion by Margaret Hodges. Next we will celebrate the feast of St. Therese!!!! I haven’t finalized my plans yet, but I did link to a couple of past posts below, in case you are in need of a few ideas. Oh, and on Friday we will head to first Friday Mass as well as celebrate our 10th Anniversary!

Here are a few links to some of my older posts sharing a few plans and ideas for the upcoming feasts:

I am creating… a Flower Lap Book this week with the girls, and hopefully I can start posting some of what we did last week during “F” week.

I am reading… not very much at the moment. I didn’t log into my Google Reader or Facebook all weekend, and even though I do read each and every email, I am once again horribly behind on responding to them. I have found that it is necessary to drastically cut back on my online time if I hope to even attempt to keep up with school this year. Perhaps things will slow down soon and we will be able to settle into a better routine… Till then, I am really sorry that I haven’t been able to visit more lately!!
I am going… to sort through the boxes of baby girl clothes that Hubby got down from our little storage closet on Saturday. I was disappointed when I opened one of the boxes and noticed that the darling little outfits on top, which I had packed away 4 years ago, now have yellow stains on them from spit-up. At least the white outfits, the pink ones seemed to be fine. I also noticed that most of the 0-3 months clothes in that box were little summer outfits (my girls were born in August and end of April) so I better get busy in case I need to add a few outfits for this little winter baby!

I am wearing… a fern green maternity long sleeve crew neck and a denim skirt. I am hoping to run down to Motherhood to pick up an outfit or two for our upcoming trip to the coast. This dress might be cute with some leggings or footless tights. (Update: It was WAY too clingy, even in a larger size.) I love this shirt, and I also am wondering about this sleeveless sweater… It looks cute, but I think I’ll need to try it on first.

I am hoping… that I can get to the post office this week to mail a couple packages that have needed to be mailed for sometime now.
I am hearing… Snuggles singing his ABC’s!

Around the house… After contracting most of the day on Friday, I was really worried that I would be put on bedrest and have to stare at the pile for a couple months. So on Saturday, since I was needing to take it easy anyways, I sat and sorted through tons of papers and miscellaneous stuff for most of the day. I ended up tossing about 3 or 4 bags of trash, as well as finding homes for most of the rest. I still have a couple little baskets to deal with, but it is so nice to have our room back!

One of my favorite things… answering the question, “So is this your first?” The other night at the grocery store (I was there by myself) a dad, shopping with his 1 and 2 year old boys, asked me that question and when I replied “no” he followed it with, “Oh I was going to say you better get some sleep now since that will be it for a long time.” Wow, way to be encouraging to a “first time” momma! 😉 I replied with a big smile, “actually this will be our 6th!” Oh, it is so much fun seeing the mouths drop! lol!

A Few Plans For This Week

  • Monday – Get a good start on our school work for the week
  • Tuesday – Michaelmas
  • Wednesday – Feast of St. Jerome
  • Thursday – Feast of St. Therese (It is also celebrated on Oct 3rd on the Traditional Calendar, but we will be celebrating it as a family on Thursday this year, since we have other plans for Saturday.)
  • Friday – No School!! First Friday Mass and our 10th Anniversary!!

A picture thought I am sharing:

To see more Daybook’s visit Peggy!


  1. Anne


    I too just unpacked my baby clothes for a new little one due in 6 weeks. A lot of them had yellow stains on them, and I've gotten nearly all of them out. At first, I did an overnight soak in hot water with oxyclean powder and the rest of the stubborn stains came out with direct application of a wonderful product called Bio-Kleen Bac Out Enzyme Cleaner. It breaks down the enzymes in the spitup and works wonderfully. Certainly cheaper than buying new clothes 🙂 I was just careful not to dry in the dryer between soakings so as to not set the stain.

  2. Aubrey

    Thanks to Anne for the tip! We have run into the same problem when pulling out baby clothes. It's so frustrating!

    I was sort of hoping all weekend, when Jeremy and I were by ourselves on a mini-cation, that people would ask, "is this your first?" To which I get to reply, "nope, our fifth." Alas, my belly must not be big enough to make people brave enough to ask that question yet! 😉

    Glad you got some extra rest!

  3. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you Anne!! I will most definitely be trying to get the stains out now!! I wasn't sure how to go about it before… Where do you purchase the Bio-Kleen Bac Out Enzyme Cleaner?

  4. Chrissy

    Hi, I just popped in from Daybook, and am so glad I did. You have a beautiful family. And you've inspired me to celebrate the feasts this week. St. Therese is a big one with us(my daughter's namesake, and my patron). Love all your ideas. God Bless!

  5. Aimee Landreneau

    I am about to try a Biz and water solution for my baby clothes stains! Seems like there are lots of us mommies working on stains!

    I'm sorry you've been contracting. I hope that gets better, at least enough so to keep you off of bedrest.

    And I have to know about that toy the girls are playing with. It's darling!

    I hope today was successful in the schoolroom!

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, Friday night I was on the verge of calling my doctor when they finally subsided, for the most part. It made me extremely nervous. But all is good now. =)

    The pictures were a sneak peek at a bit of "F" week. The girls received a couple new toys — the Alphabet Path has been horrible on our budget! — including a few little Pocket Fairies and a Blooming Flower which I LOVE!!! I'll post links in my F week post.

  7. Regina

    so glad you are actually going to be doing something for the big 1-0. sad it wont be up here. i agree with anne, oxyclean helps/works but have found the stains reappear if i dry in dryer after.

  8. Jessica Gordon

    I am disappointed it won't be up your way too… It would have been great to see you again Regina!!!

  9. Margaret

    I didn't know you were contracting on Friday. I hope you don't need bed rest! Love you!

  10. Anonymous

    For our anniversary and my hubby's birthday I put together a photo book through It's always a hit and he sheds a tear!!

  11. Anne

    I found it at my local grocery store, but that was before we moved.

    If you go to biokleenhome dot com, they will let you search for a retailer in your state or you can order it online from other suppliers. I just applied it directly to the stain – a little goes a long way, and then let it sit for a while and then wash. I hope it works for you as well as it did for me. I had these lovely all white sleepers and I was so happy I didn't have to get rid of them. The perfectionist in me I guess. 😉

  12. Amy Caroline

    I hope you guys have an awesome anniversary!!!
    Another great product for getting out stains is GOOP. It is actually a hand cleaner for removing grease and a lot of other manly stuff. You can actually use it on clothing and it works great!
    Also! be careful!! Get lots of rest and don't overdue.

  13. Angela

    Just a little note about the yellow stains that saves a lot of time and easy to find in any store… All stains on white clothes including whites with spread out designs/flowers/etc. are easy to come out with the bleach pen. I had the same thing happen and just used a bleach pen and started painting the stains and rubbing it in (when I didn't have the pen I used a q-tip dipped in bleach). I rinsed them to make sure they were gone before putting them through the wash. I usually washed them again in Dreft so there was no risk of bleach left on the clothes for baby's sake. It even worked on my husband's cotton baptismal outfit that was over 25 years old and seemed ruined by yellow stains!

  14. Jessica Gordon

    Wow! Thanks for ALL the suggestions! I am sure to get the stains out now! =)

  15. dtbrents

    Your girls are beautiful. You are having a baby. That is so wonderful. Your food sounds great. I hope you have a good week. God bless, Doylene


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