A Prayer Request

by | Jul 22, 2009 | Prayer Request | 17 comments

From the comments:

Jessica, I wanted to ask for your prayers, because after reading your blog for awhile now, I knew you would understand…I lost my precious baby this past week-on my birthday. I was due on Christmas also. I am heartbroken beyond words. I have 5 living children-all the exact ages as yours and I lost our first daughter to a stillbirth between 21-23 weeks. I have two other babies I miscarried very early on in Heaven as well. I remember being very excited when I saw we were due the same day and have loved all your posts about your baby and marking 12 weeks etc…My 5 year old was hospitalized all of last week (he was admitted on the birthday of our stillborn daughter…). His right lung had collapsed from severe asthma…my doctor wonders if I may have contracted a virus that harmed my unborn baby while our little boy was in the hospital. Can you please keep me in your prayers? We are truly devastated and still very much in shock…I too felt my baby move for the first time right when you did. It hurts so much….Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us.
Adele in Louisiana

I was in tears reading Adele’s note, and my heart is aching for her. I can not even imagine being asked by Our Lord to carry the cross he has allowed for her and her family right now. Words seem so very inadequate but I know how much all of YOUR prayers helped my family during the loss of our little Gabriel last November and so I wanted to pass on Adele’s prayer request to you all.

Please join me in praying for Adele and her family, and ask Our Lord and Blessed Mother to console them during this very sad time.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.


  1. Anonymous

    with much prayer, Josette

  2. Marie

    Praying here too!! Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

  3. Mimi

    Prayers. May that sweet baby's Memory be Eternal, and may Adele feel God's hand on her heart. Lord have Mercy.

  4. Lena

    My family and I will be praying for graces for healing and peace.

    Pax Christi –

  5. Christine

    Praying. May Mary wrap her mantle around Adele and her family.

  6. Meme

    prayers from our family for Adele and her family.~Teresa

  7. Gae

    Dear Adele,
    I also cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now,but our prayers have been added to others. I hope that this will help you and your family knowing there are people who care enough to pray for you.
    I pray you are able to rely on the strength of Our Lord and his ever loving Mother.
    with heart felt prayer

  8. Anonymous

    It is amazing to see how many of us share the same pain and bear the same crosses at times like these. I also lost my only little girl along with another little boy. I will offer a rosary for you this evening to ask Our Blessed Lady to wrap her arms around you to comfort you and to give you courage and strength. Not only that but also for your little son's recovery also. Bless you.

  9. Jamie Jo

    Prayers from me. Each time I get up in the night, I will pray for her. (I'm getting up every 2 hours and always pray myself back to sleep)

  10. Therese

    Dear Adele,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Only time heals and the pain never goes away completely.

  11. Marie

    Our prayers.

  12. Erin

    I am so sorry, Adele. Prayers for you and your family.

  13. Tracy

    Prayers for you and your family Adele. God Bless.

  14. Anonymous

    Jessica…I am SOOO touched at your asking for prayers for my family. I know these prayers are going to help carry us through…I read through the comments and your post about a hundred times last night as I waited for my husband to get home…(the day after we lost our baby, he had to begin a 3 week job out of town!!! He is coming home every night just to be with me, but he gets in late..which is hard right now especially!!) He too was soooo touched that you would ask for those prayers for us. I tried to find your email on your profile, but my computer keeps making me set up an account…?!?!…I'm not the best with computers….but I would LOVE to email you directly…
    I also want to thank ALL of you for your prayers…I know God is going to bless you all for your selfless love!!!!!! Please keep praying for us…it is an intensly difficult time and my little 5 year old has gotten very sick again…we are pleading with Heaven to keep him out of the hospital…I do not know how I could walk into the place where my baby's heart stopped beating…
    Thank you, thank you , thank you..I am more grateful than I know how to express….
    Oh…and my email is [email protected] since I can't figure out how to get one off of a profile…: (

  15. Ruth

    I'm so sorry for such a heartbreaking loss. I will be praying.

  16. Nathalie

    Hi Jessica,
    I have been reading your blog for a couple of months and was so touched to see you post this request. What a beautiful way to use the internet! We will say prayers for this lovely mom and her family. I, too, have suffered 2 miscarriages (and have 4 beautiful children alive) and can feel the pain in that post.

    I also loved what you said about how our Lord has asked her to carry this cross and what a difficult cross it is! Profound and so true.

    Keep up your lovely posts. You are a very, special mother!


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