Small Successes: July 23, 2009

by | Jul 23, 2009 | Small Successes | 15 comments

“It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that.”
~ 1 ~

As of Tuesday night (one week after my little injury) my finger had still not improved at all since seeing the doctor. Since I have always had such great success with Arnica (when my children get hurt/bruises), I decided to try taking Hypericum (for Nerve Injury). My finger is already at least 60% better after just 4 doses and I was able to remove the splint! Homeopathic medicines are amazing!

~ 2 ~

I made it one year and one week with out having to pay for diapers (for Snuggles) thanks to a special promotion Amazon ran last year!! Even though it did take a bit of work to earn (I registered for everything from food, to school books, to all my children’s Christmas gifts, to help earn the special), and a little adjusting to the “dirty” (chlorine-free) look of the Seventh Generation Diapers, it was so worth it in the long run. I now have sticker shock from having to actually pay and budget for diapers again.

~ 3 ~

Inspired by Jen I set up an art center in my new school room. I was even able to find some cute little trifle glasses. I would still like to order some Modeling Beeswax (any suggestions for where to find the best price with low/no shipping?) for the girls to use this year as they study Along the Alphabet Path, and I also plan to replace the crayons and pencils with some of Jen’s suggestions as ours get used up. I think it looks so pretty and my children just LOVE the easy access and are using it daily even though it is summer. It makes me smile every time I look at all the bright colors, nice and organized… Thank you Jen!

    What are your Small Successes this week?

    Stop by Faith and Family Live to read more of this week’s Small Successes.


    1. ViolinMama

      FAB.U.LOUS!!!! INCREDIBLE!!! Loved the pics, loved that diaper special, and your whole week. I need to get off my duff! You are great! God Bless!

    2. Mimi

      Wow! That looks fantastic!

    3. M. T.

      Your art center looks so appealing! And I agree with you on the homeopathics — I just successfully the right remedy for myself and it made a world of difference!
      Good job!

    4. Sarah

      LOVE your art center!! I am going to have to do SOMETHING like that! Our stuff is a mess. We love homeopathy as well. Nothing has worked as well for use!

    5. Erin

      Homeopathic medicines are incredible.
      Fantastic news!
      Love your art centre, waiting to hear about your new school room in detail.

    6. Unknown

      So glad that you are feeling better! I'm always so amazed at what I learn from you.
      There is just something about an organized space that is so inviting!

    7. Nadja

      From perusing the mommy blogs I can see that Jen has inspired a lot of art centers. Mine has to remain locked up because my little guys make a mess of it and have no respect for organization!

      Love homeopathics and herbals. Used them lots during my pregnancy and labor, and use them almost daily on one child or another.

    8. Haus Frau

      Amazing art shelf! I can only dream of something that includes markers right now!

    9. Aubrey

      Holy cow, what a special! I'm just starting to potty train Isaiah and am faced with, if I am successful, having no children in diapers for the first time in 7 years. Whoa. Thank goodness we took care of that dilemma! Only seven more months until we start at size 1 again! 🙂

      I'll be back later; it's been too long since I sat and read blogs!

    10. Lena

      Your art center looks great! You'll have to show us a pic of your new school room. I'm in need of ideas for my school room makeover. 🙂

      Pax –

    11. Karla

      Fantastic! Jen has inspired me as well as the mom of "By Sun and Candle-light" I am re-organizing the school room as well. Can't wait to see your photos! Where did you find the Trifle glasses? I would love to find some for our art supplies! God bless.

    12. Anonymous

      Love those dessert dishes filled with colored art suppies!..What an inspiration! Even if we don't have a classroom…….I am now motivated to clean and organize and donate a lot I don't need…..thanks to your inspiration! Blessings!

    13. Jessica Gordon

      Thank you everyone!!

      Karla ~ I purchased the trifle bowls at Wal Mart for $1.97 each. =)

    14. Gae

      Dear Jessica,
      We also have created an art center. The children have loved using it. It is the favourite place in the house.
      t is interesting to have a look at how everyones are different.
      God Bless

    15. Anshi

      I had been really busy at work for the past 2 weeks and didn't get any time to visit your lovely blog. Your color pencil arrangement is simply amazing and very creative. It will simply attract anyone to start drawing and painting… I love it. Great work Jessica 🙂


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