Small Successes: June 25, 2009

by | Jun 25, 2009 | Small Successes | 4 comments

“It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that.”
~ 1 ~

I SURVIVED Family Camp! 😉 Despite the fact that the forecast showed clear with highs in the 70’s, it rained on Friday and Sunday!!! Had I known it was going to rain, I would have packed some warmer clothes for all of us, but thankfully I did pack my children’s rain boots “just in case.” Hubby and I were both reminded of just how much work camping with young children is, not to mention we were attending daily mass, benediction, rosary, and talks as well. Even though it was wonderful, we came home EXHAUSTED. I, being the extrovert that I am, still had a great time, however, hubby said it may be awhile before I am able to talk him into a trip like that again. 😉

Camp also ended on Father’s Day and Snuggle’s 2nd birthday. Since we didn’t arrive home till nearly 7pm I was WAY too tired to make a cake. I think I will make one on his baptismal anniversary instead. Thankfully, despite my mommy guilt setting in, he was more than happy with a couple candles on his Orange Island Way Sorbet with whipped cream on top. It is better than nothing, right?!?

~ 2 ~

Our cars have been FIXED!! I mentioned last Thursday that hubby’s car was damaged by a scooter that had been left in the driveway. Well, the car ended up needing to be towed to the mechanic to have a few parts replaced. Thankfully the scooter just missed the fuel tank which helped keep the repair costs down. (It still ended up costing over $200.) 🙁 We were able to pick it up on Tuesday night.

Then, as I headed to town yesterday (my first day this week with a car while hubby was at work!), the check tire light came on and my tire was going flat. I was able to make it to Les Schwab (with all five of my children in tow) where they found a nail in my tire.

On the plus side, both cars seem to be running fine today and there has not been a bike left in the driveway ALL WEEK! lol!

~ 3 ~

My brother’s wedding is tomorrow night. I have their gift wrapped, all of our clothes pressed and ready to go (including Chiquita’s Flower Girl dress and Rascal’s Tux), a hair appointment scheduled for Chiquita in about an hour (I decided to shorten her hair to just above her shoulders), and one for myself tomorrow morning (I thought it would be a nice distraction from my questionable tummy size fun change to have some highlights added!). The rehearsal and rehearsal dinner are tonight and the actual wedding is tomorrow night!!! Please keep my brother Brian and his soon-to-be bride, Meagan, in your prayers!

~ Bonus ~

Oh!!!! I REMEMBERED to be the tooth fairy for once… Barely! 😉

    What are your Small Successes this week?

    Stop by Faith and Family Live to read more of this week’s Small Successes.


    1. Erin

      For years our cakes were 'ice-cream cakes';) This year I'm trying decorated cakes for the first time (three next week)

      Enjoy your brother's wedding:):)

    2. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

      Can't wait to see the official wedding pictures of your sweet little flower girl!

    3. Anonymous

      Oh!! Can't wait to see your hair! I can't believe it about the nail, geesh, like you needed that!

    4. ViolinMama

      WOW!! What a week and so inspiring!! I loved reading every bit of it! Can't wait for pics and camp sounded GREAT!!!!


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