Small Successes :: October 8, 2009

by | Oct 8, 2009 | Small Successes | 25 comments

“It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that.”
~ 1 ~

I called the phone company, while I was paying bills this week, just to check if we were getting the best rates possible. We ended up qualifying for a one year “loyalty” promo which is going to knock nearly $20 per month off of our bill. Wahoo! That means I can buy a couple more books each month, right?! 😉

~ 2 ~

I looked into fixing, rather than replacing, a couple of our older baby items including our highchair and infant carseat (which doesn’t expire till Dec ’10) and called the various manufacturers about replacement products.

We purchased a very expensive high chair with a “passive restraint bar and shoulder harness” — which I LOVE — after Twinkle Toes literally hung herself from our old garage sale high chair by wiggling (she was super skinny, but thank goodness we were right there!) out of the strap that only wrapped around the waist. However, after going through three children, the seat liner is really gross and falling apart… I just found out that I can actually order a replacement from the company! Yay!! Now I just have to decide which color… The chair itself is white with blue legs so it sort of limits my options.

As for the car seat (which was made by Combi), the fabric has completely deteriorated and they don’t have replacements for that “old” of car seats so it looks like I am going to need to buy a new one… Any suggestions? I kind of like this one.

~ 3 ~

I made it to the top of that darn the Yaquina Head Lighthouse without putting myself into labor, had a wonderful 10th Anniversary, and survived to blog about it all!

What are your Small Successes this week?

Stop by Faith and Family Live to read more of this week’s Small Successes.


  1. Aimee Landreneau

    Way to go, girl! I'd get something unisex for both the high chair and car seat…I'd be shocked if there weren't more babies in your future after Rose!

  2. Unknown


    The sung ride was a bomb for us because of our babies sizes. They were barely able to sit in it past 6 months! We ended up getting another type of Graco but I can't find it now! Good luck, we looked the whole time I was pregnant with our last one and still ended up coming home for the hospital with a borrowed one and buying one a few days later!

  3. Regina

    BUT, what if the next baby is a boy (in terms of car seat?)

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Oh… I KNOW!!! The Black and Pink IS impractical…

    Our old one was a black and grey combi — I've been looking for something that is a solid dark color like that, but haven't found one yet.

    As for size, my babies are always less than 20 pounds, or right at 20 pounds, at a year — Snuggles was our smallest at 16 pounds (though he was having weight issues at the time)

    The Combi I had was extra long though, which was nice, perhaps I should see if they have a newer model of the same..

  5. Jessica Gordon

    Oh and Mimi, I think you might be talking about the SnugRide 32. It looks great, but from reading the reviews sounds big. I also have the challenge of needing it to fit between 2 boosters since I am having to try and figure out how to squeeze 6 car seats into our 8 passenger Toyota Sienna Mini Van. Our oldest, even though he is 9 is small for his age and is only between 50-60 pounds. The law in our state is they need to be in boosters till they are 80 pounds. It is going to be interesting!

  6. Amy

    I'm not sure what your sewing skills are but you can make the fabric liners for the car seats. (Or if you could find a nice friend to make you one it would be cheaper then a whole new car seat.) They sell they patterns at Joann's. This weekend the 9th – 12th they are having a sale on simplicity patterns, $0.99.

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Natasha, I would love to hear what you think of it once you start using it. I had glanced at it at Amazon, but the reviews weren't nearly as good as those on Walmarts site. It looks really nice!

  8. Jessica Gordon

    Amy ~ Sewing skills are something I do not have. Sure wish I did! Though it would be too late now, since hubby already got rid of the old seat… That might have been a great option!

  9. Jessica Gordon

    This one is also a Snugride, but the colors are much more practical.

    I also wish this one had reviews listed — I found some on another site, but they referred to an older model that had been recalled. I really like the solid black.

  10. Erin

    I think that's awful that they won't sell replacement fabric for a car seat that's not even expired yet! They only last five or six years, so why not stock the replacement parts for it for that long? Maybe you can find somebody selling the fabric or even a whole seat (from which you could use just the fabric) on eBay or at a consignment sale or something? If your seat is an older style Graco Snugride, you can have the fabric from my old one… seriously, I'd mail it to you! The seat expires soon since we got it at the end of the year in 2004, so I won't be using it again, but the fabric is still in very good shape, and it is unisex, too. It'd be a shame to not be able to use a seat that won't expire until after your baby has outgrown it, so i hope you can find something for it!

  11. Unknown


    I just had to laugh at the weight thing. Yep, that is the car seat we had and he was still out of it by 10 months! Our kids are very big though and very tall. Our 9 year old in comparison to yours is 4'10 and 92 lbs! Keep the search!

  12. Erin

    I do like your priorities Jessica. Yep I'd spend the money on books;) You're very busy at present, nesting:)

  13. Lenetta

    Another place I like to look for reviews is I wanted a Britax for my daughter (still an only child, sigh, so no worries about the width) and was able to find a very detailed description there.

  14. Aubrey

    Yay on your successes! Our high chair is on its THIRD liner. This time, Isaiah would rock back and forth in it and it makes the loudest, most annoying squeaking noise. It was second hand to begin with and I think that I'm going to get a new one this time around. Or maybe borrow my sister-in-law's wooden Eddie Bauer one … wonder if she'd mind. (hee hee)

    I see that people already wondered whether the pink would carry over to a possible future boy. It would be sooo great to get a pink one (I'd love to–we also have to get a new one). Maybe you could get that pink one and see if Graco sells extra liners, in which case you could get the pink one and a second, neutral liner. Heaven knows they come in handy anyway when baby's diaper overflows or when they spit up everywhere.

    Have fun shopping! 🙂

  15. elm

    I vote for the high chair pad that is "pure" or "butter" or "Cacao" or "gold" or the "Navy and White Gingham." However, I never had a high chair!! We had a booster with a tray that attached to our regular kitchen table chairs. So, you "could" go taht route if you wanted!

    As for the carseat… i would go neutral… Just me. And I am still trying to decide in that department, but am leaning toward the snugride 32 or something like that – for a longer/heavier baby. My first babe was 20 pounds and out of the infant seat at 2.5 months. HUGE. He was a lug of a kid and was always in the 99% of weight and height. So… I hope to have a babe in an infant seat a bit longer! My other two barely made it to 5 months in their infant seat. So, I am hoping to get a few more months out of the thing!! 🙂

  16. Anonymous

    You should go for unisex, you can always have someone with sewing skills make you something girly as a cover. 🙂 Also, the one I have is one of the top rated as well and got it pretty inexpensively at Target and pretty small. It is by Baby Trend, can't remember which one though, lol.

  17. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica,

    I have the pink Graco, and I like it so far. We've only been using it about 6 weeks, but we used the same model with our first two and I was always very pleased.

    I chose it over the larger Gracos so that we could fit three carseats across our backseat (actually, one booster, one carseat, and the snugride) and it works! Believe me, I was pleased as punch to find a seat with a small enough footprint to fit three across. It was the only Graco that would.

    May God bless your growing family!

    — Mary

    P.S. The pink IS wildly impractical, but it is really pretty in person!

  18. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica,

    I have the pink Graco, and I like it so far. We've only been using it about 6 weeks, but we used the same model with our first two and I was always very pleased.

    I chose it over the larger Gracos so that we could fit three carseats across our backseat (actually, one booster, one carseat, and the snugride) and it works! Believe me, I was pleased as punch to find a seat with a small enough footprint to fit three across. It was the only Graco that would.

    May God bless your growing family!

    — Mary

    P.S. The pink IS wildly impractical, but it is really pretty in person!

  19. Anonymous

    Ack! Sorry for the double post!

    — Mary

  20. Jessica Gordon

    So, I decided to measure Captain and check the laws just to "make sure" and yep — he is currently 54 lbs and 4'2" at 9 years — he'll be 10 next July. The law here is 80 pounds and 4'9". I think he just might be in a booster seat until he is a teenager at this rate, poor guy!! My brothers were all tiny as children but shot up in their late teens and one is now well over 6ft. So hopefully Captain will do the same.

    OOoohhhh!!!! Aubrey!!! I LOVE your idea!! I am definitly going to see if they have extra liners so I can get the black and pink =)

    Linetta ~ Thanks for the suggestion! I will have to look over there for some reviews. I've always drooled over the Britax car seats, but at this point, due to space, they just aren't even an option for us. I've been looking at the Radian XT for Snuggles since his carseat expires this month, and since it is extra narrow. I am hoping I can fit it in the back with two other convertible carseats and put the baby in the middle row with two moveable boosters. I might just take the carseats to the fire dept and let them figure out how to make it work! 😉

    Elm~ Thanks for the suggestions on colors! It came with the Blue and White, but I am not sure I want to go that route – your other suggestions were actually the ones I was leaning towards, but not sure which, yet.. Snuggles will probably be staying in it for quite some time since it converts to a chair at the table and we don't currently have a spot for him. My mom always had the ones that attach to the table, but the table I have has a big ledge and wouldn't work with one of those.

  21. Anonymous


    Sorry to keep commenting, but we actually have the Radian XT in addition to the Snugride you are considering. Our backrow is booster on the left, Snugride in middle, and Radian XT on the right. It just barely fits, but it does work!

    On the whole, we don't love the Radian; the straps are a bit sticky and for the price (!!) we thought it would be a lot more comfortable for our child. But it was definitely worth it to be able to transport all the kids in our existing car.

    Good luck!

    — Mary

  22. Gae

    Dear Jessica,
    I can't comment on car seats but I love your being able to buy new books. Any savings that allow for book purchases I am with you all the way.

    How special to have that time together for your Anniversary. I am sure you will treasure it, especially the hike.☺
    Have a great weekend
    God Bless

  23. Jessica Gordon

    Mary ~ I really appreciate all the input! It will help make our decision a bit easier… I've been hesitant about the Radian XT, but it may be necessary. A new HUGE van is definitely not in our budget right now, nor am I ready to "upgrade" to one any sooner than absolutely necessary. lol! I am sure it probably won't be too long before I have to though, and like my mini-van, I will probably be grateful for the extra room when the time comes.


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Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

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Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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