St. Patrick’s Day Treats

by | Mar 18, 2009 | Kids in the Kitchen, St. Patrick's Day | 7 comments

Since we had so much fun last month decorating Oreos, we decided (back then) to decorate more for St. Patrick’s day. This time my girls used green sprinkles and (I used) green glitter gel to make Shamrock Oreos.

“Good St. Patrick traveled far, to teach God’s Holy Word and when he came to Erin’s sod, a wondrous thing occurred. He plucked a shamrock from the earth and held it in His hand to symbolize the Trinity that all might understand. The first leaf for the Father, and the second for the Son, the third leaf for the Holy Spirit, all three of them in one.”

I hope you all had a blessed St. Patrick’s Day!! I have a few more pictures I’d love to share, but it is going to have to wait… I just realized it is 2am, and I need to get some sleep!


  1. Kathryn

    I’m marking this idea for next year. We had “green” milk in little Starbucks Frappacino bottles (they look like vintage milk bottles when the label is off) and Shamrock pancakes. You inspired me to get my wheels turning in the creativity department and the results were so much fun!

  2. Barbara

    Your girls are so sweet, Jessica, and they are very serious about decorating cookies! 😉

  3. Jessica Gordon

    Oh, I KNOW!!! They were extra “serious” about what they were doing yesterday!! They wanted to get the sprinkles on “just perfect!” lol!

  4. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you everyone!

    Kathryn ~ Green milk in Frappacino Bottles is such a cute idea!! I love it! I am so glad you had a fun day!

  5. Paul Murphy

    hey nice gumdrop shamrocks!!where in the world did you find all green ones?

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Actually, my little sister found them for me… Do you know her? 😉


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