I thought it was funny when
Patty asked how I was able to get my “kitchen to look like “magazine model” clean”. . . It’s amazing what the right lighting combined with finding the perfect setting on the camera can do to hide the dirt that is most definitely there! I thought it would be fun to share a few more pictures of our
so not clean kitchen.
Here’s a picture of our super packed kitchen from last week . . .

The contractor was seeing if he could “flip” the door so it would open the opposite direction for it’s new location (it worked!), so that is why I have a glass door leaning up against my fridge.
On Saturday evening a couple of our friends (thank you Tony & Greg!) came over and helped Hubby move out the furniture and appliances from the laundry room and kitchen. (Our washer was just temporarily hooked back up last night in our detached garage – at least I will be able to do cold water washes this summer.)
I was amazed at how much more spacious our kitchen seemed with everything moved out! You can even see a little bit of counter space now that the drainboard has been moved to the kids bathtub and the coffee machine and other small appliances are in the school room. . . 😉
Yesterday morning, when the contractor began tearing out the kitchen, it was so cute to hear my concerned little Snuggles ask the contractor “Are you BREAKING it?!?!”
Check out the wallpaper that was under the paneling in the laundry room.
This house has so many layers!
Our whole laundry room/guest bathroom and kitchen (sink and all!) was torn out in just one day!
We stocked up on disposable paper goods at Costco this past weekend and plan to BBQ a LOT this summer! It is going to be interesting. . . However, it will all be worth it. At least that is what I keep telling myself over and over each day!
Oh, and I promise that I won’t turn this into a “Home Improvement” blog. I’ll be back soon with a post on how I am keeping our children busy (and out of the contractors way!) this summer.
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
This is going to be so amazing when it's finished! It's neat to see pictures of what happens when a contractor starts tearing stuff out. There's so much behind the walls of our house that I don't think about; I've never had to! It's fun to hear your positive attitude about grilling and doing cold water laundry! It'll be an adventure for sure. Cheers!
This is so exciting! Our kitchen is in bad need of a makeover, so it's nice to read about others who've finally been able to make it happen! Hopefully in a few more years…
How exciting! I can't wait to see your new kitchen . . . and read about all the other lovely things you're doing in the meantime!
I am so excited for you! I have been worrying about your laundry situation, glad you were able to hook everything up!
Looking at your "layers", I bet the older homes can tell so many stories. (My childhood home is almost 100 years old!) As the saying goes, "If these wall could talk!"
I LOVE the ceiling in your kitchen!! Will that be staying?
It's interesting seeing the progress. I can't wait to see the "finished product". Please keep posting pictures. I also can't wait to see how you finished out the Alphabet path.
Oh Jessica, this all so exciting – and moving so fast. I can't believe the progress.
I have to admit I am a little envious – I wouldn't be emotional about my dumb old stove leaving this house! I chuckled when you posted about that.
I know it will all be worth it!
hehe…our house was built in the 1950's. When we remodeled the kitchen we found FIVE layers of wallpaper and paint on the wall behind the refrigerator. It's like a time capsule!!!