Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
How do you spell 'heart-warming'?! Just looking at these lovely pictures of family and faith warms the heart. This tradition will surely be passed down for generations to come! Prayers for everyone's speedy recovery from their colds.
Do you use a template for your St Nicholas letters? Those look beautiful. And I love how you wrapped them like a scroll. I always think about writing my kids a note but I’m really not sure how to begin…and I didn’t want them analyzing my handwriting lol A typed letter would be perfect.
Hello, not sure if my comments are coming through? 2nd attempt. Your St Nicholas letters are beautiful. Do you use a template? What topics do you include? I’ve often thought about leaving a letter for my children but never know where to begin. Do you have a sample you could share? Thank you!
Hi! My babies ended up having croup this past week and I fell behind on moderating comments here on the blog! So sorry about that. Thank you for following up, and for your patience!
My husband usually writes the letters back to the children each year, but he was extra tired this year (everyone seems to be trying to fight off this cold) and I offered to take care of it. In the past he has written notes on gift tags, the backs of Holy Cards, note cards, etc… This year I was tired too, so did a google search and ran across this template on Etsy! (I'll update the post above with the link.) I used the text provided for the most part, adding in personal touches for each of the children in response to their letters, and printed it on parchment printer paper. I really loved the template and it'll be nice to have to use again in the future.
Thank you, Karen! Celebrating St. Nicholas feast is always a favorite over here. The babies ended up coming down with croup so it ended up being a very long week… but everyone seems to be on the mend!
What a lovely display of happiness from the children's faces. They received lots of goodies. How nice to see the college children sharing their gifts,too. Have a joyous Christmas. God Bless.
Thank You for sharing this beautiful St. Nicholas Day. The children look so excited. God Bless.
Jessica, you always make everything special for the children. Love all the stockings hanging on the fireplace. Wishing you and your beautiful family a Blessed Christmas. God Bless.
Thank you so much! It is a great template. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.