Comparing Baby Pictures

by | Jan 6, 2010 | Baby "Rose", Pictures | 16 comments

There has been a bit of a debate over who Rose looks the most like, of her siblings… Hubby & I see the most resemblance between her and her oldest brother (Captain) and sister (Twinkle Toes). Most everyone else seems to think she looks just like Chiquita… What do you think?


Twinkle Toes:

I can hardy believe she is 3 weeks old already!


  1. Lori

    We vote for Twinkle Toes 🙂
    They are all so beautiful!
    What a blessed family you all are! Love, Lori

  2. Kelly

    I can't tell, though I'm usually lousy at that anyway (even with my own kids :). She sure is beautiful, they all are! She has a perfect rosebud mouth too.

  3. Roxaline

    I vote Twinkle Toes too! Although, it is amazing how much all of the kids look like each other!

  4. Anonymous

    It depends on the picture, lol!! I guess there you have it, she is simply in your family!!! Comparing baby pictures I would say Snuggles, but comparing what Ciquita now with Rose, there is no contest, lol.

  5. Jo Shabo

    I think Twinkle Toes as well– oh she is just precious! What an angel!

  6. Anonymous

    Ok, my Rose votes that she looks like Buttercup, lol.

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Yay!! Glad to see that I'm not the only one thinking Twinkle Toes anymore! 😉

    Amy!! Snuggles?? Really?? Other than his cheeks, which all our children seem to have the same cheeks, I think he looks SO different from all the rest, even as a baby!

    Roxaline ~ I have never pulled out all the photos and compared before and was surprised at how much they do look alike!

    Kelly ~ Her mouth is like Captain and Twinkle Toes, which is probably why I think she looks so much like them. Plus her head has that same round shape — not so oval like Rascal and Chiquita.

  8. elm

    Voting for Twinkle Toes look alike – DEFINITELY!!!

  9. Kimberly Lottman

    Yes, my vote from the beginning (and, no I'm not trying to win brownie points), has been Twinkle Toes, and still is! :0)

  10. Anonymous

    Well, now that the pictures are posted – she looks like she has a little bit of everyone in your family! Yup, she is definitly related to you all! Fer sure! Smile!

  11. Jodi

    I think she looks like Captains baby picture but has Snuggles nose. 🙂 But she is definitely her own. She's gorgeous! Is Twinkle Toes the only one who has those pretty blue eyes? Wouldn't Rose look so cute if she has Twinkles Toes' eyes and that black hair?!

  12. Kristyn Hall

    I hate to be a copy cat, but I was thinking Twinkle Toes, too!

  13. Anne McD

    I think she looks just like your younger daughter– just look at those eyes! When our fifth was born, everyone asked me who he looked like and I'd laugh and say, "all of them!" I'm beginnng to think I give birth to the same baby over and over!

  14. Mary Beth

    Twinkle Toes! But I can see a resemblance between Rose and Snuggles also. Though they all look alike!

  15. Karla in MN

    I DEFINATELY think Rose looks like Chiquita and Rascal…Captain, Twinkle Toes and Snuggles are 3 peas in a pod as well. They are ALL beautiful. God bless you.

  16. Aubrey

    I've got to vote for Chiquita on that one, I think. It'll be easier when she's a bit older! 🙂 Then she'll change a little and look like one sibling, then change a little more and look like another.

    Isaiah was born the spitting image of Madeleine but now strongly resembles his sister Morgan. Hmmm….


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