Craft Basket Wednesday

by | Jan 27, 2010 | Craft Basket Wednesday, Wooden Dolls, Wooden Saints | 25 comments

My friend Amy has been hosting a “Craft Basket Wednesday” for a couple months now, and although I’ve wanted to join in I just haven’t found the time for much “crafting” lately.

However, this week I’ve been working on finishing up a little set of Carmelite dolls, which had been sitting in the cupboard since the fall.  It looks like Amy and I are both making Carmelites this week!!

Yesterday I added their eyes, and I am still trying to decide if I want to add mouths and perhaps some praying hands as well. Or perhaps I should add a crucifix and roses and turn them all into little mini St. Therese dolls… What do you think?

While I am at it, I thought I would also share a picture of my St. Catherine of Siena.  I painted her awhile back and never did post a picture.  I am hoping to make another one like her for one of our Goddaughters!
So, what crafts have you been working on lately?

Updated to add these other views as well: 


  1. Kelly

    They ALL came out great!! You have to turn some of them into St. Therese, you know you want too 😉

    I haven't been doing much crafting lately, but I did order the kit to make a Jesus tree. Since Lent is quickly approaching, I better get started soon.

  2. Marisa

    They are darling!

  3. Jessica Gordon

    Kelly ~ I am considering painting four more and then turning them all into St. Therese. Then I could give one to each of the 12 Little Flowers in my group as favors at our end of the year Tea Party! I think the girls would like that… Hummm…

  4. Jessica Gordon

    And as for the Jesus Tree kit, do start early if you can! There is a LOT of cutting involved, but it is SO nice in future years, when you just have to pull it back out to use again. 🙂

  5. Kelly

    That would be sooo sweet! They would love it, I'm sure.

    I made the Jesse tree from them as well (thanks for the links you posted a long time ago 😉 ). I looked at the picture they show and it looks so much harder. What did I get myself into ?!? 🙂

  6. Jessica Gordon

    Kelly ~ Just make sure you have a good pair of scissors and you will do just fine. The patterns really make it easy. It just takes time.

  7. Renee

    These are so sweet Jessica! How fun it is to view your continued painting of these wooden saints. Love them! Keep them coming…

  8. Megan

    I've been working on our Alphabet of Saints. I've been painting St. Helena, who was originally St. Bernadette, but looked more like St. Helena LOL.
    I too am working on our felt Jesse Tree. Was thinking…start Alphabet and Jesse Tree now and be done by next year.
    We also celebrate Duck Day today. Something we started last year since it's almost the end of duck hunting season here in NM. We celebrate by doing duck crafts, eating duck eggs AKA donut holes, going to see ducks, making duck paper towel calls, etc.
    That's what the Ipps are doing crafty wise this Jan! God Bless.

  9. Nadja

    Those are so cute!

    Here's a funny: as I was admiring them on your blog, my 5 year old came in and saw them all and said, "Whoa! Bowling!"

    Carmelite bowling pins…? I think not…

  10. Jessica Gordon

    Oh and Megan, Duck Day sounds like SO MUCH FUN!!

  11. Blair

    I made a little house and church with wooden bird houses from Michael's ($6 and $4) to go with a peg family for our goddaughter's birthday last weekend. You can scroll down to see a little wooden box I made for her big brother; I also turned one of those boxes into a mini-church with altar, plate and cup for some other friends but didn't get a picture!

    Also thought I'd let you know that I've had good success with the clear craft paint top coat/varnish, found in the same area as the craft paints. You just paint it on top and works significantly better than the spray type. Makes a big difference!

  12. Mary

    Don't forget! St. Therese had many sisters in her convent – both blood sisters and religious sisters. Playing "convent" would be a lot of fun for your girls, I bet…

  13. Gae

    Dear Jessica,
    I love these and am hoping to made some for our Alphabet path. However I have to order the wooden dolls and they seem to be so expensive since the last time I bought some.

    I love the way you have made a 'sisterhood'

    I have enjoyed being a part of Amy's Craft Basket Wednesday for a while now. I love sharing .
    You can have a look at my not so successful craft this week. My others are usually better.
    Praying for you daily.
    How is little Rose's heart going?
    God Bless

  14. Anonymous

    I love the simplicity of them the way they are. They are elegant. They certainly seem to be a good representation of a Carmelite – don't you think? Sometimes less is better????? Unless of course you have already begun to add more to them. Smile.

  15. Anonymous

    I remember you had a plain wooden doll house (or maybe you don't!) that you were thinking of making into a mini convent. (I remember something of this sort because I thought, "what a good idea" and I tucked the idea away for later)

    So perhaps, just a crucifix and rosary. OF course gifts for the troop would be great too!

  16. Jessica Gordon

    Blair ~ Thanks for the tip on the sealer! I will have to pick some up and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your chapel!!

    Gae ~ Thank you for the prayers! Our pediatrician was confident that the appointment could be postponed, since it seems that her heart is healing, till she can be seen locally. It is scheduled for March 29th.

    Anonymous ~ I haven't added anything yet… I think that may be why I stopped after painting their eyes. 🙂

    Josette ~ I DO!! It is still stashed in storage… I've been "planning" on painting it for forever now. That was the reason I began painting these little Carmelites in the first place, to go along with the Convent.

  17. Paper Dali

    These are so very cute. Thanks for the inspiration as usual, Jessica! (hugs)

    And … excuse the ignorance here … but what's a Jesus tree?

  18. Jessica Gordon

    Vee ~ The Jesus Tree is very similar to the Jesse Tree. It is used during Lent instead of Advent, and has 47 symbols from the life of Jesus, beginning with the Presentation and ending with the Resurrection.

    When I made ours a couple years ago, I posted pictures of each symbol as well as coordinating readings from our New Catholic Picture Bible. I also found links to coloring pages and activities to go along with it as well. You can see it all in my archives under the label for Jesus Tree.

    My children love both the tradition of the Jesse and Jesus Trees.

    I hope that helps!

  19. gretchen

    They are darling. I think they look perfect. Simple and neat. Jessica, I am so blessed by your blog and I wish I would have been as far along in my faith journey in my early 30's. I love that you are from a big family…it gives me courage and hope that my family (9 kids) can be so blessed and faithful. God bless you.

  20. Anonymous

    They are so cute Jessica! I adore your saint dolls! Thank you for sharing too!

  21. Lisa Lynch

    Do you happen to have a picture of the back of your St. Catherine doll? Would love to see how you did it.

  22. Jessica Gordon

    I took a couple pictures for you while I had my camera out this afternoon and added them to the post above. 🙂 Hope that helps!

  23. Lisa Lynch

    I really appreciate it. Thank you!


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