Exploring Creation with Astronomy Lap Book: Part 1

by | Feb 24, 2010 | Astronomy, Lap Books, Science, Solar Eclipse | 5 comments

The boys have really been enjoying Science this year!  They have been studying Astronomy using (and loving!) Jeannie Fulbright’s Exploring Creation with Astronomy.

In addition to the textbooks, I ordered the coordinating lapbooks.  The boys just completed their first Lap Book (part one) based on the first six chapters: What is Astronomy, The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and The Moon.

They are very excited to move on to the next chapter (Mars), especially after seeing what Stephen and Nicholas have been up to this week! How fun!!

~ The Front Cover ~ 

~ Inside Folder #1 ~ 
God Used a Star;  Do you know;  Copernicus & Galileo;  Color the Sun;  Name the Planets;  Revolve & Rotate;  Solar Eclipse;  Lessons 1-4 Vocabulary

~ Inside Folder #2 ~
Find Mercury; Why is Venus hotter;  Mercury’s Craters; Mercury Facts; Find Venus; How many men have walked on the Moon?; Amazing Facts; What would happen if God had made the Earth with Less Mass?; Phases of Venus; Venus Facts; Twins?
~ Inside Folder #3 ~ 
Lunar Eclipse; Earth’s Layers; Phases of Our Moon; Neil Armstrong; Lessons 5-6 Vocabulary
~ Inside Folder #4 ~ 
What is Astronomy;  Amazing Facts;  Weight & Gravity;  Perfect Earth;  Why shouldn’t we stare at the Sun?;  Copywork;  Land Rover

~ Completed Lap Books ~ 
by Captain

by Rascal


  1. Kelly

    Hi Jessica, I've been wondering how good this series. Our oldest LOVES space and everything to do with it. Does this book cover the very basics (would he be bored) or does it delve deeper? Most of the Amazon reviews were good, but one called it twaddle. The lapbooks look great though. Thanks for any info you can give. BTW…do know if the other books in the series are good?

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Kelly ~ This is the first book from the series that I have purchased and I've been happy with it… I also plan on purchasing another one of her books for next year, though I haven't decided which one yet. Personally I don't think it is "twaddle". But then, I am no expert! 🙂 The best way to decide for your son, would be to take a look at it for yourself. Amazon doesn't have an option for looking through the book, but if you click on this link it will take you to the publishers website which provides more information. They have a number of pdf's you can download including a "Sample Modual" which lets you preview the whole first chapter on "The Sun."

    I hope that helps!

  3. Kelly

    Thanks so much!!!!

  4. Unknown

    Hi! These are wonderful! Are they available anywhere to print? We are learning space now and would be so helpful for my son! Thanks!

  5. Jessica Gordon

    It looks like it might be available on Amazon now. I'll update the post links!


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