.: Happy 1st Birthday Rose! :.

by | Dec 15, 2010 | Baby "Rose", Birthday Parties, Cake Decorating, Happy Birthday, Thank You | 19 comments

Our baby girl is one year old toady!!  It truly seems like she was just born, but at the same time I just can’t imagine my life without her!  What a blessing she is to our family! 
Her beautiful rose covered dress was a hand-made birthday gift from Emily!  Isn’t it just perfect?!?! Thank you Emily!
And Captain said I had to post this last picture, which is a face Rose loves to make.  It is TOO funny! 
I’ve never had to bake a birthday cake at this time of year (I don’t even have any siblings with birthdays in November or December) so I originally thought with all our other usual plans I would just purchase a cake and stick the Rose Fairy Ornament I had purchased for her on top this year.  Truthfully that would have been so much easier than trying to attempt (for the very first time) making a few pink frosting roses (the white roses were made by Wilton) at 2 am…  How do they make it look so easy on youtube?      It may be full of little imperfections, but it was made with love and my children, especially Rose, were very excited when they saw it this morning. 
The cake is chocolate, gluten-free in fact since this mix is so delicious, with cream cheese frosting.  I made two 8″ cakes, and saved some of the batter to make a small 6″ cake for the top.   I thought it might work well to take that off after we sing and give to her.   Since she liked chocolate so much, I think she will be in heaven! ‘Ill try and post pictures later tonight after dinner and cake… Hurry home Daddy! 

Happy 1st Birthday 
sweet little Rose!


  1. Lena

    bautiful cake and baby girl. you have much to celebrate. prayers for a blessed birthday!
    pax Christi – lena

  2. Kelly

    Happy Birthday, sweet Rose!!

    Jessica, I think the cake looks fabulous! You did a fantastic job on everything! You did those beautiful pink roses for your first time?! From the pic it looks just like the Wilton ones. Truly, any little girl would be thrilled with a birtday cake like that. How did you do the pearls on the side?

    May God bless your little Rose today and always.

  3. Grace Hincapie

    Happy Happy 1st Birthday Rose!!! I can not believe she is already one! I remember looking at pictures when she was just born. Have a great birthday celebration. May she be always in the arms of Jesus and Mary.


  4. Jessica Gordon

    Thanks Kelly! Yes, that was my first time… though the first few tries ended up right back in the bowl of frosting to do over! lol! I think I spent over an hour making the few roses I did make. I then gave up and pulled out the wilton roses (aka: my backup plan!)

    The pearls are just the little sugar pearl sprinkles which I stuck into the frosting… at this point they only make it 1/2 way around the cake, since Rose woke up at 2:30am and I had to stop. Apparently it is not a good idea to start baking a cake at 11:30 pm. 😉

  5. Anonymous

    Happy birthday sweetie! God bless you little angel!

  6. Patty

    How sweet and precious!

  7. Nadja

    What a beautiful baby girl! And such a great opportunity for learning to make frosting roses! The cake and the baby both look delicious!

  8. Marcia

    Beautiful! I'm so glad you know how to make roses now! Have a great evening and birthday dinner!

  9. Anonymous

    To think she was just born a blink ago!!! Oh My Goodness! Say it is not so! Happy Birthday Little Rose!


  10. Kelly

    Beautiful cake!!! Happy Birthday little Rose! Emily's dress came out great, and I love the face on that one picture. Too funny!

  11. Casey

    A very happy birthday to your little Rose.

    God bless your family!

  12. Cathy

    It hardly seems possible that she is already 1 year old. What a darling she is, and what a great looking cake. I bet it tastes as good as it looks. We'll look forward to seeing the "after" pictures. Happy Birthday, little Rose.

  13. Jamie Jo

    God bless your sweet Rose!!!

    Happy birthday honey!

    Your cake is beautiful, it looks professional!

  14. Robina

    wishing her a sweet birthday. much love.

  15. Aimee Landreneau

    Love the dress, love the cake, love that sweet girl with the healthy heart!

    My girls have dresses made from that same pattern…it's one of my favorites!

  16. Kristi

    Happy birthday to your beautiful baby girl!!! 🙂

  17. Anonymous

    what are you kidding? those roses look amazing. and she is just a doll!!! Happy birthday Rose.

  18. Emily Snow

    What a doll! So glad the dress fits! I don't think I could attempt roses with icing!

  19. Pamela

    Happy Birthday litte Rose! I love the cake you did a really good job.


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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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