My Daybook :: February 22, 2010

by | Feb 22, 2010 | Daybook | 10 comments

Outside my window… it has been so beautiful for the past week.  We spent quite a bit of time outside yesterday and I hope to get back out there this afternoon, before it starts raining again tomorrow.

I am listening to… Captain reading today’s Jesus Tree reading to his siblings.  It is so nice to have his help this year!

I am thinking… about the finished house plans that were dropped off by the Engineer on Saturday and hoping that we are now able to get some estimates and figure out the financial end of everything.

I am thankful for… the kind gentleman, in line behind me at the grocery store last Friday, who unloaded my cart full of groceries and then bagged them for me, so that I could hold my fussy little baby. (Not to mention I only had 20 minutes to get out of the store, get gas, and make my way across town for Rose’s doctors appointment.) It seems that every time I go to town lately somebody offers to help me… The last four times I’ve been to Costco, both before and since Rose was born, I’ve been given help loading the groceries into the van. There truly are angels among us! May God reward them for taking a moment out of their busy days to lend a helping hand.

I am praying… for the soul of Mr. Jerry Hudson, my sister’s Father-in-law, who passed away on Saturday night. May he rest in peace!

From the kitchen…  I pulled out a couple cookbooks this past Friday before heading to the grocery store, and found a couple new (*) Recipes to make this week.  Here’s a look at the menu: 

:: Monday – *Grilled Tilapia with Pineapple Salsa
:: Tuesday – *Rigatoni with Tuna and Sun-Dried Tomatoes
:: Wednesday – *Turkish Spinach and Lentil Soup
:: Thursday – Spagetti and Meatballs
:: Friday – Brown Rice Vegetable Casserole
:: Saturday – Orange Chicken

I’ve even made the Pioneer Woman’s Favorite Sandwich, with added Turkey Breast, this past weekend.  Yum!

From the learning rooms…

::The boys are loving Teaching Textbooks.  I purchased grade 4 and they are both doing great.  In fact, they are usually up out of bed and have their math completed by breakfast! Now that we have the basics under control again, I am anxious to get back on a good schedule with the rest of their subjects.

::The girls have moved on to “R” week.  Yesterday, to finish up “Q” Week, they baked Queen of Heart Tarts.  Since today is also George Washington’s birthday, we had to make something with cherries, right?!

Living the Liturgical Year at Home… lots of Lenten Activities.  Today is also the feast of the Chair of St. Peter and the one year anniversary of Rascal’s First Communion!

I am creating… our tax returns.

I am wearing… short hair.  Although I love having long hair, hubby prefers it a little (or rather a lot!) shorter.  He convinced me go in for a haircut and my hairdresser was able to squeeze me in Saturday morning.  It is now 8-9 inches shorter and just past my shoulders.  Here’s a quick picture… Can I put a bean in the jar?

I am reading… old emails and trying to respond to 5 each day.  If I can keep it up I should have my inbox emptied by Easter.   I recently read this post and am working on implementing some of his suggestions.  My apologies to those of you that have been waiting many many months for a response.

Pondering these words… which are so very true!  When I make sure to get the necessities done each day, it seems that I get so much more accomplished.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Our little Rose… had her 2 month well check-up last Friday and she is doing well! She already weighs 10 lbs. 10 oz. and is a long 23 1/4″! There is still no indication of her heart murmur, it’s been gone since her baptism, though her doctor would still like to do the follow up echocardiogram on March 29th. She is smiling and cooing and getting lots of love and attention from all of us!

Noticing that… I don’t think giving up any particular aspects of the internet/computer use is what God wants me to this Lent.  What I do need to work on is balance and prioritizing, and limiting my computer time.  Have you read Elizabeth’s post Disconnect to Reconnect?  It was very inspiring.

Towards personal care… I’ve been walking 1 mile each day for Lent and completed my 5th mile this morning! I have lots and lots of weight to lose from this last pregnancy and hope that this little goal will get me started, as well as improve my energy levels. So far I’m down 2 pounds, 2 inches, and my energy most definitly has increased.

Around the house… lots of dust. Apparently something (we think perhaps a cat) got under our home and caused extensive damage to the insulation as well as to one of the heating and air ducts… We now know how that Black Widow got into the school room and under Captain’s desk. {{{shudder}}}

One of my favorite things.. sunshine and smiling children!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

  • Our Heating & Air System will be repaired (hopefully) tomorrow
  • Field Trip on Friday (if all goes well this week and it isn’t raining)
  • Hockey lessons on Saturday

A Picture thought I am sharing:


  1. Erin

    I haven't started my 40 km yet, David keeps commenting on 'when?!' Anyhow the fact that you are seeing results already has inspired me:)

  2. Lenetta

    Love those last pics – so sweet! I also got a short(er) haircut this weekend – when my daughter was born almost 3 years ago, my hair was long enough that it covered my (ahem) lower dimples. After this last haircut, it looks about like yours!

    It'll take some getting used to since I won't be able to put it in a bun like I've been doing, but it's making me think of spring – even though we got another 4" of snow…

  3. Mom2Seven

    Pretty picture of Mom! Very happy about Rose… she has been a part of our prayer intentions! You do so much… God bless you!

  4. Sarah

    Your hair looks beautiful! But then, I think every time I see it that it does. Very cute.
    Sounds like you are doing great on the walking! Good job!
    Hope the repairs at your house go well.

    Have a wonderful week!

  5. Kelly

    Way to go little Rose! I think your hair looks great, and good luck with the repairs.

  6. Gae

    Dear Jessica,
    I have always loved your hair and wonder why you need to exercise, you always look stunning.
    I am thrilled to hear that Rose still continues to have no need for extra Medical attention. A miracle for her Baptism.

    Ok a question. Do you walk outside or in side or have exercise equipment?

    Oh, and I have just finished painting some Alphabet saints. I have been so nervous but follwed the 'An Alphabet of Catholic Saints' book and your examples.

    Praying you have a great week
    God Bless

  7. Jessica Gordon

    Gae ~ Right now I am walking inside my living room, using Leslie Sansone DVD's. (I linked to the one I've been using in this post where it says "walking".) My favorite piece of "exercise equipment" in my jogging stroller, and we will start heading to the local track as soon as Rose is completely over her cold and the weather is nice/warm enough. Right now the DVD is working wonderfully since I can get out of bed while the baby is still sleeping and walk a mile in less than 15 minutes. Very quick and doable. Oh, and I'm glad you were able to paint some Saints!

  8. mel

    Oh my goodness, what a sweet and chubby-cheeked baby. She makes me break a sweat though. My last baby weight 10 pounds, 15 ounces, very close to what you said she weighs now,,,and I'm 33 weeks pregnant now, lol. Here's hoping for a tinier one!

  9. Kristyn Hall

    Hooray for Captain—it's great to have those home grown helpers. 🙂 He looks very comfy with the baby in his lap.
    My husband is the opposite—when I asked how he liked my hair he said "long and brushed." 😀

  10. The Wades

    Your hair looks beautiful! Funny your husband likes it shorter. It seems most men like longer. I'm not sure mine cares either way.

    Your children are so beautiful! Rose is beyond precious.


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

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Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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