My Daybook ~ February 2nd

by | Feb 2, 2010 | Daybook | 24 comments

Outside my window… it is raining today, and looks like it will be raining the rest of the week…  Thankfully the sun came out for a but this past weekend and we were able to get out of the house a little bit.   Here is a picture taken just outside our window Sunday evening:

I am hearing… my children singing Caledonia.  According to my children, it is one of my Dad’s new favorites.  My Dad’s birthday is coming up on the 18th, so I think I might just order him Celtic Thunder’s newest CD which is going to be released on the 9th.  Perfect timing!

I am thinking… about the plans for our remodel/addition, still, and probably will be for awhile!  I made a number of changes to the last rough draft and here is where we are at now:

Basically our plans are to make the kitchen both wider and longer, remodel the laundry room/bathroom, and add on a Living Room and Dining Room.  (Right now our big table takes up most of our kitchen and we outgrew it quite some time ago.)

Overall I think this is probably the best layout we will be able to come up with, with the limited area we have to work with.  (We have many restrictions from the county on which way we can add on, as well as a big hill behind us which we’d rather not excavate any further.)

I am still trying to decide just what appliances I’d like in the kitchen… Since we moved here 10 years ago, we’ve just had 3 working burners and an ancient oven.  A dishwasher is at the top of my list followed by a duel-fuel range/oven (with an additional wall and convection oven), which means we will need to put in a small propane tank and run gas to the kitchen, but I think it will be worth it!   Just to be able to move our table out of the kitchen will be wonderful!

I am thankful… that our little Rose is doing so well!  Her echocardiogram has been rescheduled to the end of March so we can be seen locally and not need to travel so far away.

I am praying… for the Pope’s intentions for February, and especially for a particular family member who has lost his faith which has been heartbreaking to witness:

“For all scholars and intellectuals, that by means of sincere search for the truth they may arrive at an understanding of the one true God.”

From the kitchen… We will definitely be making some Edible Candles this afternoon, and, if I can pull it together, we may just have a Candlemas Tea.  Looking through Alice’s suggestions, I could probably come up with everything except for the Mallomars.  Does any one have any other ideas to symbolize Anna the Prophetess?

From the learning rooms… We finished “P” week and I will try and Post Pictures soon!  This week we are focusing on the basics and celebrating a few feast days.  We will move on to “Q” next week.

Living the Liturgical Year at Home… Yesterday we celebrated the feast of St. Brigid, today we’ll celebrate Candlemas, and tomorrow the feast of St. Blase.  I had hoped to make it to Mass this morning, and again tomorrow, but Rose was up most of the night, and it just wasn’t possible this morning.  A friend called and said she had a Candle blessed for me though.  Wasn’t that thoughtful?!  Hopefully we can make it tomorrow morning so we can all get our throats blessed.  We’ll see!

I am creating… a post for “P” week.  I really need to start working on these posts as we work our way through the week.  They take so long to put together!

I am wearing… a nursing cover.  I’ve always just used blankets in the past, but this time I purchased a black and white one ( the “Yoko” pattern) and was given one with a beautiful rose pattern which was made by a friend.  I love them both!

I am going… to try and take a nap today.  Last night was HARD!  Rose slept most of yesterday afternoon, which did allow me to catch up on a bit of housework and a few other things, but she made up for it last night.

I am reading…  P Is For Palmetto: A South Carolina Alphabet with the boys, since they have finished studying Maryland and are moving on to South Carolina.

Pondering these words… of St. Augustine, quoted by Fulton Sheen in a talk of his which we were listening to on the way home from Mass on Sunday:

“Our hearts are made for Thee O Lord, 
and they are restless until they rest in Thee.” 

I am hoping…
that my sweet little Rose’s tear duct gets better soon.  It has been blocked since she was just a couple weeks old.

Noticing that… even though the boys are doing well with Right Start Math, it is so hard for me to find the time each day to work with all the children individually.  Is it awful that I am considering yet another switch in Math Programs for next year?  I would like to continue using Right Start with my younger children, but I am looking into switching Captain to Teaching Textbooks

Around the house…  the computer is in the living room right now since we’ve been watching some movies online.  This evening we are planning on watching the next episode of Emma!

One of my favorite things… looking through old family photos.  Our children are growing way too fast!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

  • Hockey Lessons for the Boys on Saturday (I think we’ll all go this week!) 
  • Celebrate Rascal’s 8th Birthday on Sunday

Here are a few snapshots of Rose from the past week or so:

~ January 21st ~
With Daddy!

~ January 23rd ~
The very beginnings of a smile… 
I haven’t been able to catch her big beautiful smile on camera yet.
~ January 30th ~
See the beautiful rose nursing cover in the background? 🙂 
Wearing a darling hat, handmade by a sweet little girl
~ February 1st ~
Dreaming about her plans to keep Momma up all night! 😉 


  1. Peklet Mom

    Dear Jessica,

    My daughter, now 6 years old, had both tear ducts blocked for her 1st 18 months. I prayed so hard and did so many novenas, because if it had gone on any longer, the doctors were recommending surgery. Thanks be to God, they opened on their own. After months of prayers to St. Lucy, her tear ducts opened on the feast of St. Patrick! 🙂 I just thought I would share my experience and tell you to hang on, it will get better.

    God bless!

  2. Aimee Landreneau

    Jacob and Ava both had a clogged duct. Strange as it may sound, I read online to express breastmilk and put it in their eyes. Would you believe it actually works?! I did it for Jacob. I used a medicine syringe/dropper thing to put it in. They blinked a lot, but didn't fuss much at all. I thought it was so weird, but I figured it was worth a try.

    Also, if you run your finger up the side of YOUR nose toward your eye, you'll feel a little bump near the corner of your eye. Then do it to Rose, and gently but firmly massage it. This was my pediatrician's suggestion, and it worked for Ava. I did it a couple times a day.

    Did you see my question on FB? I am curious about the fairy lodge.

  3. Pamela

    She looks so sweet. Landreneau Family was correct. All 6 of our girls had ducts that were blocked and this worked on all of them.

  4. Aimee Landreneau

    My goodness, I realized I forgot to say how darn cute that baby girl is! She is just beautiful. And I don't think there's anything that's much sweeter than a daddy with his baby!

  5. Lena

    The breast milk as worked for my little ones with the occasional clogged duct.
    I pray that you continue to find peace at home while caring for your little one and big ones. Pax – Lena

  6. Mom2Seven

    Ah, she is beautiful! And, yes, they do grow up fast… our youngest is 19 months, but our oldest is 22! Hold on… it goes by so fast! Treasure every moment (even the not so great ones). JMJ

  7. Kelly

    Jessica, Rose is sooooo beautiful!!! I know you're exhausted, but she's just so precious! Our youngest also had plugged ducts, it took a while but the massage that was mentioned earlier did finally work. A few weeks before I was going to contact an eye doctor too.

    Your remodel plans look great. Good lick with the construction.

    The state lapbooks are amazing. Where do you get all the ideas??? Did they do a book for each state so far?

    Don't feel bad about changing programs. The needs of students and families change all the time. If this isn't best for the boys now, then make changes. If you use it for the younger kids later, then you'll still get your money's worth out of it. 🙂

  8. Celeste

    She is absolutely lovely, Jessica!

  9. Roxaline

    Rose is getting so big! There is nothing sweeter then chubby cheeks on a baby!

  10. Lenetta

    Ooh! I had no idea there was such a thing as dual fuel range/ovens! I'm intrigued – we'd like to build a house when we live on the farm, and I worry about power outages – when I was pregnant with our almost three year old, it was out for a week. Love the daybooks!

  11. Anonymous

    Your family is *so* beautiful!

  12. Jessica Gordon

    Thank you all for the tips for the clogged tear ducts! I've been doing the massage, each day, but will have to try the breast milk. Interesting!

    Kelly ~ The boys are actually putting together a Scrapbook of all the states, in the order which they joined the country, not individual lap books for each State. This post explains it the best: State-by-State Scrapbook

    Lenetta ~ My mom has a duel-fuel range/oven and loves it! (The range is Gas and the Oven is Electric) We too have had a number of long power outages so the gas range will be great!

  13. Robina

    Rose is a beauty. so glad you like the nursing cover. also so happy you're getting a dishwasher. happy candlemas. today was the first day I actually did a feast day activity with my kids since Sweet Pea came along, we lit candles and said a prayer for Candlemas. Your tea ideas are amazing. I hope I am back together like that in another month.

  14. Shelly

    Jessica, we have a duel fuel oven as well. i really love it. But i've been cooking with gas for 16yrs. i would never want an electric stovetop again!

    when charlie was a bitty baby he got some infection in his eye (pink eye?) and i read about breastmilk then – i had never heard of such a thing, but tried it and it did work!

    little Rose looks just like you 😉

  15. Aubrey

    Isaiah had a tear duct that was blocked for a few months when he was newborn. I thought he had an eye infection but Dr. M instructed me to let breast milk drip into it and massage it in each time that I nursed him. It worked when I finally tried it! 🙂

    This will be my first adventure with nursing covers as well! I received one as a gift and bought a back up (read: one for the wash, one for wear) from a fellow parishioner who has an Etsy site. Can't wait to try them out!

    When I went up for the blessing of Saint Blaise on Sunday, our Monsignor blessed not only me but my unborn child. I was tickled pink. He does this also in the communion line–blesses all of the children who come forward and never forgets those who are yet unborn. I love this parish.

    Your addition sounds so neat! It'll be like taking a deep breath, when it's finished! I hope that you are able to get the appliances that you're hoping for.

    The picture you posted–the view from your window–is beautiful and the tagline you posted after Rose's last picture made me laugh. 🙂

  16. Emily Snow

    Jessica, she is precious. wow, all of your children resemble each other in so many sweet ways. I just want to come over a hold her! Thought of you as I received many many roses this past month after completing my Rose novena. St therese is so very very kind.. always has been, I keep a journal of all of my roses I've received from her friendship.

  17. gretchen

    Dear Jessica,
    I hope you get some sleep tonight. You did an awesome job with feast days even with no sleep. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  18. Michele

    I too was having the same trouble with Right start! I switched my two oldest(11 and 9) to Teaching textbooks this year and continue with Right start with the other 2 school age (5 and 7). I am VERY happy with the change and the ease of math for the older 2 now!

  19. OrangeBlossom

    I liked your remodel design. What program do you use? I have two remodels to do here. One upstairs and the kitchen. I like working with software to see what it would look like.

    I enjoy your blog!

  20. Anonymous

    I can't believe I missed this one!!! And I am in TOTAL shock about how much Rose has changed since we saw you last! It was been WAY too long. Like you I wanted to go to mass and was up all night with a little stinker…. Buttercup! Couldn't believe it! Jessica, she is so beautiful and those pics of her with her dad are so precious. I will offer up a prayer for your family member, too.

  21. Jessica Gordon

    Michele ~ I am so happy to hear that about Teaching Textbooks and Right Start. Thank you!

    Orange Blossom ~ It is just a picture of what was given to us by the engineer we hired. I am not sure which program he uses. I'm sorry!

  22. Katy

    My sister is using teaching textbooks for my nephew's math and is very pleased with it. She said she will use it again next year and will also save it to use for my nieces.

  23. Melissa

    I just wanted to say how awesome it is that your kids know your dad so well that they even know his favorite music!! They must have an incredible relationship!!

  24. The Wades

    That should be nice and crazy building on. I bet you're going to LOVE the extra space.


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